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Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 11 Jul 1709

James July 11 1709 I Recd. yrs of the 9th I perceive Some has Acqt’d you that the highs of the price Currt. of Lead is £8.15 and my Lettr gives me an Acct. of £9.05.00 So there must be a great mistake, and cannot tell which Lettr to Trust, but Either Mr Wilkinson or Mr Brumell must certainly inform you which, lett me know, for shall Sell no Lead unless the price amend for we shall certainly have a Peace very shortly. Mr <Mayor> is much mistaken

Letter – John Blackett to Mr Whitefield – 12 Jul 1709

Mr Whitfield Ditto 12 July 1709 Sr I Recd yours of the 3 June & according to your Order has Sent by Jacob Frost 6lb Bohea Tea N1:2 a f13 f26 N:3:4:5:6:/16 f64 6 Canesters 3 93 There are two Sorts of the 16gl a pound one Sort is called White pointed Tea & the other Bohea Geurigh you have 2lb of each N1:2 is likewise of a good Sort, they are directed for Mrs

Letter – John Blackett to Henry Witton – 12 Jul 1709

Mr Henry Witton Rotterdm the 12 July 1709 Sr Since my last am favoured wth yours of the 18 June, by wch Sea you was offered 300 firkins for 13<sg>6 but Since has a letter from Mr Kelley that you had bought the said 300 firkins for 13 wch is very well, when R Seed was at the highest good Butter would have Given here 12 1/2 & 13gl but Since that Commodity is fallen Butter is come too f11gl though it is the opinion of most people here that 6

Letter – John Blackett to Thomas Vazie – 12 Jul 1709

Mr Vazie Ditto Sr In Some time I have not had a letter from you this is onely to Send you the Acct of Bottles per Bosfield I hope the laice & other things got Safe

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 14 Jul 1709

Dear Kitty July 14 I writ you on the 10th wch I hope came to hand The Inclosed is a lettr of Concern which be Sure you take care to send by a Safe messenger Deliver with my Service to <yr Master> with my Blessing to yr Selfe I am yr most Affect. Father Mr Chr. Blackett

Letter – Edward Blackett to Shem Bridges – 14 Jul 1709

Sir July 14 1709 I Recd. The fav[ou]r of yr Lettr and am much obliged to you for imparting to me Mr Primate’s Generous offer in <passing> my son Christopher in Co Partnership with his Kinsman next Midsummer, I readily agree to that proposal, and hope my Son will Answer the good Character his Master has of him and if <..> yr Selfe or any friend of yrs will Advance me £1599 at 5 per cent at that time, I will give them my owne son Bl

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Adams – 14 Jul 1709

Sir July 14 I have perused the paper book, and I find it exactly right in Every particular As for the Blank you leave in case my Daughter Blacket should dye & leave a Daughter or Daughters & my Son marry again, and that they & the Trustees have assumed they should live Else, what yearly sum shall be allow’d them, I allow my Daughters at Newcastle 40 <£> a year Each tho’ I’m very kind to them besides and <pays> So you may

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 14 Jul 1709

Mr Ward July 14 I am desired by my wife to acqt. you that you must not think of having yr Daughter home so soon and in case you send for them yr Servt will return without them, they are as wellcome here as at home, and no manner of <troable> whatsoever with my Service to Mrs Ward I am yr assured friend Mr John Ward att Dinsdale

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 14 Jul 1709

James July 14 The abovesaid is a copy of my last, peruse and Seal the Inclosed and give it to Mr Mayor & receive the Ballance of him I wonder you do not know of Mr Brumell and Mr Wilkinson the price Currt. Of Lead every week & lett me know it As also what Lead is in Cellar, acqt. me likwise what quantity of Wheat & Oates as you guess you may yet to dispose of you may know of my Daughters <where> my <two .ephew> sent <for…

Letter – Edward Blackett to Robert Fenwick – 14 Jul 1709

Sir 14 July I Recd yrs per last post and I do very well remember that I did referr the Balance to yr Selfe but at the same time gave you one of yr own Letrs that did Agree to the price of the Lead which you were charg’d with, so I did not in the least question when you had Compar’d it with yr Acct. but you would have been satisfy’d, however the thing is not worth a Dispute so Shall say no more of it, I think the Balance of yr Cash Acct. is

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Adams – 18 Jul 1709

Sir July 18 I desire you’ll ordr yr Clerk to a Engross a Counter part both of the <Deed of> Settlement and the Assignment of my Daughter Blackets portion, and not to fail to have them ready to bring with you on the 28. Pray Send me a line by the Postboy on Wednesday Noon to Satisfy me that this came to hand I am in great haste Sir Yr obliged Humble Sert. Tho. Adams Esquire

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Blackett – 19 Jul 1709

Dear Jacke July 19 I Recd. yrs of the 16 <a d > And my nephew Blacket happened to be at Newby at the same time who stay’d with me for one day I shew’d part of your letter he promised me Sometime before, that as soon as he was at Age you should have his whole business, and in the meantime he desired Mr Wilkinson what Lead he shippt for Rotterdam Should be to you, he told me there was an Acct. Standing out betwixt Correspondent and him, but as s

