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Letter – Edward Blackett to John Delaval – 2 Aug 1709

Sir John Aug. 2 I have the Favr. of yr Lettr. and I always told you that you might Command all the Writings I had Except what Concerns Seaton Delavall Lordship nor did I ever pretend to Detain any other Writings whatever (As for Mr Hall he always informed me that I had not all my Wife’s Joynture, the Lordship of Seat. Delavall Extending to & comprehending Sevrall other Lands, which I had not in possession, so putt me upon the Tryal, <again> in Sevrall

Letter – John Blackett to Henry Witton – 2 Aug 1709

Mr Henry Witton Rotterdm 2 Augt 1709 Sr I Recd yours of the 6 July & See you had the 300 firkins butter to Mr Sykes I hope they will come time enough to Save the Fleet when I hear they are Shipt Shall make Insurance for you & Mr Kelley in my last Send you a bill at one usance on Mr Jaques de Wit in hull for my Acct & now Send you a bill for your Acct drawn by Mr Benjn Crane on Sr Robt Dunckley for brokeridge of this bill f-11 Stl &

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 4 Aug 1709

James Augst. 4 I Reced yrs of the 30th and am very glad to perceive that you have received most of the Arrears of last Mart. Rents, and I hope a good part of Mayday Rents, shall expect per Saturday nights post the Acct. of Seaton May day Rents, what Recd. and what in Arrears, with the Rentall, as also the Rentalls for May day 1708 & Martinmas 1708, in case you have not them in Town on Saturday be sure you fail not to send me them as soon as possibly you can that I may

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 4 Aug 1709

Ho. Jacob Aug 4 Inclosed I send you Tom <Lees> Lettr. which you may give to his father, I inclose you likewise Gerrard Dobson’s Lettr. with my Answer to him, for I will not have the Workmen to make any proposalls to me upon any bargain, but what you do I’ll confirm, Mr Loraine was here and the writings was drawn to my Satisfaction which I Signed, and shall bring over the Counterpart paper when I come to Newcastle for Mr Shafto to Sign, if you think convenient

Letter – Edward Blackett to Gerrard Dobson – 4 Aug 1709

Gerrard Dobson Aug 4 I Recd. yr proposalls, which I do not at all approve of any of them, nor will I lett a bargain upon my own Judgmt. To any of the Workmen, but what bargain Jacob Peart makes with them, I will confirm, I perceive you want £29. Let Jacob Peart write me what more Lead you have deliver’d than comes to that Sum, for after my Lead is Sold to the Merchts. I am without my Money for Six Month before I can Receive it, you may acqt. all the Workmen th

Letter – John Blackett to John Wilkinson – 6 Aug 1709

Cousin Wilkinson Rotterdm 6 Augt 1709 Sr last night late I Recd yours of the 19 July wth bill of loading of 1100 qts lead in Jacob Frost, this evening I write to Amsterdm to get f3700 Insured, here is not one Substantial Insurer in Towne you may be assured Shall consult your Interest as own Lead is at present very low in price, & no demand, there is a great quantity Expected from Hull & Stockton Led 21 <B?> Exchange 34 <B?> 1

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 8 Aug 1709

James Aug 8 Monday morning I Recd yrs of the 6th with yr Acct. I am just going to my nephew Calverly so have not time to peruse it, you did mighty ill in writing me last post that you’d send me a considerable bill so I did so farr rely upon it that I promiss’d to give one bill for 4 <score pounds> another for £30, which was a very great disappointment to them both, Do not inclose me any more notes for money att London for no Tradesmen here will take them, they th

Letter – John Blackett to John Wilkinson – 13 Aug 1709

Cousin Wilkinson Rotterdm Sr my last to you was of the 6 past, Since none from you, this is onely to acquaint you that the London, Hull & Yarmouth Fleet are all this day Safe arrived though not yet come to this place, I do not question but Jacob frost is wth the Hull or Yarmouth Convoy Lead 21 <..> Exchange a 2 us[uance] 34 <..> 11 <..>

