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Saturday 2nd August 1834 I heard from the Clerk of the Deliveries that he had finished the Delivery of Duty Ore to Messrs Wilson for the last Quarter amounting to 473 Bings 3 11/14 Cwts including 2 3/4 Cwts of Mr Burnetts Ore. Mr Burnett & I have agreed that in future his Duty Ore is not to be included in our accts, so that we shall have no more mistakes arising from that cause. I was engaged in examining & arranging the leases returned from the Tenants to whose inspection they had been submitted & forwarded those to which no objections had been made to Mr Fenwick, with instructions to extend a Copy of each upon proper Stamp, for execution. Rode over the high part of the Dilston Estates & Woodlands and thence to Wooley to see whether the repairs of the Barn & other Offices which I had directed, had been proceeded with, & found that like other patching Affairs, it turns out that more is wanted than was anticipated. The Harvest is beginning partially, in the District, & the Crop cuts up light.