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May it Please Your Honours I writt to you yesterday <from> Jeffreys Grove, giving Acc[oun]t therein that Mr Grey and Wetherley had Removed all the Cutting or Waist Oar and every the Work Tools and Utensills of[f] the Premises, about two hours after I waited on Mr Stonehewer & Mr Ed. Grey, The B[isho]pp of Durhams Stewards at Blanchland, shewed them my Orders to Seize or Cause Seizen to be made of the Lead Mines and others there Royalties of Blanchland, Told them that it being the time of the year that Weffts and Strays were taken up, and they being a Member of Said Royalties, might proceed to take them up, they said if I did the B[isho]pp should Replevin them And that Mr Foster had no Right or Tytle to any <of the> Royalties of Blanchland, save only the Lead Mines, and that neither the Publick or Purchaser should be allow’d to Digg Peat or Turf, Break Ground, or have any wayleaves, without paying of Dammages, and when I was present Mr Edward Grey Ordered John Richlieu of Blanchland who is the B[isho]pps: Bayliff to Leed, or cause to be Ledd away, all the Peats that were now made ready upon the Commons for the Grovers fewell, and for the Smelting of Lear Ore with, if this may be allowed of The Lead Mines are of small vallue. I am Your Honours Most Humble and Obedient Servant Jonathan Maughan Wolsingham 25th of June 1720
FEC 1/705