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The Memorial of Robert Hunter of Newlands Town Farm Humbly shows That your Memorialist entered to this Farm at May 1830 at the Rent of £180 per Annum, and several of the Buildings being in very bad condition, he was under the necessity of being at the expense of carriage of Materials for Building a Barn, Stable Fold Walls etc which together with the Tolls on Slates and <Roads from> Newcastle came to near Seventy Pounds. That the continual depression in the price of Grain made it impossible for your memorialist to continue to pay the Rent originally taken at and the Rent as was last year reduced to £136 but it was only taken for one year it being in the contemplation of your Receiver Mr Grey to lay this Farm to that of Newlands Haugh to save expense of Buildings at that Farm, which will render it out of your Memorialists purse to occupy both, having lost a considerable Sum on his present Farm. That under the present circumstances, if your Memorialist is obliged to quit the Farm at May next he humbly hopes your honorable Board will take his case into your most serious consideration and grant him such relief for past losses and Expense of carriage of Materials as your Honors shall deem Meet and your Memorialist as in duty bound will ever pray etc. Robert Hunter [annotated in pencil opposite:] It appears to the Board that the reduction of the Rent from £180 to £136 was granting a relief to Hunter but if Mr Grey is aware of any circumstances in this case which he thinks may be entitled to further consideration the Board will be glad to be made acquainted with them
no date, but here assigned the date of the corresponding entry in journal