Honest Jacob June 23
Inclosed is a Copy of Mr Errington’s Lettr. So be sure you consider it very well and whatsoever bargain you make with him concerning the slaggs I will Confirm it I am altogether a Stranger both as to the Coales & <the leasing> of them per <ten>, You may discourse them that you know understands them before you make an absolute bargain for I believe Mr Errington does understand them mightily well, So upon t
D[ea]r Kitty June 24
Inclosed is a note of what sugars, fruit etc we have occasion for, so be sure take care they be of the very best, and Shipp them on board of one of the Hull vessells, Directed to me at Newby to be left with Mr Scott Crane Mastr of York
The first time you see Mr <Roper> give my service to him and tell him he must not forget Milly’s Baby, When you see my Bro Bridges always give my service to him, Acqt me whether his Coz. Harry B
Ho[nest] Harry June 21
If Mr Peart have occasion for a small parcell of Ground let him have it and it shall be no disadvantage to you I am yr assured friend
For Harry Tulip
James June 27
I Recd yrs of the 29th and am very glad you are come to nigh Straight with Mr Barrow, shall ordr Will Lowes in case he owe me anything, if he do not pay it to sue for it and that he shall Farme my Tythes no more
I perceive the Price of Corn with you is not nigh so high as tis here, however I think you have sold yr Oates extremely well, I heartily wish you could dispose of them all at that price, am sorry you cannot sell the wheat
Mr R Featherstone & Reay Rotterdm 28 June 1709
I Recd yours of the 20 May wth the bill of £86 accepted, am mighty Sorry the flax I Sent last proves So bad indeed I must confess the best goods are much the cheapest considering the goodness the Reason I Sent of So low prises was because Mr Allen Shipt a good quantity wch Cost 19 & 20 Stl, Shall take care next time to Send of the middling Sort, we Expect in a day or two to hear of a Battle the french are ve
Re Mr Henry Witton Rotterdm 28 June 1709
Sr Since my last I Recd yours of the 1 June, I See butter was Sold from 10 to 12s a firkin I had Some thoughts of ordering a Small quantity but wth this fine Weather it is mightly fallen here as likewise all Sort of Seed, we Expect in a little time to hear if the Greenland fishers has had a good year or not, there are Severall Sorts of Commodities wch hangs upon it, if they have not had a good year there will be
Dear Aletheia June 29 1709
I perceive by yrs that my Nephew is gone to see his Sister, he did not call here as he went, So I hope I shall see him in his returne, he did promisse when he was last at Newby, when the Lead Mines came to be his own, what Lead he sent to Holland should all go to my son John for at present he has nothing to do with them, tho’ I believe if he spoke positively to Mr Wilkinson that he desired that the Lead wch he shipped to Holland mig
Wakefield June 29th 1709
Mr: John Blacket
Since my last from York I am favoured wth yours of the 18 and 28th June I write You from Yorke that had Bought 300 firkings of Butter at 13<s> p[er] firk[in] In 3/3 on Yours Mr: Kellys and my Accts Which I hope will turne to Good Money, You Write tht it begins to fall at youre place, If it Depends on the Greenland fishery I Doe think if Cannot fall much for <Sever.l> people Advices that the fishery Will be Nothing this Yeare for
Honest Will June 30
I Recd a lettr from Mewburne last post, who writes me that he has gott all that Mr Barrow ow’d him Except 16 or 17 shillings, wch he has promissed to pay him in a very short time, but what he’s in Arrears to you he did not Concern himselfe with it, so in case he be in arrear with you, you must take care to sue him or you’ll never get the money, and tell him plainly he shall Farm the Tythe no longer and do you take care to
Mr Cadday July 1
I Recd. yr Letter and you may be sure I shall not pay you one farthing more till I know from people of Judgement whether I have overpaid you or not, but you may be assured what shall be due to you shall be paid by yr assd. Friend
Mr John Cadday at his house on Ouse Bridge
Mr J Kelley Rotterdm 2 July 1709
Sr my last to you was the 21 June wth a bill inclosed for my Acct on Mr Abraham Hungerfood of £100 at 2 usance, here inclosed Send for your Acct a bill drawn by John Davison on Jeremy Hunter of your place of £78 a 34<B> 8 1/2 Dutch money f813:3
Mr J Kelley 2 July 1709
Sr Since my last am favd wth yours of the 8 July I See you have paid Mr Hall £40 wch is very well, I do here Inclose Send you for your Acct a bill at one usance on Mr George Hedlam of £50 a 35 1 f526.5 the last bill I Remitted you of 70£ or 34 81/2 do make you Dr f812:2:8 & not f813:3 wch was a mistake, there is much Butter Expected therefore will not be concerned in a parcel, if Mr Whitfield gives you a bill o
Sir July 4 1709
Some time ago I Recd yr Cash Acct. wch was very right, but the Acct you sent me for the Lead you had in 1706 you never as yet discharg’d the Ballance [5 lines struck out here: ‘you charge me in that Acct for the Intrest of £500 for @ monthly seavean pounds ten shill[ings]. And you know you had many hundred pounds of mine in your hands for a much longer time, and never expected any Consideration so I hope will not insist upon
James July 4
I Recd. yrs with a bill for £100 which I have given you Credit for, I perceive you have sold 21 Bowls of Oates as also a Bowl of Wheat, and I think at a very good price, I wish all you have were sold att the same Rate, Acqt me the price Currt. of Lead & give my Service to Mr Featherstone and Reay & tell them that what Lead I have they may always depend upon for shall not dispose of it to any other and tell them likewise I have it from a very
D[ea]r Aletheia July 4 1709
I Recd. yr Letter and you did mighty well in Acquainting me about your Bro. John’s concerns, Shall give Mr Reay thanks when I come to Newcastle for his kindness to him.
