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Letter – Ralph Grey – 20 Oct 1674

Newcastle October the 20: 1674 Sir This at present is to aquaint you that I have shipt the fire stones in Mr William Dyes one of Mr George Peetts M[aste]rs he is to have 30s per tunne frait I would have pd hime heare but my man and he could not agree of the caridge for we would have pd him for 22 <tts> but he stands for 24 <tts> I gave his men ten shill to drinke which they deserved for one hat swong his <backe> and another <grazed> his thigh besides two or thr

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 27 Oct 1674

October ditto the 27 in 1674 Alderman Webb Thes are to desire you for to send me pr the first opportunity one <hh> of your purged <suger> at 28s p <cwt>. This whats needful from, Sir, your servant Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 27 Oct 1674

October 27 (74) Mr Wm Peacock Yours of the 23rd came to safe hand I have treated with Mr Howard, at Grass to gett me a barrel of the sundry sorts of ore that is in this country, it had been in er now, but that they can gett noe oare from the groves here hath been such great rain since August last, our corn is destroyed upon the ground, & that which is saved, much of it is grown stainted. Mr Peter Watson hath 2 ships come in from Colebrough which is sold here for 5s6d per Bushel & rea

Letter – Ralph Grey – 30 Oct 1674

ditto the 30.1674 Sir I have shipt in Mr Wm Dye M[aste]r of the paull London one of Mr Potts M[aste]rs 12 caskes of oare qt 58:02:4 <tare> 2:0:27 C. I have sent you here inclosed Mr Thomas Shearwood acct for the whole of the ballance being seventy one pounds one shill one penny per next must give him a bill for the ball[ance] of the account <………….> thirty pounds deducted <. ome> is now sould for £17 p <..> but I tould Mr Sherwood he must make upe his ba

Letter – Ralph Grey to Merrall – 3 Nov 1674

November the 3: 1674 Mr Merreall I have here inclosed sent you a bill of 12£ charged upon Mr Barnes payble at 3 days sight which I hope at days will be paid, praye when it is pd let me know that I may place it to your account this whats neadfull from sr your loving friend Ra: Grey

Letter – John Lindsay to James Standsfield – 10 Nov 1674

Nov 10, 1674 Receive enclosed paper which was put into our hands by a very good friend who has great confidence of mee. I desire you would make a private enquirie after the affaire it mentions without communicating anything of any designe in itt but such you think fitt lett us know soe soon as you can with the greatest secrecy possible.

Letter – Ralph Grey – 13 Nov 1674

Newcastle November the 13th (74) Sir Yours of the 2 currant came to safe hand wherein I perceiv you recd the inclosed account of Mr Tho. Sherwoods in which acct you take exceptions against the porters of 15s & 2d which is realy due after weight for portinge to the boat, for the weighing the weight M[aste]r pay besides other dutyes which is not placed to the marchants account. the acct stands thus Cwt qt lb £ s d To lead ore dew

Letter – Ralph Grey – 14 Nov 1674

ditto Honored friend, yours of the 3rd currant came to hand wherein I prceve you recd the acount of the <stons> and fraitt and I hope Mr Wm Pye hath d[elivere]d them to your friends, or now to content he ingaged he would take a speciall care of them, and lead at 13£ per fother and bought up to send for Holland to bring home returns in rye wheat and oats wich continues at the price in my last here is sundry ships arrived out of holand, here is expected both out of the east and

Letter – Ralph Grey – 14 Nov 1674

Newcastle: November the 14: 1674 Sir Yours of the 27th october came to hand and acording to your order I have pd Mr Robert Sutton thirty pounds & do verry much wonder that Hills should so <deal> with me as not to have pd that moneys which I lye out . I hope his brother Henry <Come ng from Bordeaux Lodon with our brandy and wine will nott <fail> to <pap> as they write, I must intreat you to Arrest hime if he not proffer mony with your <oar> agreement, in

Letter – Peirce Reeves to James Standsfield – 17 Nov 1674

Londo Nov 17 1674 Sr James, Our last was of the 10th instant therein sent you a paper relating to business of concernment wch recommended to your care & secrecy. Since noe from you these serves to Advise that Ald Simpson has drawne on you £160 payable to And Donalson the 25 inst ach fords to doe as he advises we desire it may finde due honour upon <d: Aird> & wt yu are short in Cash you may draw the bille on us to answer it. In our last wee advised you Sr Ja

Letter – Edward Willet – 20 Nov 1674

Douer the 20th Novembr 1674 I have your honorable of the 2/11 th curr that is come the same daye that my mother arived heare she hath aquainted me of the kindnesse shee hath had the honnor to receve of your trust deserves more thanks than can possibly bee expressed Ittt is my mothers owne expresson butt God willing she and I shall not lett slipp any good accasion to give all the more we can of our gratitude to your favors, In answer to what you desier to know about corne I shall advis

Letter – Ralph Grey – 21 Nov 1674

Newcastle: November the 21 (74) Sir Yours of the 17th instant wth the inclosed came to safe hand for which & all other favors I send you many thanks as for the inclosed I find little incouridgement all things considered other <than> lead or coles but if god bless me I shall fright a ship in spring wth lead coles & <kerseys>, We have some ships going for Rotterdam wth souldiers who gives 25<s> per lead but the great incouridgement is 28<s> p <Cpll>

