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Letter – Edward Blackett to Aletheia Blackett – 5 Jun 1709

D[ea]r Aletheia June 5 Am sorry to perceive by yours that you have been much out of order of late, but am glad you are Recover’d, I do not in the least question when my nephew comes to Age, but my son John will have the Disposing of all his Lead, for I have his word for it when he was last at Newby. Am glad to hear Lead rises in price And as soon as we have a Peace which I make not the least question but will be Shortly twill be still dearer, I have not yet gott

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Clark – 6 Jun 1709

James Clark June 6 Upon the Rect of this Lettr I desire you’ll write to Martin Fenwick to hasten down the Lead with all possible Speed. For I perceive there’s above 500 pcs made and little more than 200 in the Cellar, Speak likewise to the Wherryman that they bring it down as fast as it comes to Newburne. Pray Delivr the enclosed to Mr Pemberton with yr own hand, and let me know per Frydays post what Leads in Cellar and what at Newburne & the pric

Letter – Edward Blackett to Ralph Pemberton – 6 Jun 1709

June 6 I could not possibly believe that Mr Pemberton should be guilty of so base and unworthy an action as to Endeavour to make an Intrigue with my Daughter, I should never have believed it but that my Daughter was so wise as to give me her Lettr which you may imagine Surprized me very much, can you possibly have the vain thoughts as to think yr Selfe a fit match for my Daughter, if you did you went a very Scandalous way to Work to desire her to let you know how yr lettr might com

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Errington – 6 Jun 1709

Sr June 6 I Recd. only one Lettr. from you which was this morning and as for the disposing of my Slaggs I would have you first have a Tryall, and then you’ll know best what to offer for them per fother tale, whoever takes them must get them dressed & washed against Mich[ael]mas , for tis impossible to get any quantity Smelted this summer by reason of the grest easement of water, if you’ll let me know per first post what I shall give you per fo

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacques Parmentier – 10 Jun 1709

Sir June 10 I am very glad to hear you have finished my Lord Dukes Work, and I hope to his Satisfaction. Pray as soon as you can possibly Spare time do me the fav[ou]r to come to Newby & finish my Stair Case, and Landing & you shall be Gratifyed to yr own Satisfaction and believe me yr Real friend & Serv. I hope yr next will give me an acct of yr Coming to Newby For Mr Parmentier at Worksop <Man[sfiel]d per Tuxford bagg>

Letter – Edward Blackett to Whitaker – 10 Jun 1709

Sr June 10 I Recd the favr of yr Lettr and I perceive you have given yr Selfe the trouble to find out Sevrall horses, for which I thank you. I am persuaded by my friend not to buy a single horse being I can make a good shift till the Spring, and then to buy a pair, which shall then give you the trouble to do for me I would Crave <black> 14 hands Good, with a Good Starr or blazes, and by all means Smooth leggd, for I do not at all approve of rough leggd

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 11 Jun 1709

Mr John Kelley Rotterdm 11 June 1709 Sr Since my last none from you, this is onely to acquaint you that all the Coales are Sold out John Binks, & will Send the Acct per next post as likewise of Graingers loading, I am afraid the Coales in binks will hardly pay charges here, they are Sold for 15 : 151/2 & 16gl a hoodt, I hope in a post or two Shall have a line from you, I long to hear the price of butter, the price is here from 8 to 10gl a

Letter – John Blackett to Ralph Hall – 11 Jun 1709

Mr Ralph Hall Rotterdm 11 June 1709 Sr I Recd both yours of the 9 & 20 May, here above you have Invoice of Eleven Matts Flax Five Matts Rynsbn Tow & 5 Matts Borb Tow Shipt on board the providence Abram Bosfield Master, Robt Bulman has met wth Some trouble here therefore is left behind, am very Sorry could not get more Rynsbn Tow, if the Ships had Stayd but one day longer Should had a parcell out of the country, I have Shipt 4 Matts Flax

