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Witness Depositions – William Robson – 2 Apr 1690

William Robson a Witness Examined for the Informants and now for the Deftndt Deposeth That he hath <....> four pence P[er] tunn paid for Banck leave for laying Wood upon the tow Lead hills at or near Bladon B<...> never knew any Satisfaction given for way leave to the said Hills:

Witness Depositions – William Jobling – 2 Apr 1690

William Jobling a Witnesse Examined for the Complain[an]ts and now on Counter Interr[ogator]ys for the Def[endan]t Deposeth as followeth: 1:2:3 To the first second and third Iner[rogator]ys this Depont saith That he for himselfe and others hath frequently ledd & carryed timber and as he Beleives to the Deft <and> his Grandfathers knowledge to Both the Lead hills <in> the pleadings mentioned without any Interupc[i]on hee having often mett them when he was Leading <a>nd

Report – Thomas Allgood – 31 Jul 1690

Thursday July 31st 1690 Memo that then part of the Bounder of the Regality of Hexham was begun to be ridden as followeth viz. Hexham Hexhamshire and Allendale present  then and there at the Riding thereof the first day Thomas Allgood of Hexham Gent Bailiff of the said Regality John Carr of the same Robert Bell of the same <Toller> John Forster of the same Clerk to the said Mr. Thos. Allgood Thos. Featherston of Dukesfield Hall Alexander Williamston of Hallywell Abraham Williamston

Witness Deposition – William Best – 13 Oct 1690

William Best a witnesse Sworne & Examined on the part of Deft now Sworne and Examined on the part of the Complts Deposeth as followeth. 2 To the second Interry this Dept saith that he hath seen Waines & Carriages of the Countrey round about make use of and goe in and downe the Peth and com[m]on high way now in dispute for these thirty yeares and upwards.

Witness Deposition – Thomas Jackson – 13 Oct 1690

Thomas Jackson of Whickham in the County of Durham Gent[leman] aged thirty six years or therabouts Sworne & Examined:. 18 To the Eighteenth Intry this Depont saithe that he did very well know Thomas Jackson who was a witnesse to the Deed or Writing now produced to this depont att the at the time of his Examination begining with This Ind[entu]re witnesseth made the thirteenth of Novembeer in the fourteenth years of king Charles the second and Ending in the yeare One thousand six hundred S

Witness Deposition – John Pratt – 13 Oct 1690

John Pratt of Stella in the County of Durham yeom ages forty two yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined: 7 To the seaventh Intry this Depont saith that he hath knowne the two severall Leadhills Called Stella Leadhill and Bladon Leadhill for this thirty yeares last past And that he hath heard that one Robert Chambers and Ralph Douglas did farme of Sr Richard Tempest father of the Deft both the said Hills called Stella Lead Hill and Bladon Low hill, and alsoe heard that the said Chambers an

Questions to witnesses – Thomas Tempest – 13 Oct 1690

Interrogatories on behalf of Tempest Interrogatories Exhibited to be administered to the witneses to be produced sworne and and Examined on the part and behalfe of Sr Thomas Tempest Baronet Defndant at the Suite of the Attorney generrall of the Relac[i]on of [William] Blackett Baronett and other the Inhabitants of and within the County Palatine of Durham Informants. Imp[er]s Doe you knowe the said Informant Sr William Blackett and said defendant Sr Thomas Tempest? And how long have you s

Questions to witnesses – William Blackett – 13 Oct 1690

Counter Interrogatories on behalf of Blackett Counter Interrogatories Exhibited on the part and behalfe of their Matyes [Majesty's] attorney Generall on behalf of their Matyes Sr Willian Blackett Barrtt [Baronet] and the Inhabitants of the County Palatine of Durham Complts [complainants] against Sr Thomas Tempest Barrtt to be administered to the defend[an]ts witnesses. 1 Was the acknowledgement which you speak of paid particularly & solely for the way leave downe the Peth, and t

