William Ran of Bentforthsyde in the County of Durham yeom aged Sixty yeares or thereaboutes
2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that for these Forty yeares last past or thereaboutes this Depont knowes there hath been a Com[m]on high way for leading and carrying of Timber & all such Com[m]odities from Hedley Newbigin Hexhamshire and other places both in the County's of Northumberland and Durham with Horses Carts waines and Carriages in and through ce
William Stephenson of Chopwell Low Carrs in the County of Durham aged Seaventy yeares and upward Sworne and Examined.
2 3 & 4 To the Second Third and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith he this Depont and the rest of the Countrey both in the Countyes of Durham and Northumbeerland for about Sixty yeares last past to the knowledge of this Depont both <from> Hexhaamshire Mugglewick Hedley and Elsewhere as occasion requires, had used and Enjoyed a Com[m]on high way for Leading an
Thomas Eltringham of the Hall yards in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Fifty Seaven yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined Deposeth as followeth.
To the second Third Fowerth and last Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that he this Depont and the inhabitants of the both the County of Northumberland and Durham as occasion required for about Forty yeares last past and upwards untill of late had and Enjoyed a Com[m]on high way for leading and Carrying of Timber Barke Slates and such li
Hugh Coatesworth of Allendale in the County of Northumberland Gent aged Sixty Five yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined Deposeth as followeth.
2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that for these Forty Nine yeares or thereaboutes there hath to the knowledge of this Depont beene a Com[m]on high way for all their Ma[jes]ties Subjects for leading Carrying and Conveying Lead & Timber and such like Comodities with Horses waines and Carts & Carriages fr
John Ellison of high-Feild in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Sixty Five yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined.
2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that he his Depont and the whole inhabitants within the County of Northumberland and Durham, who had occasion to make use of the Com[m]on high way hereafter mentioned have for these Forty yeares last past untill of late ledd and Carryed Lead wood Timber and such like Comodities with Carts and other Car
George Hawdon of Parksyde in Allendale in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Fifty Eight yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined.
2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Deponent saith that for these Forty Fower yeares or thereaboutes there hath to the knowledge of this Depont beene a com[m]on high way for all their Ma[jes]ties subjects for leading carrying and Conveying of Lead Timber and all <.....> burthensome Goods & Comodities With Horses Carts and Carri
Thomas Walker of Muggleswick in the County of Durham yeom aged Sixty yeares or thereabourtes Sworne and Examined.
2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Deponent saith that both he this Depont and the whole Countrey round about as well in Northumberloand as Durham for these Forty Three yeares past or thereaboutes untill of late yeares have had used and Enjoyed a Com[m]on high way for the Leading and Carrying with Horses waines Carts and other Carriages Lead wood Timber and s
Richard Browne of Whittingstall in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Seaventy Five yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined.
2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that both the this Depont and the whole Countrey round about as well in Northumberland and as Durham for these Sixty yeares last past or thereaboutes untill <of> late have had used and Enjoyed a Com[m]on high way for the leading and carrying with Horses waines Carts or other Carriages Lea
William Hobbs of Spenn in the County of Durham yeom Aged Sixty five yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined Saith as follweth;
1 To the first Interr[ogator]y he saith that he knows the parties in the suite and Did know Sr Richard Tempest the Def[endan]ts father.
2 To the second Interr[ogatory] he saith that there is a high way for Cartt and Carriage from Hedley to Newcastle as in the Inter[rogator]y is mentioned But he never See any Carriage goe that way from Hedley to Newcastle But
Robert Surtees of Ryton in the County of Durham Gentleman Aged Sixty Yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined deposeth as followeth:
2 To the Second Interr this Depont saith that if there be any high way for Cartt and Carriage twixt Hedley and NewCastle it must be a way from Hedley to Ryton Woodside thence to Winlaton Milne thence to Whickham & thence to newcastle for that theres noe passage for Cartt or Carriage from Blaydon to Newcaste.
15 To the fifteenth this Depont saitht tha
Robert Tempest of Winlaton in the County of Durham Gentlem[an] Aged Seaventy one yeares or thereabouts Sworne & Examined Deposeth as followeth.
1 To the first Interr[ogator]y he saith he knows the Compl[ainan]t and Def[endan]t and Did know Sir Nicholas Tempest who was<word crossed out> the Defents Greatgrandfather And also knew Sir Thomas Tempest and S[ir] Richard Tempest Grandfather and father of the Defendt.
2 To the second Inter[rogator]y this Depont Saith That the High St
Robert Tempest of Thornley in the County of Durham Aged Sixty four yeares orthereabouts Sworne and Examined deposeth as followeth.
1:2 To the first and second Interr[ogatorie]s this Depont saith that he knows the parties in this Suite And saith he knowes the Kings high way for Horse Cart and Carriage which leads from Hedley in the Interr[ogator]y mentioned to Newcastle and hath soe known the Land for above forty yeares past, And saith that the said Highway which is and hath been the usuall
George Bell of Franks Close in the County of Durham Aged Fifty three yeares or thereabouts Sworne Examined deposeth as followeth:
9 To the Ninth Interrogatory this Depont Saith that this Depont for about thirty yeares last past He hath used to Lead Wood through the way in question to the Lead hills and in that time hath been often Stopt by the Defendts Steward or Servants from leading through the Peth foot or Way in question untill there was paid unto the said Deft the Summe of four pence p
Counter Interrogatoryes Exhibited to be administered to the Witnesses, to be p[ro]duced Sworne & Examined on the part & behalfe of Sr William Blackett Barrt & others Informants agt Sr Thomas Tempest Barrt Defendant.