Letter – John Blackett to Whitefield – 11 Jun 1709

Mr Whitefield Ditto Sr Mr Kelley writ me to Send you 6lb of Tea & 6 dosin flasks of Spar Water The Tea is Sent by the following Masters 2 pound by Abram Bosfield 2 pound by John Binks & 2 pound by Young Ubanks they have all promised to deliver them Safe, it is of the Same Sort as my Sisters but I think Something better I could not get 6 dozin of flasks of Spar Water unless I gave 7 Stl a flask & being I was to Send 6 dozin to Mr Th

Letter – John Blackett to Thomas Vazie – 11 Jun 1709

Mr Tho Vazie Rotterdm 11 June 1709 Sr here on the other Side you have Invoice of 2 qts linnen 1 qts laice & 1/2 baskett Spar Water for wch make you D[ebto]r f141:19, I designed to have Sent you 6 dozin of Spar Waters as you ordered but could not get them but must pay <7> Stl a <qts> & being I was to Send 6 dozin to Mr Whitefield thought it was better to buy a basket wch is cheaper & you can devide them betwixt you, I di

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 14 Jun 1709

Mr John Kelley Rotterdm 14 June 1709 Sr My last to you was of the 11 past, Since am favoured wth yours of 24th May, here on the other Side you have the Acct of Mr Graingers loading for wch make you Credit f1609:15:8 <If> cannot Sell the sacks <Will> Sell yours per first Ship to Newcastle, on the other Side you have likewise the Acct of Coales per John Binks am mighty Sorry you loose So much by them, can assure you I have not one farth

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Robinson – 16 Jun 1709

Jno. Robinson June 16 1709 I Recd yr Lettr and yr Selfe onley is to blame in not being concerned for me, you write me that upon the Rect of my Letter you writ to me which never came to my hand, nor do I believe any such Lettr was writ, for when you were last at Newby which was not long before Mayday, you never so much as nam’d [struck out: ‘or said a thing’] how I desired to have my business managed at Winlinton which made me write to Mr Brummell and

Letter – Edward Blackett to Lovell Lazenby – 17 Jun 1709

Sir June 17 1709 I Recd your Lettr which Surprized me very much, I never heard of the name of Mr Edwd. Barnard so could not possibly have any Dealings with him, you should have lett me know what trade he was of, and what Goods I had of him, & when, for I believe yr friend must be a very ill man, that should write you that he found my name in his book, for there is not above <two> men in London that Ever I dealt withall in my time

Letter – Edward Blackett to Reginald Graham – 18 Jun 1709

Sir June 18 Am heartily sorry that we could not do you Justice as to the Appeal yesterday, for you putt in a foolish Fellow for an Assessor, you should have taken care to have putt in a sensible fellow for an Ass[es]or and order’d him to charge yr Estate 1/3 Mr Aislabie 1/3 and & Lands belonging to my Lord Castleconner, Mr Brinlow and Mr <Rothem> another third, which would have been very Equable and none could have found fault, So I hope youâ

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 18 Jun 1709

Mr J Kelley Rotterdm 18 June 1709 Sr my last to you was the 14 past Since am favoured wth yours of 31th May, I would not have you concerned as partner wth Mr Witton for the Seed he has, unless for a very reasonable rate we have had very fine Weather these 14 days, wch has occasioned the price of corne to fall considerably, as likewise Rape seed, & you will find when the Greenland Ships arrives this Commodity will fall much more, last po

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Kelly – 20 Jun 1709

Sr June 20 I Recd yr Lettr with a bottle of Brandy, and sevrall that understands Brandy has tasted of them both but they differ in their opinions, for some of them are positive it is not the same, and others are as positive it is the same. Am no competent Judge myself, honestly believe they are both very good Brandy and Shall ordr my Servt to pay you for it, with my humble Service to Mrs Kelley I am yr very obliged Servant For Mr Kelley, Merc

Letter – Edward Blackett to Maria Blackett – 20 Jun 1709

Dear Maria June 20th My Coffee is now come from London, and the first Opportunity shall send you 2 or 3 lb. As soon as Mewburne has disposed of all his Corn, he will come to Newby, and if I have not an opportunity soon Shall send the Coffee by him; Let me know whether tis known for certain that my Lady Blackett will be down this summer or not and how the report goes whether my nephew be married or not, I wish you could get the Inclosed deliver’d to Mew

