Agreement – Edward Grey to Robert Stoddart – 1 Jun 1719

Document Type: Agreement
Date: 1 Jun 1719
Correspondent: Edward Grey
Recipient: Robert Stoddart
Archive Source: TNA FEC 1 704-7
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Whereas the above bound H:G: and E:W: [Henry Grey and Edward Weatherley] have by vertue of a Lease wrought the Lead Mine or Mines called Jeffreys Grove in the County of Durham for a certain term of y[ea]rs heretofore gr[an]ted by Wm Forster Esq & others to Tho Rawlin Gent (Since  doc[umente]d) which Lease expires the 10th of Aug 1719. As by the said Lease Relation being thereunto had may more fully appear And Whereas the right and interest of the said Wm Forster etc in the said Mines called Jeffreys Grove was before the y[ea]r 1714 legally vested in Tho: Forster his son who hath been since attainted of High Treason & the said Estate hath been hereby forfeited. And whereas the above named Robert Stoddart purchased the said Mines at Jeffreys Grove of the honorable Com[missioner]s of the forfeited estates & hath had the same by good sufficient Conveyances in the Law conveyed to him & his heires absolutely without any manner of Condition by the said honorable Com[missioner]s or some of them. And by vertue of the Conveyances aforesaid the said R:S: [Robert Stoddart] is become intituled to 8d per Bing to be p[ai]d by the said Mr G for w[ha]tever number of Bings have been got or wrought except every 10th Bing for Duty oar out of the said Grove from Aug 10th 1719 to Feby 2d 1719. And as to the quantity or number of Bings that have been wrought during the said time it is referred to the Arbitrators hereafter named or any 2 of them to settle & adjust the same. And the said E:W: is to accountable for 241 b[ings]-2 h[orses] 1 p[okes] of Bouse oar & 43 b[ings]-2 h[orses] 1 p[oke] of cutting oar which is the Duty oar before excepted But the price thereof is to be adjusted and setled by the said Arbitrators or any 2 of them according to what each sort of the said oar was sold for in the Month of Feb last & not otherwise And for the Wast and Damages that have been committed by the said Mr G and Mr W or their Agents from the 10th Aug 1715 to the 17th Feb 1719 (if any be) be alsoe referred to the said Arbitrators to see if they have wrought the said Mines according to the usuall Methods Ways courses & means of working of Lead Mines and according to the Cov[enan]ts contained in the said Lease And whereas the said H:G: E:W: & R:S: in obedience to the orders of the said Honorable Com[missioner]s of the Forfeited Estates And for putting an end to all Disputes touching the aforesaid matters have agreed to refer All the said matters being all the matters in difference between them to the Awards Orders & Arbitration finall Ends & determination of Jacob Peart of Shortthorn in the County of Durham Gent and John Carr of Gateshead in the said County of Durham Gent and .  .  .   

Now the Condition &c

[on verso:]

Bond of submission / Grey & al to Stoddart / Gowlands & Grey & Weatherley
FEC 1/706 A 11/01 I. Undated draft version of an agreement for arbitration. It predates 10 Aug 1719. 1st June used here.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467