Letter – John Blackett to John Hall – 13 Aug 1709

Mr John Hall a Newcastle at Mr George Halls in Gateside Ditto Sr I Recd yours of the 19 & 26 July by the first had bill of loading of 400 Doz of bottles Shipt on board James Harrison this day the hull fleet arrived in our River, though not yet come to this place, James Harrison & others from Newcastle are among them, Shall dispose of your bottles to your most advantage & Send the Goods you order by the Same Ship, when ever you Send or order any Goods Shall besure t

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 15 Aug 1709

Honest Will Aug 15 My Steward Jacob Peart has occasion to pay some Workmen £25 so fail not upon the Rect. of this Lettr or in a day or two after to pay it to the Bearer he giving you Jacob Peart’s Rect. which shall be yr Discharge. With my kind Remembrance to yr father, & the rest of my Acquaintance I am yr assrd. Friend Mr Will. Lowes

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 15 Aug 1709

Honest Jacob August 15 I Recd. yr last letr. and shall not Concern my Selfe hereafter in letting any bargain but refer them wholly to yr Selfe, Inclosed is a Letr. which you may Read and Seal, and give it to Gerr. Dobson, or one of his p[ar]tn[e]rs to carry to Will Lowes, and he will pay them the Moneys, perhaps he may have that sum by him if not he’ll get them it in a day or two, Do you send him a Rect. under yr hand by him you Send to Receive the money for you may se

Letter – Edward Blackett to Nicholas Ridley – 15 Aug 1709

Sir Aug. 15 I Recd. yrs with a foul Draught of the Lease, but it is not att all conformable to my Lord Derwentwater’s Leases, nor the Leases which my Brother made in Wardale, which I believe you are Concern’d in, for to the best of my Remembrance after the first Year’s Tryall the undertakers are oblig’d to work such a Sufficient Number of able Workmen and miners as shall be agreed upon at two Different Shafts, and Sevrall other Clauses which are not inserte

Letter – Diana Blackett to George Booth – 15 Aug 1709

My Lord Augt. 15 1709 Sir Edward Blacket hath lately made Settlements upon my Son and Daughter, In consideration of which he is to have my Daughter’s portion convey’d to him, which your Lordship will See they have done, but yr Lordship’s father being a Trustee in the Deed of Settlement made upon my Marriage with Sir Ralph Delaval, and that trust Descending to yr Lordship, we desire yr Lordship will be pleased likewise to Execute the same, with all our most

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Stephenson – 17 Aug 1709

Mr Stephenson Augst. 17 The 60 Deals you sent me was not According to my ordr for I writ that 40 should be 12 foot & 20 ten foot, and now when we make use of them we find that Severall of them are but 9 foot and very few and none of them 12 foot, so I doubt not but you’ll consider it in the price, I shall not have occasion to <Send a Servt> to Yorke this long time, and having so good an opportunity here desired Dr Johnson to receive of me £3 which I

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 18 Aug 1709

James Aug. 18 I Recd. yours of the 13 with the two Bills of Exchange which I have given you credit for, as also the two Rentalls which I have not had time well to peruse having had Company, but so farr I must say that the Disbursements are very Extravagant, and <there> you have made much more buildings of late than is absolutely necessary, which has cost me a great deal of Moneys which you must be very sensible of Lye in Hay Straw & Oates for eight

Letter – John Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 20 Aug 1709

Mr Featherstone & Reay Rotterdm 20 Augt 1709 I Recd yours of the 1 & 15 July, here inclosed Send you bill of loading of the goods above mentioned for wch make you Dr f834:16 am Sorry cannot get more Rynsbr Tow & Bortle Tow last Week I went round the Country where Rynsbr Tow is most made, but could not find any will get what I can against bosfield Sails, I give you maney thanks for recommending me to your friend Mr Rendshaw, per Bosfield Shall Send