Witness Deposition – William Coulson – 13 Oct 1690

William Coulson of Crawkrook in the County of Northumberland yeoman aged thirty yeares or thereabouts sworn and Exaied [examined] deposeth as followeth viz 2 To the second Intry [Interogatory] this depont saith that he knows a high way for Cart and Carriage which leads betwixt Hedley to Newcastle and hath known the same for fourteen yeares which said high way lead from Hedley aforesaid to Ryton woodside and thence to Winlaton Mill thence to Whickham and thence to Gateside and thence to Newcast

Witness Deposition – William Best – 13 Oct 1690

William B[e]st of Ryton in the County of Durham yeom aged Fifty five yearese or thereaboutes sworne & Examined Deposeth as followeth: 2 To the second Interogatory Hee saith he hath heard severall in the parish of say that the high way for Cart & Carriage from Hedley to Newcastle lyese by Winlaton Mill:- 3:15 To the third and Fifteenth Interrys this depont saith he knows the way which leads from Ryton woodside to Bladon through the grounds of the deft [defendant] called the Black Myre

Witness Deposition – Thomas Pratt – 13 Oct 1690

Thomas Pratt of Bladon in the County of Durham yeom aged fifty seaven years or thereabouts Sworne & Exam[in]ed deposeth as followeth etc: 1:7 To the first and seaventh Interys this Depont saith he knows the plif [plaintif] Sr William Blackett & knew his father and knows Deft and knows the Stella Leadhill which belongs to the plif and hath so known the same for about fifty years And alsoe knowes Bladon Leadhill or the low Leadhill which was formerly a pann Cole Staith and hath soe kn

Witness Deposition – William Tempest – 13 Oct 1690

William Tempest of Lumley Castle in the County of Durham Gent[leman] aged sixty yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined: 3:4 To the third and fourth Interys he saith he knows the way which leads from Ryton Woodside through the deft's land Called the peth or peth head to Stella Lead hill and hath soe known the said for forty yeares and saith the laine was then only reputed as a Brydleway and a Way for the use of the Deft's Ancestor And hath heard that Carriages hath been stopped by

Witness Deposition – Henry Liddell – 13 Oct 1690

Henry Liddell of Ryton woodside in the County of Durham yeom Aged fifty six yeares or thereabouts Sworne & Exam[in]ed deposeth as followeth: 3:7:10 To the third seaventh & tenth Intrys this Depont saith he knows the way W[hi]ch leads from Ryton woodside to Bladon and Stella Leadhill through the deft's Grounds called Black Myres and the peth or peth head and hath soe knowne the same for about forty six yeares during which time the said way was reputed only as a Brydle way or way of

Witness Deposition – William Snowball – 13 Oct 1690

William Snowball of Mickley in the County of Northumberland yeom ages forty two yeares or thereabouts Sworne & Examined: 12 To the twelfth Interrogatry this depont saith that for these Eight yeares last past he hath used a way with Cartt and Carriage through Stella East field to the Low Leadhill or Bladon Leadhill And hath paid to the deft for the way leave & liberty to passe through the said East field with his carriage as oft as he had occasion the yearly sume of three shillings.

Witness Deposition – Thomas Eltringham – 13 Oct 1690

Thomas Eltringham of Hallyards in the County of Northumberland yeom ages fifty fower yeares or thereabouts Sworne & Examined. 12 To the twelfth Inter this depont saith that about Eight yeares since that Depts comeing with a waine or Carriage through a parcell of Ground of the Defts called called Black Byars which is above twenty score yards of from the peth or Bladon peth head intending to goe through Stella East feild to Stella Lead hill was mett by the Deft and by him stoppd who asked t

Witness Deposition – Roger Newton – 13 Oct 1690

Roger Newton of Mickley in the County of Northumberland yeom aged twenty nine yeares or thereabouts Sworne & Examed.: 10 To the tenth Intery this Depont saith that about nine or ten yeares since this depont comeing with a load or foother of wood downe the peth or peth head was stopped at the said peth foot and hindered to goe with his said Carriage over Bladon burne to the Low Leadhill by One Christopher Tayler a Servant to the Deft untill this Depont made or came to an an Agreement for

