Mr Henry Wilton Rotterdm 12 feby March 1708/9
Sr I Recd yours of the 9 feby yr Stile wth bills of loading of 7 packs & Samples of the Mixt Kersey last Sunday, we had 5 Mails delivered out all at once & has yet 2 Mails due, when the Ships arrives will dispose of the Goods to your most advantage, I wish the Mixt Kerseys had come before the frost, the Country people are now mostly provided, I perceive in No 2 you have S
Mr Tho <Vazie Rotterdm the 12 feby March 1709
Sr last Sunday I Recd yours of the 4th feby , we had 5 mails delivered out at once & has yet 2 due, I perceive you have a mind to make a triall of me, when ever you order any goods Shall find nothing but honesty by me, Indeed I have had letters from other people who has complained of L:A: I have inquired for Edm Quash of the Olive Branch of Lynn but finds he has not been here t
Mr Ralph Hall Ditto
I Recd yours of the 8 feby though not before last Sunday, when we had 5 mails delivered out at once & there are 2 yet due, the frost continnes here as hard as ever, when you are pleased to order any Goods Shall find nothing but Honesty by me, French Cork there is none in Towne, but Severall parcells Expected the last was Sold for 14gl, bottle Corke you may have the best Sort 15Stl Second Sor
Wak: March 16 1708
Mr: John Blacket
I have your favour of the 12 Instant before me, I am Glad you got the Sample &c: Safe Mr Sykes writ me tht the fleat was to Saile last Saterday If Wind served under 2 English Men of Warr, and We have had N.W: Winds ever since makes me hope they’r over Er this (tho has Not heard from Hull) I <Despatched> the Goods when Sent them from hence to bean wth: you In the begining of the year, but Since we Coud not Must submi[t] to <the p
Mr James Morton Rotterdm the 18 March 1709
Sr I am favoured wth yours of the 25th feby per Stile, by wch I perceive you load the Liddell John Binks wth a Bulk of Good Coales you may be assured I will do my utmost endeavour to Sell them at the highest price but at present here is no demand, we have had a very hard winter & our Rivers being froze no Coales could be Sent to any place the coales wch was lade up are all yet uns
Mr John Guinneys of Plymouth Rotterdm the 22 March 1709
Sr This is to acquaint you that I am now Settled in this place wth a designe to follow Merchandise, if I can Serve you in any thing please to Command, I have Severall times inquired after you of Masters of Ships & others, & now I hear you are Married, I wish you & your Lady Health, long life & all other happiness you can Selfs desire, we have had a very great frost this Wint
Mr Hen Witton Rotterdm 29 March 1709
Sr Since my last I have Recd yours of the 2 March by wch I perceive you have Sent 4 last of Rape Seed for Hull, I wish it may come time enough to save the Fleet, but if it Should come too late it is not much matter, it is the opinion of alle here that the price will rather advance than fall, Mr Kelley has bought Some time agoe 14 or 16 last Each concerned ½ for 16£ if it comes Safe there will be
Messrs Featherstone & Reay Rotterdm the 29 March 1709
I Recd both yours of the 4 feby & 8 March, by the former See you had accepted my bill of £95, you may be assured I will forbear drawing on you on long as I can, Edmd . Quash is this day Safe arrived & designes to load for your place, I will Ship most or all your goods a board of him the fleet will Sail in 14 days, the corne contrary to all Expectations has recd no damidge b
Mr John Feild Ditto
Sr I Recd both yours of the 16 feby & 8 March, am Sorry you had So much trouble in Shiping my ale, This day Tho Procter Robt Hunter, Richd Ellis are all Safe arrived, wth the Dutch Convoy, I hope we Shall have the Rest of the Ships in one or two days, if they chance to get any Misfortune the Masters will be blamed for not Sailing wth the Dutch Man of War, when the Season is for Rape Seed pray acquaint m
Wakefield March 30th 1709
John Blacket
My last to you was of the 16th Instant Since has yours of the 29th, The Fleat did putt to Sea from Hull, but was forced back by Conterry winds and does lie there and I am afraid they will be, for Last past gave an Accnnt that their was an Embargo laid on All Ships In Harbour, Upon advice that a Squaderon was put to sea from Dunkirk, and it was Not Known wch way they Sailed, Soe I am afraid it’l be some time before it be Taken off, but Must have
Mr N Clayton Rotterdm 5 April 1709
Sr here above I Send you Invoice of 16 Bolts Canvas 8qts Bouselar & 6qts Hemlin Shipt on board the Jonathan Wm Mills Master wch I hope will prove to Content, you have likewise Inclosed bill of loading of the same, the Master is with his Ship at the Brile & Sails wth 2 Men of War for Yarmouth Roads per first fair Wind, we have had a very hard Winter all our Rivers was frose for
Mr Cuth Burton Rotterdm 5 April 1709
Sr I Recd yours of the 5 March as likewise one from Mr John Hester who wrotes he will accept my Bill of £40 for your Acct when I draw on him, wch is very well, here above you have Invoice of 4 Matts flax & 10 of Rynsbn Tows wch I hope will come Safe & prove to content, the Master is wth his Ship at the briel onely waiting a good Wind, he Sails wth 2 English Men of War for Ya
Mr John Kelley Ditto
