In the name of God Amen I Ralph Vazie of Lowbyar in the parish of Alston & County of Cumberland being sick in body but of good & perfect memory so make & Ordaine this my last Will & Testament in manner & forme following. First & principally I commend my Soul into the Hands of God my Creator hoping assuredly through Christ Jesus my Redeemer to obtain full & free Remission of all my sins, and my Body to the earth of which it was made to be buryed att the discretion of
Wheras an agreement was made virbaly &c about Christmas last past by Mr Samuel Turner on the behalf of Chas Montague, and Wm Forster on the behalf of Mr John Wilkinson one of the Trustees for the Collierys of Sr Wm Blackett Bart deceased and self to allow and pay into the Coale buyers wch are Lightermen 3d pr London Cha[ldron] under the Consideration of giving their true & best assistance they could for enlargeing the vend of the above gentlemens Coales, Notwithstanding wch, contra
This Indenture made the Sixth day of February in the Sixth yeare of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne by the grace of God of Great Brittaine France & Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith ec. Between William Davison of Beamish in the County Pallatine of Durham Esqr.& John Wilkinson of the Towne & County of Newcastle upon Tyne Merchant of the one parte And William Ramsay of the sd. Towne & County of Newcastle upon Tyne Esqr. of the other parte Wittnesseth That the sd. William Da
Mr Ord,
Seing the view is put of and that no Quietness can be had about the houses (which you may se by what I here Inclose) I can very well <p.ceive> to be my Lds: So that Jno Robinson and the disturb<uble> people in the house shall not think to hector us out of whats due to my Ld therefore if it must be a tryall I am resolvd to slip notice on behalf of my Ld: So will immediately Eject them unles Mr Wilkinson and you can come up on Friday. I desire youl let me have a note of the C
In the Name of God Amen I John Walton of Annat Walls in the parish of Aldston & Diocese of Durham and County of Cumberland yeoman being weak of Body but of perfect mind and memory considering the fading & transitory Estate of Mortall men doe make this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following That is to say Impr[im]is I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the Meritts of my blessed Saviour to receive free Remission of all my Sins and my Body t
In the name of God Amen; I Nicholas Armstrong of Williamstone in the parish of Knarsdale & County of Northumberland yeoman, being sick in body but of good & perfect remembrance praised be God for the same. and calling to mind the uncertainty of this life and being desirous to settle my earthly concerns do make & ordaine this my last will & Testament in maner & forme following; first & principally I commit my soul into the hands of God my Creat[o]r hoping assuredly throug
The Hon.ble Cha. Montagu Esq To the Exers of Sr Wm Blackett Barrot Deceased
1704 9ber 11
To one yrs rent due them for 1/12th pt of Stella Coll.y
according to lease £ 250
To 1 1/2yrs Rent from Mart. 1704 to May day 1706 @ £166
13s4d p annum Is in proportion to other rents of sd Col £ 250
1706 9ber 11
To 1/2 yrs rent from May day 1706 to Mart. 1706 according
To the abatement of 1/5 pt ma
Rotterdam 12 Novembr 1708
Cousin Wilkinson
I Recd yrs of the 22th Octobr by wch I perceive my Cousin is yet ill wch am mighty sorry to hear, this day the Lords of the Admiralty has given order that the Fleet shall sail next Thursday wind & weather permitting. The London fleet sails at the same time. They have 3 men of war with them as far as Orford Ness, & then one of the ships sees the London ships safe in the harbour & the other two sails Northwards. They say the
Mr Cutht Burton Rotterdm 16 Novmbr 1708
Sr my last to you was of the 13 past Since none from you, So this is chiefly to Send you bill of loading & Invoice of the above mentioned goods I hope they will prove to Content, if the Wind had continued Easterly the Ships had Sailed this Day but you may Expect they will Saile wth the first wind, flax keeps yet dear & will continue So as long as the fleet is here, flax is al
Mr J Kelley Rotterdm 20 Novmbr 1708
Sr this day I am favoured wth yrs of the 1 9ber your Stile, by wch I perceive you found the Acct of Bulmans Coales without Error & noted accordingly. I will do my endeavoir to Send you per this Convoy wch only waites for a fair wind, the Candle week you write for, but for the Shaving pleet will be impossible to get unless one was certain the fleet would Stay 5 or 6 days longer pl
Mr A Shaftoe Rotterdm Novmbr 20th 1708
Sr This is only to acquaint you that Coales is at present a Drug here are Severall Masters that lays Loaden & cannot get any money bidden for them when they begin to Sell I believe will bring the price down to 17 or 171/2 gl a <hoodt>, I hope you have take no Ships on for this place trade is very bad, I cannot advice my friends to Send any Sort of Merchandise all things
Cousin Wilkinson Rotterdm the 23 Novmbr 1708
Sr Since my last none from you, I mighty glad to read in our written News from London that the lady Mary Fenwick was dead & that Sr Wm Blackett got £2000 per Annum by her death, I hope I Shall have this good News confirmed the next post by Some of my friends, it has been often reported She was dead, but now I wish it may be true I do here inclosed Send you for your Acct 3 bills
