Letter – Jonathan Maughan – 24 Jun 1720

Document Type: Letter
Date: 24 Jun 1720
Correspondent: Jonathan Maughan
Archive Source: TNA FEC 1 704-7
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       In obedience to Your Orders given by Precept & Mr Martens of the Second Instant, I immediately proceeded to the Making Seizure of Jeffreys Grove, the Lead Ore on the Bank with all the Ropes and Rolls, Work Tools etc and gave a Charge to the Agents of Mr Grey and Wetherley, that they should not remove or cause to be removed anything whatsoever of[f] the premises without your Honours Lycence so to do. 

       Their hath been delivered from Jeffreys Grove since my last Return made[missing]

       Delivered of Cutting Oar  [missing]

       Ditto Boose Oar  [missing]

Oar by computation now on Banke –

    Of Cutting Oar that is Washed    67-0-0

    Of Grove also Boose Oar unwashed 26-0-0

       It is impossible to make any true Estimate of the Damages done by Working that Grove, either since the expiration of the Lease, or before, until the Water be drawne out

       I desire that your Honours will be pleased to grant me your Order for 30: or £40: as also leave to send up my Bill of expences upon Acc[oun]t of the Ginns at Stella <House>. I am

       Your Honours Most Humble and obedient servant

       Jonathan Maughan

Wolsingham 24th of June 1720

May it please your Honours

       I gave your Honours an Acc[oun]t from Wolsingham this day how I had provided by making a seizure of all the Oars on bank at Jeffreys Grove, together with every of the appurtenances relating there unto, (pursuant to your Honours orders). I kept two men to attend five days and nights, to prevent anything being removed of[f] the premises they took a Schedule of what Oar by computation might be on Bank and of all the works tools etc could find, then gave a Discharge to the agents of Mr Grey and Wetherley, from removing anything of[f] the premises, without Speciall Lycence from Your Honours so to do, I also shewed them the Order I had from your Honours to make seizure. But to my great Surprise when I came to the Grove [1 word missing] Day, found they had removed all the <cutting or best> Oar that [1 word missing] <washed up at the prem.ses into Mr <Ords> Liberty, as also <along> [3-4 words missing] whatsoever belonged to Mr Grey or Wetherley, thought propper to loose no time in Acquainting your Honours therewith, that they may have propper Chastisement for Contrevening of your Honours Orders I am 

       Your Honours Most Humble and obedient servant

       Jonathan Maughan

Jeffreys Grove  Fryday the 24th of June  1720
FEC 1/705. Original is torn in places, obscuring some words. Two letters, the second evidently written later that same day from Jeffreys Grove.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467