Lease – Thomas Blackett to William Lee – 27 Feb 1778

Document Type: Lease
Date: 27 Feb 1778
Correspondent: Thomas Blackett
Recipient: William Lee
Archive Source: NRO 672 A 34
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I Sir Thomas Blackett of Bretton in the County of York Baronet Lord of the Regality or Manor of Hexham in the County of Northumberland do hereby give Liberty and Licence to William Lee of Acomb in the said County of Northumberland Gentleman and George Lowes of Cocklake in the same County Lead-Ore Smelter to break Earth dig sink and work for Lead Ore within all that Tract or parcel of Land called Wall Fell in the said County of Northumberland within the Limits hereafter mentioned, that is to say, Twelve Hundred Yards in Length and One Hundred Yards in Breadth on each Side of the Vein and to drive Drift and Drifts Level and Levels for working such Lead-Ore and to make use of any of the pits Shafts Sumps Levels Drifts or Watercourses heretofore used in the working for Lead-Ore within and under the said Tract of Land for the Term of One whole Year to be computed from the 19th. Day of February instant they the said William Lee and George Lowes paying and delivering unto me my Heirs and assigns one sixth Part of all such Lead-Ore as shall be won and wrought thereout clean washed, made marketable and fit for smelting which they hereby promise and undertake to do accordingly and I the said Sir Thomas Blackett do hereby oblige myself to grant a Lease of the Vein or Veins of Lead Ore within the said Tract of Land as above described to the said William Lee and George Lowes for Twenty Years if the same shall be demanded within Twelve Calendar Months from the said 19th. Day of February instant at and under One Sixth part of the Ore to be won and wrought thereout clean washed made marketable and fit for smelting as aforesaid and with and under and subject to such Covenants Clauses provisoes and Agreements on the Lessees parts as are contained in the last and newest Leases from the Commissioners and Governors of Greenwich Hospital for working Leadmines in Alston Moor  the same Lease to commence immediately on the Expiration of this Tack Note As Witness my Hand the Twentyseventh Day of February 1778

For Sir Thomas Blackett Bart  / John  E Blackett

We the within-named William Lee and George Lowes do accept of the within Tack Notes and subject to the terms and Conditions therein mentioned

William Lee / George Lowes [Both sign]

Witness hereto  Jno Bell		                        

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467