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 20 Aug 1709

Mr Kelley Ditto Sr I Recd yours of the 26 & 29 July by the former See Mr Whitefield had accepted my bill & that you had Sent it to Mr Witton wch is well I perceive Mr Whaley has writ a letter to his friends advising the price of barley & other corne, can assure you that all Sort of corne is mightly fallen here, & wth this fine Weather wch we have now will fall lower here under you have the price, can assure you does not kn

Letter – John Blackett to Ralph Hall – 20 Aug 1709

Mr R Hall Ditto Sr I Recd yours of the 26 July wth bill of loading of one pack Cottons & a barrel of Strong bear, I have taested of the Bear for wch give you maney thanks, it proves very good here above you have Invoice & inclosed bill of loading of 6 Matts flax Ship on board the blessing of Birdlington Richd Jefferson Master, Rynsbr & Borstle Tow is mighty Scarce & hardly to be found, if Jefferson or Robt North Stays two

Letter – John Blackett to Edward Anderson – 23 Aug 1709

Ed.Anderson a Newcastle Rotterdm 23 Augt 1709 Sr last post I writ you if the Ships did not Saile that day would Ship the Goods you ordered, here above is Invoice & Inclosed Bill of loading of 6 Matts flax Shipt on board the Providence Robt North Mr wch I hope will prove to content, would have Sent you the Rynsbr Tow but it being the fair where it is made & Ships to Saile 2 days after I Recd your letter could not get any time enough, but Shall Send it by B

Letter – John Blackett to Nathaniel Clayton – 23 Aug 1709

Mr N Clayton Ditto Sr last post I writ you that Just then I Recd yours of the 2d August & would Send your Goods in Robt North if the Ships Stayd but one day longer here above you have Invoice of 30 Bolts Canvas & Inclosed bill of loading Shipt in the providence Robt North, wch hope will prove to content, I perceive in the last Acct I had Set 22 3/4gl, but can assure you it was a mistake in the pen & must have been 23 3/4gl if you pl

Letter – John Blackett to Ralph Hall – 23 Aug 1709

Mr R Hall Ditto Sr my last to you was the 20 past here inclosed Send you bill of loading of 4 Matts Bortl Tow in Robt North for wch make you Dr <f8..>

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 25 Aug 1709

James I doubt not but you have laid in both Oates Hay & Straw, I design God willing to be in Newcastle on Wednesday night next So you may come & meet me att Gateshead head fail not to write a line per Saturday nights post to yr assrd. Friend For Mr Ja: Mewburne

Letter – Edward Blackett to Matthew Lamb – 25 Aug 1709

Coz. Lamb Aug 25 I design God Willing to be in Darlington on Tuesday night next, so pray order Mrs Hall to get two necks of mutton bought and strong barley broth, and a <heart> of good veal if any to be had if not a shouldr of the best Mutton roasted for I shall not eat either pidgeons or chicken and pray lett me have yr Company & you’ll oblige yr assrd friend & Kinsman For Mr Lamb att his home In Darlington

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 25 Aug 1709

Honest Will Aug 25 I shall be in Newcastle the beginning of the next week, and shall stay there Monday & Tuesday the next week after So fail not to gett me up all the Tythe Rents and Rents you can & bring them me to Newcastle on Monday or Tuesday being the 5th & 6th of September. I doubt not but you have paid Jacob Peart the 50 <£> which I ordered you as also the £25. I believe yr <tenants> not clear with yr <haved> bring wh

Letter – Edward Blackett to Dr Pond – 28 Aug 1709

Sr Augst. 28 It will now shortly be time for buying of Hops and I had once an Extraordinary bagg sent me of honest Mr Marshall’s buying, I hope you are Acquainted with his friend that he bought them of, So I desire you’d do me the favour to buy me a bagg of the very Choice hopps that possibly can be had, and direct them for me at Newby in large lettrs. To be left with Mr Scott Cranemastr. Of Yorke, and they’ll come Safe to hand, Acqt me what you are
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467