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 21 Jul 1709

James July 21 1709 I Recd. yours of the 16th with a bill inclosed which I have give you Credit for, Inclosed is a Rect. for Mr Mayor in full of all Rects so pray give it him & Receive the Ballance, give my Service to him and tell him I hope he’ll be as good as his word in Employing my son John when he has any occasion to trade to Rotterdam Corn trades here at a very Extravagant price, I would have you reserve 12 bushells of Oates in case I should come

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Morton – 21 Jul 1709

Sir July 21 I had the favr. of yrs of the 19. there came this Spring great quantities of Florence wine to York both in <Chests> & h[og]heads, So I furnished my Selfe with a small quantity and for tis a sort of wine that I do not much approve of, I do not in the least question but we shall have a Peace in a very short time and if you trade to Bordeaux you shall be sure to have a Customer of Sir, yr very obliged Servt. For Mr James Morton Merchant I

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 22 Jul 1709

Mr Ward July 23 My wife returns yr selfe & Mrs Ward Many thanks for the salmon, She is not pleased that you should send for yr Daughters so soon, and desires as soon as you can spare them back here again, where they shall be as welcome as at yr own houses with all my kind Remembrances to yr Selfe & family I am yr assured friend to Serve you For Mr Jno Ward att Dinsdale Let me know by the po

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Metcalfe – 22 Jul 1709

Sir July 22 I have here sent you a bill for the money due to you from my 3 daughters, that is from my daughter Blacket, £20.5s.6d, from my daughter Bella £4.0s.6d and from my daughter Christiana £7.8s.8d. which in all is £39.14.8. for which I desire you’ll send me a Rect. with my Service to all yr Selfe & Mrs Metcalfe and yr Relations at the Bridge I am yr assured friend & kinsman Since this Lettr was writ I recd yrs of the 1

Letter – John Blackett to Henry Witton – 22 Jul 1709

Mr Witton Ditto 22 July Sr here inclosed Send you for my Acct a bill at one usance on Mr Jaques de Wit in Hull, am now in haest but next post Shall write you

Letter – John Blackett to Ralph Hall – 22 Jul 1709

Mr R Hall Ditto Sr Richd Jefferson wth your 7 packs of Marchandise is well arrived & Shall dispose of them to your most advantage, Shall Ship the goods you ordered in him I am Yrs

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Gray – 23 Jul 1709

Mr Gray July 23 [This first paragraph struck out and rewritten as given below:] I Recd the two bottles wch you sent me to taste wch are both very good, and shall send on Monday morning for two Rundletts let the but Red Wine Rundlett be filled with yr very best Right true Port without any <surpluse> in case you have any <…> the other with yr best White. I like both sorts you sent very well but I think the <L…> is the better wine.

Letters – Henry Witton to John Blackett – 23 Jul 1709

Wakefeild July 23rd 1709 Mr John Blacket Sr Since my last of the <6th> Instant I am faverd wth yours of the first & 23rd Currant— By the former My looseing Acct:: of Rapes wth a bill on Mr Christ: Blacket for £20 wch I have sent to get presented, I <Observe> tht the Seed was in Very mean Condition but I fancy tht if you had Drest it Turned it pretty after it woud have Given More but Since its gon I must rest Content, I Observe the price of Butter Advances Ours

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 25 Jul 1709

James July 25 I presume by yrs tht you have sold all yr Oates and I think at a good price, if you peruse my last letter you’ll find yr Selfe in a very great mistake, I only order’d you to Reserve 12 bushells, and you write me that I order’d you to keep 12 Bowls for my uses, So if the p[er]son you sold them to be willing you may keep back 12 bushells which is <yr> six Bowls, As for Atkinson you may give him notice to provide himself Against Martinmas t

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 25 Jul 1709

Sir July 25th 1709 I had Answer’d yr Lettr by Saturday nights post but was from home; the Lease is very plain that I should receive £190 a year clear, the Taxes are never so much as named howev’r I’m unwilling to have any difference with my Lord upon so trifling a business, and shall referr it to my Ld himselfe, so you may Allow it, and Mr Silvertop will Acqt. my Lord with it when he Returnes, with my Blessing to my Daughters I am yr assr’d Humble

Letter – Edward Blackett to Nicholas Ridley – 25 Jul 1709

Sir July 25 I had Answer’d yr Lettr by Saturday nights post but was from home; pray ordr a <foal> draught of a Lease to be drawn & Inclose it to me and after pased shall return it; and then you may gett it Engross’d as also the Counterpart, and shall Execute it at Newby or Newcastle wch you please, for I designe to be there the lattr end of August or the first Week in Septemb. Am very glad to hear that you are come to Some Oar, And heartily

Letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 25 Jul 1709

Sir July 25 I thank for yrs of the <20th> pray give my humble service to the Bishop of Chester [about 8 words of illegible interlining here] can do me the favour to eat a Dish of Cold meat at Newby on the Road to Barrowbridge, in case he came by Ripon tis the nighest way he can go, Shall expect to hear from you on Thursday morning As also to have yr Company here on Thursday night where Mr Adams will certainly meet you with the Writing Engross’d ,

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 28 Jul 1709

James July 28 The abovesaid is a Copy of my last, John Atkinson the Garden’r is now at Newby & makes a very sad Complaint against you wch he says he’ll prove every tittle, which if he prove but the <Tenth> part I am sure you have been too long my Servt So when I come to Newcastle will have a full hearing of all things, you did Extraordinary ill in refusing to give him a Rect. when he paid you £5.19. the other five and twenty Shill. you know of Allow
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467