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Thursday 28th Little had occurred in my absence the farmers being much engaged with Harvest & the Sportsmen on the Moors. The last week has been very rainy & most unfavorable for the Grain, most of which is yet abroad in the Fields to the Westward of this place. I am glad to have received £300 from Pringle of Scremerston, which just came in time to prevent my sending an order of Seizure upon his effects. He is still upward of £90 in Arrear of the Rent payable last Spring, & I have given him Notice that I shall insist upon its being made up at the next Rent day. I hear too that Mr Hogarth of Scremerston has paid £200 to my Son, who will place it to my credit at the Bank. Temperley of Highwood has likewise paid £70 of his Arrear. Except on these my late circulars has not produced an effect. I examined Bensons plan & calculations on Newlands Town & Haugh Farms, respecting which I had given him directions, and the result we come to is, that to make the Offices at the Town Farm sufficient for the occupation of both it & the Haugh Farm united, would cost about £200 whereas to make those of the Haugh Farm sufficient for its own occupation merely, would cost at least three times that sum, the Farm House, Barn & almost every thing else, being quite past repairing. There is in the Office an Estimate of Green & Rewcastle , for building at the Haugh Farm, amounting to £1283.13.2 and a Boards Order in 1832 £714.4.8 which unfortunately was not proceeded with, and there is no doubt that the two Farms as they are situated, are worth more together than separate. Under these circumstances, I conclude that the Board will adhere to their intention of laying them together, with the exception of a few Acres contiguous to the Mill Farm, which ought to go with it. Wrote to Mr Storey late Bailiff of Wark, in answer to his application, requesting him to have the goodness to attend to the proclamation, or Riding as it is called, of Bellingham Fair, & to some matters concerning the Courts in that district, as usual & that his expenses should be allowed. As the transfer of the Manor is to take place in November, thus it will be the last time it will have to be done by the Hospital, & I thought it better to employ Mr Storey, whom I have found in many instances extremely useful & obliging, & who is on the spot to sending over Mr Hunt who is entirely a Stranger, to so inconvenient a distance. Wrote to Mr Fenwick about fixing the Courts at Haydon Bridge & respecting some Leases. To Mr Burnett informing him of the consent of the Admiralty to his purchase of the Tithes upon his Property in Alstonmoor, & various other Letters etc.