Letter – Isaac Hunter to John Erasmus Blackett – 30 Jun 1776

Document Type: Letter
Date: 30 Jun 1776
Correspondent: Isaac Hunter
Recipient: John Erasmus Blackett
Archive Source: FOK  394
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								Dukesfield 30th. June 1776


       I have / here wth. sent / on the other Side you an estimate of the kinds / sorts / of Lead that we shall be able to send to Blaydon f’m the Several Mills this Year in case the Mines keeps us going wth. Ore wch. I hope there’s little doubt off    I am like to think that Mr. Mulcaster must be mistaken in the calculation of Refinable Lead to be sent to keep the Refinery going at B.don this year, its near 5000 ps more than they had last year & I find by Mr. Richmond Order to me last Year was but 9500 ps: I suppose (as you’ll see on the other side) to be able to Delivr: f’m Rookhope 11600 8 st ps =8300 ps of 11 sto ps. nearly.   We have Kilhope Ore at this Mill that will make 400 ps. of X Lead & should hope befor the season is over to get what will make the 1000 ps & shall out the Remainder wth. Coalcleugh Lead f’m this Mill, wch. will reduce the Quantity of Common Ld. calculated on the other side to be sent so much.   I ordered the Bed at the Abby for Mr. Trevelyan, the Sassans [Quarter sessions?] are not till the 17th of next Month Cholerford Club is on Thursday next. I gave directions for a Small Plan Sir Walter ordered but there was sumthing else that He ordered me to do in Hexham wch. I cannot for my Life recolect, if you can (and its not too late) should be Obliged to you if you acquaint me by the Return of the Post; at Breakfast that He spoak of it.  am very sorry to have been so stupid & if you cannot recollect what it was beg you’ll acquaint Sr. Walter that he may blame none but me for the neglect.   I hope you & the Ladys got well home. & am wth. Due  Defference 

	Sir your mo Hble Servt


Mr. Erasmus Blackett Esqr.	

Dukesfield Mill Allanhds  Rookhope

                                                              11 Sto 8 Sto 

1776                <Coalcl> Kilhope Refined  Kilhope All<.>  Common

                      WB       X     WB L     X & L   WB      Ld. WB

Delivd to Blaydon       2465   ..  4067       X 1016  272     6346    2804

                                              L  320

Computed to Smelt &

deliver f’m the Mill 

before the Carriage for 

this year strikes up    8000  1000 3600          ---  ---    1200    8800          

                       10465  1000 7667         1336  272    7546   11604


Lead f’m

Dukesf.d Mill           1000

Do. Allanhds            1336                                           2465

Do. Rookhope            8280                                          6346

                       10616                                          8811

[other rough workings underneath:

2465      10465

6346       1000      10465

8811       7667       6014

          19132       4471
loose draft letter inserted into the volume. Interpolations marked by ‘/’

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467