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 21 Nov 1674

Newcastle: November the 21: 1674 Mr Peacock Yours of the 20th currant came to hand since my since my [sic] last, here is arrived thre ships with rye from Colebrough two <Newchen Jalland> and Tho. Richison with rye from Roterdam two with <gould> rye from Riga and ½ <dozon> with ots which is sould to the meal makers for 2s 11d per bush[ell] : here is <sundrey> ships cumd with french rye and that its falen to 4s8d per bush and the best danske 5s the badnis of the

Letter – Peirce Reeves to James Standsfield – 26 Nov 1674

London 26 Nov 1674 Sr James Our last was of the 17 instant Adviseing Ald[erman] Simpson had drawn On you £160 payble And<...> Donason. And that Sr Ja. Keith was Dr Viz £480:13:6 principle & £147.9.8 Int[eres]t & since recd Yours of the 12 & 17 take notis of their contents & thank you for yr information & shall expect yr further Advice in it in near time shall speke wth those concernd. receive inclosed accts of Greenhill & in wts needfull. Sr my Br

Notes to James Standsfield – 1 Dec 1674

[outer leaf:]Leade Mynes – how to be wrought & the pduce divided in five parts <L. Barr> <146.13.4> Took duty Staple <jord..> for <Crop> & year of god 1674 Tor B/Poore Mines pag 273 The mine to be wrought and the ore to be divided into five parts the owner of the ground or the lessee to have on part of the ore shaddered and wash’d ready to bee molton and he to so deliver the same in the nature and quality aforesaid and to bee payd for it every 3 mo

Receipt – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 30 Dec 1674

30 Xber 1674 Recaved then of Sr James Standsfeild the som of twenty five pound sterling being for a quarter part of his second Advance made for Defraying of the Charges in Driveing on of the Leed myns of Glen Lyon. I say received by me £25 Stlg Wm Blackett Edinburgh

Letter – John Lindsay to James Standsfield – 7 Jan 1675

Jany 7 1674/5 Per first advise us if you have made any further enquiry after the mines as you promeised .

Letter – Peirce Reeves to James Standsfield – 7 Jan 1675

London Jan 7th 1674 Sr James, Our last was of the 31st past. Since none from you. These are cheifely for conveighance of the Lettr to Mr Wilky from [your] good friend Mr Dan[...] who has writt Sevrall times but receivd noe answer . [Our] desyre is to get his answer upon delivery of it wch forward per first Advise us also if you have maid further inquirey as you promisd abt. the mines. In [...] [...] desyre upon concludeing wth Mr Wilky that all [...] may be pd there not relyeng upo

Letter – John Lindsay to James Standsfield – 21 Jan 1675

Jan 21, 1674/5 Take notice wt you writt that the Earle of Queensberry will shortly be there: when his Lo[rdshi]p is there discourse with him and desire his Lo[rdshi]p to give his proposal and 2 or 3 posts to answer them And as you hinted in a former Letter that you were willing to come in ashare which my friends have prevailed with them to embrace you being myself concerned with them, enquire of his Lo[rdshi]p if he did not once agree with some towards Darbyshyre who by some accident did not

Letter – Peirce Reeves to James Standsfield – 21 Jan 1675

London Jan 21 1674 Sr James, Our last was of the 16 instant therein desyred you to send up per first such writeing as is required for my Br. Lindsay to signed on acct of Mr Wilkys estate. And inclosed was a Lettr to himself. Since Recd Yours of the 14th instant Adviseing your readiness to comply wth Ald[erman] Simpsons twoe Bills on You for £200 - If you draw on us the Value shall be duely honourd. This day we spoke with Mr Andrew Duncan who knows not od any money hes to receive on Mr

Letter – Ralph Grey – 22 Jan 1675

Newc[astle] Jan the 22 1674 Sr Yours of the 16 Jan came to hand I perceive by it [your] [booke] you find in debetor in your booke £42:3s which I thought Mr [Hill] had pd forty pounds which which [sic] <C> he writ <thereof> If he have not pd that order it up, he did asure me he left soe much in the wood mongers hand to pay you, I shall writ him about it for allowed him <10>£ upon acct and for the remainder I hope youn will abaite for the loss I had in <T>horp

Letter – Peirce Reeves to James Standsfield – 29 Jan 1675

Our last was of the 18th inst. Since recd yours of the 20th. Take notis of the contents & w[i]th[i]n recd your accot currant, but not your accot of Bills wch desyre per next. of your accot shall advise per next & as to the Leed Myns Mr Vemuyden will write to you at large before he setts forwerd his journey theither wch he intends being <…> needfull. For my Br. Jno Lindsay & Comp, Peirce Reeves.

Letter – Ralph Grey to Watkins – 2 Feb 1675

ditto To Mr Wathing to send per the first opportunity <8> dozen of the best Round pins not other at present but that I am Yours Ra:Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to Matthew Shepherd – 2 Feb 1675

ditto To Mr Sheapard for two buts of the best [Mosall] p Ra:Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to Merrall – 2 Feb 1675

Newc[astle] Feb the 2nd 1674 To Mr Merreall for [6] Rims of<cap> paper <6s per> and of 2lb 6 Bundals of 1lb: 6 Bundall of half lb not other but that I ame yours Ra:Grey
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467