My nephew came here yesterday above 11 a clock from his Sisters. I spoke to him upon my son Johns account and he told me he had given a positive order to Mr Wilkinson to Send all the Lead to him that he Shipt for Holland, as also that there was an Acct.
Dr Sr July 5
This is a copy of my last, I doubt it never came to yr hand by Reason that I have heard nothing from you since.
The Bearer Mr Fish is the Painter that Painted my and I can assure you he is a very honest man & the best House Painter in the North, <as> undoubtedly you designe to paint some Rooms in yr new house, So I recommend him to you as the fittest person you can Employ, and will Answer for the well performance of his w
Wakefield July 6th 1709
Mr: John Blacket
My Last to You Was the 29th last past Since have before Youre favr of the 5th Inst: I Write You in My last aboute the 300 fir[kins] of Buttere Which I haave bought and Sent downe to Hull to Saile wth: the first fleate and I have Given Mr: Sykes orders tht as soone as it’s shipt to advice You that You May Insure for Mr: Kelley & Me, I Observe by Yours that the Seed is in Verry bad Condition, which I woundere at for was Very Clean Seed w
Sr July 7th 1709
I Recd. Yrs of the 5th with two inclosed Bills of Exchange For which I think you, have given you Credit in my Book for them.
My nephew Blacket came here on Sunday last, and stay’d with me till Wednesday, he design’d that day to take post at Tadcaster for London, he told me had spoke to Mr Wilkinson to send most of the Lead wch he ships for Rotterdam to my son John, & that as soon as he was at Age what Lea
Honest Jacob July 7 1709
I Recd. yrs of the 4th as also one from Mr Errington by the same post, which <… … …>, Mr Lorain I find is the <best chapman> and is now with me, he offers me to make 50 tun of the Slaggs at <…. …. …. … > the fother & give £100 Security which is <half price> and to finish them in two years time, and as Every ten tun are made to pay him as much money as will discharge the work people t
Dear Aletheia July 8
I writ you last post wch I hope came to hand My Nephew came here on Sunday morning & stayed till Wednesday so went that day to Tadcaster & took post for London, he told me when he came to Age my son John should have the Disposal of all the Lead he ships for Rotterdam.
Mr Brumell I thank him sent me two Bills of Exchange by the last post, Give him the Inclosed, and send to Mewburne & deliver his Lettr to his own hand for tis of
Sir July 9 1709
I hear that you are at Barrowbridge, and I know that you can have no Company there, and if you’ll do me the favr. to make Newby yr home you shall be as wellcome as at yr own house, and Either Mrs Jones or my Selfe will wait of you every morning to the Well, Pray be so kind as to dine with me to morrow, and I hope you’ll be persuaded withall to stay here while you are in the County and you’ll very much oblige Sr yr most humble servt.
Madam July 9 1709
It was surely my Servts mistake, that would have paid you £4:10s instead of Six, and shall pay Mrs <Laundy> this day Six pounds so pray when you Receive the money send yr Rect. by him and for the future as I desired formerly as always send a Rect. to him and shall Pay the moneys with all service from hence to yr <Folk> & Relations,
I am yr most faithful humb Servt. and Kinsman
For Mrs Isabella Wyvill
Dear Kitty July 10
I perceive by yrs of the 2 that you have Shipt me a parcel of goods per Jno. Buttery, and that they are of the best and charg’d at as cheap a Rate as any, I shall every Year take much greater Quantity of you.
I would send yr Master a present of Ale but the time a year is past for the Brewing of it, I intend a little after Michmas to make my Brew’y brew a head purposely and shall get it double Cask’d and then I hope the Seamen ca
Sr, July 10 1709
I had the favr. of yrs of the 28 and I perceive you have Shipt a parcell of goods for me per Jno. Buttry Master, I hope they will come safe to hand, I do not in the least question but they are all of yr very best and charg’d as low as you sell to others, Am much obliged to you for yr kindnesse to my son Christo. As also for the good character you give me of him, which I wish he may deserve.
With my most humble service to yr selfe
Honest Will July 11
You need not fear my giving Christo. Barrow or his son Discharge for anything which he owes me, but you that are Concerned knows last what he’s Indebted to me, His son I hear is married att Wakefield to a woman that has a very good Character and very Rich She keeps the Greatest Publick House In Town which if true as I believe it is she may in a little time Redeem his fathers Estate, I wonder to perceive by yrs that the Tythes th