1. Did you make use of the way in question, with Carts, Waines or great carriages? to the knowledge of the Deft or of those under whome the Deft claimeth; Or of their Tenants, over the said Bladon Burne, to Bladon low Hill or to the south side of the said Bladon Burne
Issable Barnes of Stella in the County of Durham widow Aged Seaventy two yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined Deposeth as followeth:
1 To the firstInter[ogator]y this Depont saith she knows the parties in this suite and Did know Sr Thomas Tempest and Sr Richard Tempests Grandfather and father to the Defen[an]t.
3:4 To the third and fourth Inter[ogator]y she saith she knows the way in question which leads from Ryton wood to the Peth or Peth heah and thence to Bladon and knows Stel
Richard Turner of Winlaton in the County of Durham yeom Aged forty yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined.
2 To the Second Inter[ogator]y this Depont saith that he knows the way which leads from Hedley to Newcastle in the Inter[ogato]ry mentions And hath heard this Deponts father say that the said way was the Com[m]on high way for Cartt and Carriage Betwixt Hedley and Newcastle.
4 To the fourth Inter[ogator]y he saith that there is noe way for Cart or Carriage But only a Bridleway
Andrew Robson of Stella Westfeild in the County of Durham, aged Fifty Eight yeares or thereabouts Sworne & Examined.
7 To the Seaventh Inter[ogator]y This Depont said that he knows Stella Lead hill which is the Defts and hath soe knowne the same for about thirty yeares last and alsoe knowes Bladon Lead hill or the Low Lead hill and hath soe knowne the Same for about Eighteen yeares last past
9:10:15 To the Ninth tenth & fifeenth Inter[ogator]y this Depont saith that about thir
John Wilford of Stella in the County of Durham yeom Aged thirty Six yeares or therabouts Sworne and Examined.
9:10:15 To the Ninth Tenth & fifeenth Inter[ogator]y this Depont saith that he knows that about twenty yeares Since one Ralph Douglas and Robert Chambers Farmed of the Deft the way through the Peth now in question and the Leadhill called Stella Leadhill for which they paid about the yearly Rent of three pound ten shillings And saith that they were willing and Content to advance
William Renison of Stella in the County of Durham yeom Aged Eight Six or thereabouts Sworne and Examined.
[3] To the third Interr[ogator]y this Depon[en]t Saith that he knows the way which comes from Ryton Woodside leads to Bladon through the Defts Grounds Called Blackmyres and soe to the Peth and Peth head to Bladon town And hath soe known the Same for about Sixty yeares last past And hath commonly heard th[a]t the Same was onely a Brydle way and never knew it Com[m]only used for Cart &a
Anthony Dobson of Bladon in the County of Durham Butcher Aged Seaventy Nine Yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined Deposeth as followeth:
13 To the thirteenth Interr[ogator]y this Depont Saith that about forty yeares since when this Depont came to Live at Bladon one Robert Chambers and one Ralph Douglas as he really beleives farmed of Sr Richard Tempest the two Leadhills called Stella Leadhill and the Low Leadill But under what Rent or Condition they held the same this Depont knows not
Thomas Lowry of Stella in the County of Durham Gente aged forty Six yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined:
3:18 To the third and Eighteenth Interr[ogator]y this Depon[en]t Saith that he knows a way for Cart and Carriage which leads from Ryton woodside through the Grounds of the Deft called the Bogg or Blackmyres and soe to the Peth or Peth head and thence to Bladon and hath soe known the Same for about thirty yeares last and Saith that Mr John Clavering by the Sufferance and Permission
George Lowrey of Stella in the County of Durham yeom Aged Eighty yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined:
3:18 To the third and Eighteenth Interr[ogator]y this Depon[en]t Saith that he knows a way for Cart and Carriage which leads from Ryton Woodside through the Grounds of the Deft called the Bogg or Blackmyres and soe to the Peth or Peth head And hath so known the Same for about Sixty yeares last And saith that Mr John Clavering Doth Farm or pay Rent or Acknowledgement to the Def[endan]
Elizabeth Renison the wife or Wm renison of Stella in the County of Durham aged Sixty yeares of therabouts Sworne & Examined Deposeth:
7:13 To the Seaventh and thirteenth Interr[ogator]y this Depon[en]t Saith she knows Stella Leadhill and Bladon Leadhill or the Low Leadhill and hath soe known the same for about forty yeares And saith that about thirty threee yeares since She hath heard One William Raine who was Steward to Sr Richard Tempest the Def[endan]ts father Say and Declare that
John Thompson of Ermynside in the County of Durham yeom Aged fifty three yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined Deposeth as followeth
3:10 To the third and tenth Interr[ogator]y this Depon[en]t Saith that about thirty Six yeares Since this Depont came through the way called the Peth now in question with a Waine Cart or Carriage of Stones to Stella Leadhill And on his returning found that the way through the said Peth was fallen & Shutt in Soe that this Depont with his Carriage Could
Albert Silvertopp of Bladon in the County of Durham yeom Aged twenty one yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined Deposeth as followeth:
4 To the fourth Interr[ogator]y this Depon[en]t Saith That he knows the way which leads from Bladon to Newcastle And saith the Same is only a Bridle way and not a way for Cart and Carriage to pass by reason of Severall Small and Narrow wicketts And saith that about two yeares agoe there comeing four Waines or Carriages from Swalwell to Bladon laden with