Letter – John Middleton – 1 Nov 1719

Document Type: Letter
Date: 1 Nov 1719
Correspondent: John Middleton
Archive Source: TNA FEC 1 704-7
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According to your order Jno: Watson and I has been Veiwing Jefras Grove and Shildon but by Reason of the Ingins not working att Jefras Grove non has wrought for 3 month before wee could not geet into the old vaine by Reason this was full of water and what the reason is that Mr Weatherley Letts the Ingine Stand I cannot understand the meaning of itt except itt be for this reason: that his lease being allmost Roun out he May think that itt will be a hindrance for any bodey to put in for itt when the Lease is Expired Neither can I think that he is obliged to take the water out except he please So all I can say the Grove is a good Grove if she be manedged but as long as his time lasts in the lease he may maniedg as he think fitt. Shildon Grove being out of Repare wee could not Geet in to her but I believe she is fairly caried on So Sir

       I am yours honours very humble servant  [to] command

       [signed]  John Middleton   John Watson
FEC 1/706 A I W/10. Undated, but the mines were said to be flooded. This must have been after the paybill to Sept 1717, and mention of just 3 months being left on the lease (Weatherley and Grey claimed it until Feb 1720) a date of 1st Nov 1719 is given here. According to Maughan the mines were drained by mid December.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467