Letter – Isaac Hunter to Westgarth Forster – 7 Jul 1782

Document Type: Letter
Date: 7 Jul 1782
Correspondent: Isaac Hunter
Recipient: Westgarth Forster
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      Dukesf[iel]d 7th July 1782

Mr W. Forster Allanh[ea]ds

D[ea]r S[i]r

I was in hopes that the Affair in regard to the Carriage of Woulfcleugh Ore would have been drop’d & what had past entirely buried, but the expressions you made use of at Hex[ha]m in your way from the Fair made me sorry to find that I had been mistaken; therefor trouble you with this to beg of you to give it up, as its what I cannot comply with, with out the forfeiture of my Honour w[hi]ch I’m sure you on your own acco[un]t would not desire. I’m willing to make any satisfaction in my power (consisting [sic] w[i]th my Honour) for the Error I made last Winter in promising you that Carriage (w[hi]ch at the time I believed should have granted) but once I found my mistake that I had signed an agreement to another I wrote to acquaint you of it and f[ro]m the Friendship w[hi]ch (I flattered my self) subsisted between us did hope that that mistake would have been overlook’d after 12 or 13 y[ear]s. Acquaintance & Friendship would be greatly hurt to suppose that you should think that I would refuse any thing in my power to serve you or any of your Family, I do asure you that it would give me great pleasure at any time to serve you and to the uttermost of my abilities. I know your delicacy too well to suppose that you would then thing [sic] so much on your own acc[oun]t if you was not push’d on and advised to persevere but I forbear sa[y]ing anything further on the subject wishing to give as little case for blame or uneasiness to you as possible, hoping f[ro]m what I have already said that you’ll drop the matter and give orders for the Ore to be deliv[er]ed regularly and to the person desired – and that what has past between us on the subject may be buried in oblivion is my sincere wish & hope it will be yours also

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467