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Tuesday 2nd Seeing a Meeting of the Gateshead Road Trustees advertised, I wrote to the Clerk reminding him to get an order for the payment of £15, stipulated for, in giving up the old Public House, & also the sum awarded as compensation for damage done to the Tenants of the Haugh & North Farms, calling his attention too to the making a piece of branch Road which they engaged for, as at present & during the Summer, my small piece of Grassland has been laid open to trespass of all kinds. Drove to Whittle, the Tenant of which Farm is falling back in his Rent so as to cause me some apprehensions of Loss. I talked gravely of the consequences if he did not make it up, & he undertook to wait upon me at an early day. Proceeded to Throckley to see the Messrs Bones for the same reason, but they were not at home. Went over Mr Stephensons Farm & the young Plantations to see that the Hedges had been cleaned & properly taken care of. Then to the Quarry, where I found the Work going on to a considerable extent for the supply of the Rail Way, although I had not received the Rent, as promised, in consequence of which, I gave Mr Fenwick directions, when I reached Newcastle, to demand payment forthwith, or threaten immediate prosecution in default of it. Transacted business with the Bank & instructed Mr Fenwick as to some particulars to be observed in drawing out Leases for the Saw Mill & Grounds in Dilston, upon a building Term. The Duke’s Solicitor having been very particular in applying for a List of Fee Farm Rents in the Manor of Wark, with the dates of their last payment, to see that they had not been forfeited through neglect, & finding that some of those which had been for several Years in Arrear, which I had put into Mr Fenwick’s hands last winter to try to recover, had not been paid, I desired him to give notice to the parties that if not paid up this Autumn Legal proceedings must be taken against them, for besides the propriety of obtaining what is the Hospitals due, before the transferring the Property, it will I imagine, be incumbent upon it to maintain the Rental upon which the Sale was founded. This I find it difficult to do, with respect to the Farms, as all Farmers are now clamorous for abatement of Rents. I must however work it out of them as quietly as possible till we get quit of the Property, as to the Fee Farm Rents, to be collected in such small sums from persons in distant parts of the Country, it is always obtained with difficulty much in Arrear. Wednesday 3rd September Was engaged today to go as far as Alnwick to attend the funeral of a relation. Thursday 4th September Rode to Howick to Breakfast, returned to Alnwick & came back to Newcastle by Coach in the evening.