Mr Henry Witton Rotterdm 28 Decembr 1708
Sr my very good friend Mr Kelley writ me the last post that he would be concerned wth you in a parcel of mixt & white Kerseys if you would grant me the Commission here, wch you freely concentd too, for wch I give you maney thanks, when ever you are pleased to favour me wth a Commission, Shall find that none will Serve you better or honester than I will doe, here under the prices th
Rotterdm the
Sr Edw Blackett
I Recd a letter from Mr Jones dated the 30 Novembr last by wch I perceive [struck out: ‘Capt Burton is advanced to a’] you will have one dozin of Naples handkerchiefs will be sure to Send them by Capt Burton or Some other carefull hand, Lead is 21 ¼ <B> & I believe will rise, if you please to let Mr Mewburne Send me what lead you have now made by
Dear Brother C Ditto
I Recd both your letters of the 30 Novembr & 7 Decembr am glad to hear that you & my friends upon Ludgate hill are well, in your first you write for 5 or 6 Shirts, if you write me what price, will Endeavoir to send them by Some carefull Man Pray deliver the Inclosed I am
Mr Robt Shafto Ditto
Sr I Recd your kind letter of the 19 Novembr by wch I perceive you had treated With Severall Masters about coming to this place wth coals indeed I was very glad to hear that none would Serve you at 12 and 13gl if you had Sent any you had certainly been a Looser, Coales was yesterday 181/2 or 18gl but having the news that Gent & Bridges are in our hands it is thought they will advance in pri
Mr John Kelly Ditto
Sr my last to you was the 28 past Since have not been favoured wth yours yesterday we Recd the good news that Gent was Capitulating, & the Antwerp News paper of this day Says that Gent [Ghent] was over & the French had left Bridges [Bruges] wch had given Such a liveliness to corne, but particularly to Rape seed that it is advanced to 42 or 44£ if you can buy any wch is good at 17£ I will willingly
Cousin Wilkinson Rotterdm the 4th January 1708
Sr the taking of Gent & Bridges has given Such a liveliness in the price of lead that Severall parcells has been Sold at 21 1/2 <p> & 100pcs at 21 3/4 I hope when you Send any, you will Remember me, when ever you are pleased to Send any lead & has no mind to be concerned wth the coals wch are generally in a Ship that comes wth lead, Pray let me know I will have that for
Mr Featherstone & Reay Ditto
S[ince] my last none from you, this is onely to acquaint you that since Gent & Bridges has been in our hands lead is much advanced, Severall parcells has been Sold at 21 1/2 <st> & 100pcs at 21 3/4 <st/B> it is the opinion of most that Coales will likewise advance in price, thought at present no more than f19, Jno Kitchinman took no Goods Inn from hence for your place, wch I was very Glad
Mr Fenwick Ditto
Sr I Rced your kind letter & give you maney thanks for your kind wishes, I do not question but you have heard of Gent & Bridges being in Our hands wch has given Such a liveleness in the price of lead that Severall parcells has been Sold at 21 1/2 & 100 pcs at 21 3/4 <B> it is thought that lead [sic: coal?] will likewise advance though the price is now but f19, last Week I went to Waite upon Mrs Fromantle
Sr Edw Blackett Ditto
Thought I writ you last post yet the price of lead is Since advanced that I do here trouble you wth another letter Since Gent & Bridges are in our hands Severall parcells has been Sold at 21 1/2 a 21 3/4 <B?> I would have you by all means to Send all the lead that is made per first convoy, if you will not have it for your own acct will take it for mine, & Remit as I writ you by my last letter
Mr C Burton Rotterdm 4 Jann 1709
Sr This is to acquaint you that Severall Ships are here now for your place if you please to have any goods let me know by the first post; I am
Mr John Kelley Rotterdm the 1 Feby 1709
Sr yesterday I Recd yours of the 31 Decembr as likewise one from Mr Witton he writes me that a parcell of mixt Kerseys was gone for Hull and so for <Tergow> he Says the charges will be Less, but I believe he will find that will but differ very little, this post I designe to answer his letter, I will write you the Exact price here under, you may be very well assured I will do my
Mr B Clayton Ditto
I have this day drawn on you a bill of 13£ 15Shillings payall to Mr John Kelley a 35 <st?> 2 grot I make you debit for 1gl & 8Sll for letters and make you Credit for the bill f145-0.8
Messrs Featherstone & Reay Rotterdm the 1 Feby 1709
Yesterday I Recd of the 7 Janny we have had a very great frost for these 3 months that not one Ship has been able to get ancher In the Maese or Hellevoet Sluys, we had 7 mails at once from England, am mighty glad the flax proved as good as that wch my neighbours Sent, & will Endeavour to Send Some wch is not <fals> packt, here is a Ship wch belongs to your place, if he