Mr Cutht Burton Rotterdm 23 Novmbr 1708
Sr this is onely to acquaint you that I have drawn on you this day a bill of £58 at 2 usance payable to Mr John Wilkinson or order the Exchange at 35 <B/3> wch is f613:7 for wch I make you Credit the Ships for Hull Newcastle Sailed last Saturday, but Abraham Bosfield is left behind, he says there was So little wind & the Tide So Strong that he could not get out, the Ships
Mr N Clayton Rotterdm 23 Novmbr 1708
Sr this is onely to acquaint you that I have this day drawn on you at 2 usance a bill of Exchange of £48 payable to Mr John Wilkinson or Order, the Ships for hull & Newcastle Sailed last Saturday wth one Man of War but Abraham Bosfield is left behind, I think he is as well here, they had contrary Winds ever Since they Sailed a bad weather the London fleet Sails wth 2 Men of War by t
Cousin Wilkinson Rotterdm 30 Novmbr 1708
Sr I Recd yours of the 8 past by wch I perceive you think Mr Allan was very much to blame to Speake to the broaker, can assure you it was true though I would not have you to take any notice of it, Robt Young is this day Safe arrived, I hear he has 1200 ps lead all for Mr Allan, I hope you will Some time think of me when oppertunity offers, the Greatest demand for lead is always in febry
Mr Featerstone & Reay Rotterdm 30 Novmbr 1708
yrs of the 9th past came Safe to hand, I have bought part of the flax & Twine & will Ship them aboard Robt bulman, I have been at all the Shops in towne & cannot find one Matt Rainsbr Tow, it is all bought up, Abram Bosfield is partly loaden wth it, wth much adoe I have found 2 Matts Bossell wch will Ship as above, & likewise the paper, it is a Strong good Ship carrys 8 Guns
Mr Featherstone & Reay Rotterdm 7 Decembr 1708
My last to you was of the 30th past, Since has not been favoured wth yours, here inclosed I Send you Invoice & bill of loading of 6 Matts flax 20 Matts Rynsbs Tow 2 Matts Twine 3 Matts Bostle Tow & 3 Matt Paper, On board Robt Bulman; I hope you will find them all to Content, [struck out: ‘I believe you will’] wth much difficulty I found 20 Matts Rynsbr Tow at 121/2gl but Bo
Mr B Clayton Rotterdm 7 Decembr 1708
Sr I Recd yours of the 9 October by wch I perceive you would not have me to Send any Sneet Lint, am Sorry Busfield was gone to the briel or otherwise would have taken it ashore here inclosed I Sent you Invoice & bill of loading of 10 Matts Rynsbr Tow & 20 Nests of Crusables on board R Bulman, Rynsbr Tow is very Scarce Could not find one Matt more in the Whole Towne, th
Mr J Kelley Rotterdm the 7 Decembr 1708
Sr [struck out: ‘In my Last I writ you the price of Rape’] I Refer my Self wholely to my Last, no Alteration is yet in the price of Rape Sold, here inclosed I Send you bill of loading & Invoice of 2 Matts Candle Weeke & 1 bagg Shaving <Pleet> a board Robt Bulman I am Dr Sr
Exchange 35:11/2 or 35:2 at 2 usance
Cousin Wilkinson 11 Ditto
Sr Since my last none from you, here inclosed I Send you the Acct of <350 qts> lead per Jacob frost, for wch I make you Credit for the ballance f2438:18 in 2 or 3 posts will Remit you the money my Service to all friends
Exchange 2 us[uance] <35 R:2 rs>
Coales 18 a 181/2gl
Sr Edw Blacket Ditto
Mr Field has Sent me per your orders 2 Ankers Ale for wch I give you maney thanks, lead 211/4 <B> in March & April the Greatest demand is for that Commodity, here are a Sort of handkerchiefs wch we call Naples handkerchiefs if you please to have a dozin will Send them per first oppertunity
Messrs Ridley Ditto the 18 1708
Since my last none from you, I make to trouble you wth a line to acquaint you how goods rules wth us, if I am capable of doing you any Service please to Command
Iron Potts & yetlings f6 1/4gl
Buttery f61gl
Twine 2 & 3 <tdc f19gl>
Canvas 23 3/4gl <d.> Bolt
Taback best 8:9 or 10 Stl
Common 5 1/2 or 6 1/2 Stl
Worst 4 or 4 1/2
Madder on
Cousin Wilkinson Rotterdam the 28th Decembr 1708
Sr I have before me yours of the 23 9br & 3 Decembr by wch I perceive you had got my last three bills accepted, I See had rather have bills payable in London than in Your place, if I had know it before would not have Sent you the above mentioned bills, but indeed what I did was for the best, bills on Newcastle are always <2%> lower than on London, & when you buy bills the
Mr John Kelley Rotterdm 28 Decembr 1708
Dear Sr I have before me yours of the 7 Decembr am glad to hear that Bulman & Bosfield are arrived, we are afraid here that Dodman is foundered at Sea he Sailed from hence Some days before the other two Ships, God be Thanked I Shipt no Goods in him, I give you maney thanks for your letter to Mr Whitton, this post I designe to write him the prises of all Wollen goods, though I
Mr Reay Rotterdm 28 Decembr 1708
Dear Sr I have before me yours of the 3 Decemr am glad to hear that Robt Bulman is arrived, we are here afraid that Dodman is foundered at Sea, he Sailed Some days before Bulman God be thanked I Shipt no goods in him, Last Week I went to Amsterdm & tooke Mrs Reays Napkin with me thinking to find the Same Sort, but could not find any thing like it, will take the Size & r