Journal entry – John Grey – 16 Dec 1834

Document Type: Journal entry
Date: 16 Dec 1834
Correspondent: John Grey
Archive Source: TNA ADM 80 19
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Tuesday 16th December

Received from Mr Johnson the Lease & Counterpart of Coastley for execution of the Tenant.  Also a Letter from Mr Nairn explaining his views as to the projected addition & outlay at Waren Mills, but making no offer of an advance of Rent, as I suggested.  I shall be there in the course of the following Week to examine the Land etc and talk the matter over with him.  I forward his Letter herewith.   I had a meeting as I requested with Mr Lee upon the subject of Esphill Farm.  I showed him my valuation of £268.  He was most unwilling to advance upon his offer of £250, but after going away from the house he consented to give £260, which I agreed to recommend to the Board to  accept of with the understanding that the Lease is to stand good to the end and no allowance for damage by smoke from the Mill or any thing else, to be required.  This is of course dependent upon an agreement to be made with the present Tenant as to the terms upon which he will surrender the Lease.  He & Mr Lee ought to make up the next years rent between them, according to Mr Peacocks rental, or it would be giving Mr Peacock an undue preference over the other Tenants who applied to be quit under similar circumstances & were refused.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467