Sr Since my last none from you this is onely to Send accompt & bill of loading of 1 Matt Candle Week wch you ordered Some time agoe pray let me know whether this or the last proves best I bought them of two different men, Wm Mills Sails per first fair Wind wth 2 Men of war for Yarmouth Roades he has promised to take care of the <Iornlafe Tea> but the Mercht Tiles & paper is left behind Ships
Mr R Hall Rotterdm 8 April 1709
Sr I Recd yours of 11 March, wth bill of loading of 527 doz bottles on board Robt Bulman at his arrivall will Sell them at the highest price possible, you order me for the neet <pr.decd> of the bottles but Rynsbn Tow onely 5 Matt Bostle Tow, I have had orders these 5 Months from Mr Reay for 30 Matts Rynsbn Tow but cannot get half the quantity, I writ to harlem to enquire if
Mr J Kelley Rotterdm 16 April 1709
I Recd yours of the 18 March by wch I perceive the Ships was not Sailed from your place, we have had very uncertain weather, the Wind goes Round the Compass almost Every day, am Sorry the R Seed Comes So much Short of our Expectation, here is a friend of mine who bought 60 last and Remitted money for the Same, but Since it has got to So high a price, the farmers Sa
Mr H Witton Rotterdm the 16 April 1709
Sr I am favoured wth yours of the 16 March by wch perceive you have bought 14 last Rape Seed wch am mighty glad to hear the price you have here under & will be I believe Some what higher, but if you can get 23£ would advise you to Sell it all you have then a certain profit, there is Generally 10 perC lost by the measure, unless you buy at Stockton & there the meas
Mr John Blacket Wak: Apr 16th 1709
I am fav:rd wth yours of this date by Mr Job<son> that the Ships is Not yet Arrived but hopes Your Next Will bring Good News of their Arrivell for Sailed oute of the <Reades> the 6 instant, We have Acct: tht the french fleate Sailed Northward and the English Squaderon Under Sr John <Noray> is in persuit of them, I perceive you have Insured in Mr: Kellys Acct: in Wallis 1000gl, Tho had happened a Misfortune he had Got it Repaired and
Messrs Featherstone & Reay Rotterdm 19 April 1709
here inclosed I Send bills of loading of Goods Shipt onboard the Olive branch Wm Quash Mt & the consent George paine Mt for wch I make you Debter f1913:1 if I was to buy the flax now Should be obliged to give 1 1/2 or 2 Stl [stuivers?] more Rynsbn & Borstle Tow are very Scarce I have had much adoe Send the quantity you ordered, you will find my Rynsbn Tow the best in the
Mr John Stephenson Junr at Mr Wm Turners in the Great Market Ditto
Sr here inclosed I Send bill of loading of 4 qts linnen Shipt as above, I hope they will prove to content my friend at Amsterdm writes me they are good of the Sort I would have Sent Mrs Reay a qts of Callico but hears She is gone to the Bath, therefore thinks best to Stay till her returne pray advise Mr Robt Stephenson to accept my bill when I draw on him for your Acct
Coales 22gl but will fall when
Mr Tho Vazie at Mr Tho Salkeld Ditto
Sr I Recd yours of 15 March wth bill of loading of 102 dozin bottles per Abram bosfield, when he arrives Shall dispose of them to your most advantage, who ever writ bottles was at 26Stl informed you wrong, one may buy at 25Stl at present, when the Fleet arrives the price will fall great quantities is Expected, here inclosed you have bill of loading of 19 qts linnen & ½ qts of Satin for a Lin
Wakefield April 23rd 1709
Mr John Blacket
Since my last of the 16th has before me Yours of this date am Glad the Ships is arrived, Wallis I think is very unfortunate He having happened Soe many Misfortunes in this Voige but I hope this Will not be anny Great one to him on us – for you gave me Good incoridgment tht in two tyids he Woud get off, Soe I hope this will find the Goods in him and the other Ships Safe Delivered, which I wish A Good Market for has laid 4 Months Dead. I am So
May 6 1709
May it please yr Excellency
The Hours of Great men are Sacred, and not to be disturbed upon every occasion, But, my Lord, we have reason to believe that this high Station, which yr Excellency so worthily fills has made no other alterations in yr Lordship but that it has enlarged yr power of doing good.
My Ld., amongst a Crowd of Petitioners, which apply themse
Wakefield May the 7th 1709
Mr: John Blacket
I am favd: wth: yours of the 7th instant. I perceive tht Great quantitys of Rapes Came over wth the last fleate and Wass Sold for A good price Wee have lost the Stated Convoy that Was to Saile wth the fleate betwixt Hull and your place Soe Knows not When Cann Gett the Seed Sent, I Observe tht Woud Wallis and Huntington is Safe Arrived, ns I hope the Goods May be Safe in Your Custody, It Was a great Disapointment In Not Getting thm Sooner
Dear Sir May 12
I am favoured with a letter by your Servt But the <Quack> forgot to Send his Direction <their> must be <..> I told the patient that his Physician does not in the least question to make a perfect Case. Provided he do not dye in the <….> which has putt him into such a fright that he dare not so much as look at the outside of the bottle, much less make use of whats within
James May 12th 1709
Am sorry you can find no Rents that particularly names the one halfe of the Tythes of Seaton, there is <without> doubt in the Evidence Closett, provided you p[er]use Every p[ar]ticular paper, Which be sure you do Every day an hour or two till you get through the whole writing. All sorts of Grain here keeps at a very Extravagant price, and rather rises Excepting Barley, tho it is at an unseasonable high price viz. 30 <s> per Quart[er] and Oates