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Tuesday 8th July 1834 Received from Major Johnson the detailed account which I had desired him to send me, of the expense he had invested in cleaning out and making parts of the old Scremerston Water Level. It is an expensive concern, but I believe had become very necessary, and having been recommended by Mr Fenwick & directed to be done by Mr Hooper I presume Mr Johnson must have credit for the amount of the charges for above ground work are reasonable. I cannot well judge of that below, but know that it is a shocking place to work in & that few men could be persuaded to undertake it. Heard from my Son that he had been over the Spindleston Estate & had the Lime Kiln renewed, for which the Tenants had become impatient. This I shall examine & pay for when I next go there. Wrote to Mr Fenwick on the subject of Mr Burnetts offer for the Tithes, & received from him the printed copies on plain paper of the new form of Lease. I shall now proceed to fill up for those of the farms which were let last year & give them to the parties to inspect, before filling them up on Stamps. My valuation of Lees Farm was £288. I had some difficulty in making a bargain with Mr Watson, who begged hard to have the odd £8 struck off on account of his former Losses & the expense of leading to the new Building, which I promised to recommend & which was afterwards consented to by the Boards Minute of 28th December last. His signed Agreement however stands at the original sum, I therefore think it necessary to explain the discrepancy that will appear between the Articles of Agreement and subsequent Lease. Sent Advertizements of Dilston Mill to the Newcastle Papers, & Mr Hunt dispersed Hand Bills from Hexham market to all the neighbouring Towns & Villages having them listed up at the Toll Gates etc, so that it will be extensively known. He has got the Hay on the Mill Ground safely into Stack & the Turnips sown.