Deposition – Thomas Emerson – 7 Aug 1680

Document Type: Deposition
Date: 7 Aug 1680
Correspondent: Thomas Emerson
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Thomas Emerson of Ireshoppburne in the Parrish of Stanhopp yeoman Aged Seaventy six yeares Sworne and Examined sayth 

1. To the First Interrogatory hee sayth that hee knowes the Compl[ainan]t and Nathaniell Lord Bishopp of Durham John Mowbray Richard Mowbray and John Westgarth and hath knowne the two  p[ar]ishes of Stanhopp and Wolsingham and Forrest of Weredale dureing all the time of his remembrance

2. To the Second Interrogatory this Depon[en]t sayth that the p[re]sent Bishopp of Durham and his p[re]decessors in right of his and theire Bishopprick amongst other things are seised of and in the Two Mannors or Lordshipps of Stanhopp and Wolsingham and Forrest of Weredale and of and in all and every the Lead Mynes within the said two Parrishes and Forest of Weredale

3. 4. 5. To the Third Fourth and Fifty Interrogatorys This Depon[en]t sayth that dureing the time of his remembrance there hath beene an Officer called the Mooreman or Mooremaster and by report time out of memory of man there hath beene such Officer or Mooremaster who by vertue of theire office have full power liberty and Authority to Prohibitt Stopp and Lett all persons from workeing any Lead Myne or Mynes within any place within the said Two Parrishes and Forrest unless such p[er]sons were lycensed by such Mooreman or Mooremaster or theire Deputys  And this Depon[en]t knowne Mr Thomas Wharton and the Compl[ainan]t Exercise the said Office of Mooremaster

6. 7. To the Sixt and Seaventh Interrogatorys this Depon[en]t sayth that hee knowes all the Moores Fells Hoopes and Grounds in these Interrogatorys menc[i]oned and hath knowne them dureing all the time of his remembrance within which said Fells Moores Hoopes and grounds  are the severall Mynes hereafter menc[i]oned (vizt) on Ireshoppfell hee knowes Fawgrove Fawheads Claygrove Greenwellhead and Greenwell foote Barberry grove Gravell Lodge Peiteclough Earnewell West of Earnewell Howlesike Deepecloughhead Waggan grove Westgraine Bradesike Arnegrove Ireshopburnfoote Groveheads and Cawdberry End severall of which said Mynes this Depon[en]t hath wrought himselfe and hath knowne wrought by others by Tack from the Moorem[asters] as incident and belonging to theire said Office  On Burnehopp fell hee knowes the Mynes called Langtayhead which Myne hee wrought above Fifty yeares since by Grant from the Mooremaster East and West of Langtay Berrywell w[hi]ch said Myne aboute Forty yeares since <Bur..... … .....>  and knowes Greengrove Stoneysike Stoney sikefoote Scrathheads Springwells Cocklake Flaske Hesleygill Wyndsike  On Kilhopp fell hee knowes the Mynes called Ellyclough Moss grove Hesleyhill West and East End Highbirke or Southgraine On Welhopp fell hee knowes the Myne called Welheads wrought by Rowland Nattrisse und[er] the Moorem[aster] And the Myne called Cowhause On Heddryclough fell hee knowes the Myne called Heddryclough East and West and Greenefeild East and West and Puddingthorne On Middleblackdeane fell hee knowes the Mynes called Allerclough Elmeford Stoupheads Rakes Cloughhead Cragg grove Lodgefeild Slitt and Fawgrove severall of w[hi]ch said Mynes hee hath knowne wrought by Tack from the Mooremaster  And this Depon[en]t sayth that hee knowes upon Sedlinghopp fell the Mynes called Broadmaygrove Toadstone Burnegrove Baylehill Brakensike Whiterake Midgepitts Sedlinggrove Reedgrovehills Barkerburne Arnegrove hill Sedling greate rake And this Depon[en]t sayth that hee hath wrought severall of the last menc[i]oned groves und[er] the Mooremasters Tythe  On the fell called Middlehopp hee knowes the Mynes called Dowkes and Newmeadowheads  And this Depon[en]t sayth that hee hath beene A Myner or workeman for aboute Sixty yeares last past and hath taken severall Tacks or Grants from the Mooremaster and knowne severall others take such Tacks or Grants and dureing the time of his remembrance all groves wrought within the said Parrishes and Forrest were wrought by Tack from the Moorem[aster] as incident and belonging to the said Office. 

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467