Mr H Wilton Ditto
Sr I Recd yesterday yours of the 25th decembr the reason the letter has been So long a Comming is we have had a great frost that no Ships was able to come in to our ports, I perceive you have ordered the mixt [struck out: ‘clothes’] Kerseys for Tergow, I believe you will find little difference in the charges, betwixt that place & Rotterdm, Since Gent & Bridges has been in our hands t
Mr Wilkinson Ditto
Sr I Recd your letter of the Jann we had a great frost for these 3 weeks, wch has put a Stop to all trade, Since the frost there has been no Sort of Merchandise, for as you know very well every thing is Sent from Town to Town in Boats, I See you designe to Send very little if any lead these 3/m when ever you Send any I hope you will not forget me I will take the coales as I writ you before, I d
Sr Edward Blackett Ditto
Writ him that I had Sent the handkerchiefs by Mr Jackson of Leeds & cost f19:8, there are Severall of the Same colour though not So large & worse Silk but these are the best in holland
Mr Brommell Rotterdm the 5 feby 1709
Dr Sr Yours of the 24 decembr came to hand the other day, the reason it was So long a comming is we have had Such a Great frost for this month that not one Ship, (not So much as a Pacquet) was able to get into the Maese or Hellevoet Sluys, though Severall times before the Landt & always forc’d to put back into English harbours, four days agoe we had a thaw wch brought 7
Mr John Field Rotterdm the 5 feby 1709
Sr I Recd both your letters of the 17 Novembr & 29 Decembr, I would have answered the former long ago but was in hopes to have advised you the arrivall of the R Raven, your last letter onely came to hand the other day, we have had Such a great frost that not one Ship (not So much as a Pacguet was able to get into the maese or Hellevoet Sluys, though Severall times before
Mr Robt Fenwick Rotterdm 19 feby 1709
Sr this is onely to acquaint you that the great Snows & hard frosts wch has been this year has Risen the prises of corn very considerably as you may See here under & it is the oppinion most people that it will yet be dearer
Exchange 35 <Bst?>
lead 21 3/4
W. Wheat
Mr Garforth Rotterdm 22 feby 1709
Sr I make bold to acquaint you that I am now Settled in this place wth a designe to follow merchandise, if I can Serve you in any thing here please to Command, we have had very hard frosts & great Snows all this Winter wch has risen the price of corne very Considerabley, & will yet be much dearer, it is thought the corne in the ground is all Spoilt, pray when you favour
Mr C Burton Rotterdm 5 March 1709
Sr I Recd yours of the 28 Jannuary wth orders to buy 4 Matts flax & 10 Matts Rynsbr Tow wch I Shall Ship the first oppertunity our Rivers has not been free from Ice these 2 months wch is the Reason that no flax has been brought to Market, but now it being a great Thaw I designe to buy your flax Next Market day though no Ships are as yet laid on for your place, but the Reason
Messrs Featherstone & Reay Ditto
Since my last none from you this is onely to acquaint you that it is the opinion of most people that flax will be much dearer, the reason is, because corne is mighty dear therefore the country people will much rather Sow their ground wth corne wch is thought will turne to great advantage
Mr Blackett New:C: Mar:11:1708/9
Sr Yors of the 12th Inst yor Stile is Come to hand wch I observe Inclos’d you have a bill of Lading For 527 doz bottles on board Robt Bulman & Send the Neet proceed of them on board of him all in Tow vizt 5: Matts Bottles Tow and all the rest Reynsbro Tow. Let them be good and mark as in the margent [‘RL’ shown in adjacent left margin], also ship on board of him 5 matts <blo> Flax about 22 Pr <Ho> (if yu can draw For it in this To
Mr C Jno Stephenson Junior a Newcastle Rotterdm 12 March 1709
Sr I Recd your letter of the 4 Feby but last Sunday, the reason it has been So long a comming is, we have had Easterly Winds for these 3 Weeks it frezes here as yet as hard as ever, you may be assured when ever you order any Goods will Serve you to the utmost of my power, I have not as yet loaden any thing for Mr Reay our Rivers being froze no Goods can come to Markett, this day one Wm Mills is laid on
Mr John Kelley Rotterdm 12 March 1709
Sr last Sunday I Recd both yours of the 5th & 14 feby yr Stile, there was five mails delivered out at once, & I have got 2 Mails due, it freezes here as hard as ever, I hope by this time you have got a Ship for the Seed, it I think it will be as well if you Send for the Seed to Newcastle by land & then Ship it for this place, it will not be very hard to get Insurance mad