Questions to witnesses – William Blackett – 13 Oct 1690

Interrogatories on behalf of Blackett Interrogatories to be Adm[inister]ed to witnesses to be p[ro]duced sworne & Exam[in]ed on the part & behalfe of their Matyes [Majesty's] Attorney Generall on behalfe of their Matyes Sr William Blackett Barrt [Baronet] and the Inhabitants of the County Pallatine of Durham, ag[ains]t Sr Thomas Tempest Barrt Deft [defendant]. Imp[rimi]s Doe you know Sr William Blackett in the pleadings ment[i]oned, Did you know Sr William Blackett deceased f

Witness Deposition – Thomas Eltringham – 13 Oct 1690

Thomas Eltringham a witnesse Sworne & Examined on the part of the Deft now Sworne and Examined on the part of the Complts Deposeth as followeth. 2 & 4 To the second and Fowerth Interrys this Depont saith that for these forty yeares and upwards he this Depont hath gone with waines and Carriages loaden with Timber and other Goods & Com[m]odities from Hedley and elswhere in Northumberland in and through certain Land and Grounds of Stella called the Bogg or Blackmire to the Peth head

Letter – William Creagh to Francis Radcliffe – 6 Jul 1693

May it please your Lordshipp I make bold to give your Lordshipp the Trouble of these Lynes, Rather then be so Rude as to silence the Least of your Favours, and most particullarly your Lordhsipps Extraordinary kind Rememberance, by your Fine present of Fowle, which I have now Received, att the consumation of which, I do assure your Lordshipp, your Lordshipps health shall be dranck over, and over, And were it in my Power to make a more Suitable returne, no time should be Lost In the execution

Will – Richard Mowbray – 14 Aug 1693

In the name of God amen The fourteenth day of August in the fifth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord and Lady William & Mary by the grace of god King and Queen of England Scotland France & Ireland defenders of the faith and in the year of our Lord god 1693 I Richard Mowbray of Allanheads in the parish of Allandale and County of Northumberland Gent being sick and weak of body but of good and perfect memory (praise be given to god for the same) And knowing the uncertainty of this Life

Lease – William Blackett to William Ramsay – 16 Nov 1693

This Indenture made the Sixteenth day of November in the Fifth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen defenders of the Faith &r Between Sr. William Blackett of the Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Barrt of the one part and William Ramsay of the Said Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Esqr of the other part Witnesseth that the said Sr. William Blackett For and in

Deed – William Johnson – 6 Jan 1694

This Indenture Quadripartite made the Sixth day of January in the Fifth yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King and Queen defenders of the faith &r. Betweene William Johnson of Kibblesworth in the Countie of Durham Esqr. of the First part, Nicholas Ridley of the Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tine Esqr. Of the Second part, Mathew White of the Said Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tine Esqr.

Will – John Rumney – 14 Mar 1694

In the name of God amen I John Rumney of the towne and County of Newcastle upon tine merchant being in health and of perfect sound and disposing mind and memory blessed be God for the same but not knowing the number of my dayes or att what time I shall be called upon to goe the way of all the earth think fitt to make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following Impri[mi]s I com[m]itt my Soul unto the Father of Spirits who gave it hopeing for acceptance with him upon the ac

Lease – John Bacon to William Ramsay – 2 Oct 1694

This Indenture Made the second day of October in the Sixth year of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen Defender of the faith <et.> Between John Bacon of Staward in the County of Northumberland Esquire of the one parte and William Ramsay of the Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Esquire of the other part Whereas Sr William Blackett of the Said Towne and County of Newcastle u

Lease – William Ramsay to Susanna Bland – 15 Oct 1694

This Indenture made the fifteen day of October in the Sixth yeare of the Raign of our Soveraign Lord and Lady William and Mary by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen defenders of the faith &c. between William Ramsay of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Esqr. Of the one part and Susanna Bland of the Said Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tyne widdow of the other part Whereas Sr. William Blackett of the Said Towne and County of Newca
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467