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 20 Jun 1709

James June 20 I Recd. yrs of the 18. Am glad you have paid Mr Reay and Company for the bill they inclos’d me, Inclose me as soon as conveniently you can the heads of Mr Carr’s writing which concerns the <Dr> Note wch was Reays that he sold to <Currey> wch is in yr Custody, I perceive you have Recd. £12 of Mr <Barrows> Acqt. me what more he is in Arrears, his son was with me the other day, and told me he was not at Age which

Account – John Wilkinson to John Ord – 20 Jun 1709

Mr Jno Ord to Jno Wilkinson as Executor to Sir Wm Blackett Baronet deceased Drs 1708 July 19 To cash paid him then £200 1709 June 20 To cash paid him then £ 1- 4- 9 £201- 4- 9 1709 June 20 To balance due to Mr John Ord from Mr Jno Wilkinson as Executor and trustee of Sir Wm Blackett Barr.t deceased the sum of five thousand and six hundred pounds this 20th June 1

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 21 Jun 1709

Ho[nest] Will 21 June Pay to my servt Jacob Peart £40 upon the 25 day of July, and the Remainder of my halfe Years Rents Be sure you take care to have it ready to pay at Newcastle the 1 of August or 8 or 10 days after with all the Tythe Rent, and they that farm the Tythes & do not pay at that time I charge you not to Allow <them one farthing assist for you know formerly they did > and lett this be yr Standing Rule an you’ll oblige yr Assure

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 21 Jun 1709

Mr John Kelley Rotterdm 21 June 1709 Sr this is to acquaint you that in 14 days time Bordeaux Brandy has risen very Considerably it was but 24 Stl a Stoop & now has got up to 38 & 40 Stl, I think there is no danger of its falling, I do here inclose Send you for my Acct a bill of £100 on Mr Abraham Hungerfood in London at 2 usance, I hope you have bought & Shipt the butter I ordered pray take care the firkins are Tight wch preserves

Letter – John Blackett to Ralph Hall – 21 Jun 1709

Mr R Hall Ditto Sr Since my last none from you this is to advise you that I have this day drawn on you for your Acct a bill of £46 at 2 usance at 34 <BIz> 10 <..> to the order Mr Michael Hardcastle & here inclosed Send you for my Acct a bill at 2 usance upon Mr James Church in London what I am more indebted to you has given Mr J Kelley orders to pay I make you Credit for the bill of £46 a 34:10 f480:14 & Dr for £25

Letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 22 Jun 1709

Sr June 22 I Recd yr Lettr with my nephew Calverley’s Inclosed by the post from London yesterday morning, as you’ll see by the Inclosed I thank you for Drawing up the Paper, and I think there’s no reason to add anything to it, for tis Exactly well done. I designe to send the paper book to York this week to have it Engrossed, so I shall not go to York till the Monday after you have preach’d, <should> I desire you’ll come this

Letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 23 Jun 1709

Sir June 23 I Recd yrs by my Servt and I am positively Resolved to go to York on Monday Seven night which is the 4th of July, and if you please to come here on Thursday or Friday, you may Preach yr turn at Yorke, and returne with me, or if you’ll preach yr Turn at Ripon we may go to York together on Monday morning so pray let me know by the post what you resolve. Dr Ward being at St <Mungos wells> the other day came to make me a visit on his own Ac

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Errington – 23 Jun 1709

Sir June 23 I recd yrs of the 18 and for the Waste at my mill I have not disposed of them, I desired one Mr Lorain to get a tryall made of them, and to give me his opinion of them and that the Workpeople should be Gratifyed for their pain smelting it be a Stranger both as to the value per what they deserve per tun, however I refer it absolutely to my Servt Jacob Peart, and whatsoever bargain he makes with you shall be confirmed by Sir yr very humbl
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467