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Monday 8th December 1834 Received the Secretary’s communication respecting the Arbitration & Award in the matter between Johnson and Pringle of Scremerston, & Inclosed the documents to Mr Forster, informing him by Letter of the points he was required to state his opinion upon - desiring his attention is at the same time, to the conditions of Letting the Coal & Lime at Brokenheugh & Allerwash of which I had sent him a Copy, for his correction & remarks. Met some of the Rail-way Managers at Riding Mill, to fix some matters respecting the fences to be made, & an encroachment I apprehended they were making & had remonstrated against, in the Millers Land at Dilston, by setting the hedge further back than the original mark. They assert however that they have gone no further than was intended & have taken no more Land than is included in their Survey. Proceeded to Minsteracres.