Letter – Thomas Grey – 1 Aug 1717

Document Type: Letter
Date: 1 Aug 1717
Correspondent: Thomas Grey
Archive Source: TNA FEC 1 704-7
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To the honorable Commissioners by Act of Parliament resideing in England to enquire of the Estates of certain Traytors and of Popish Recusants & of Estates given to Superstitious use in order to raise money out of them severally for the use of the Publick

The humble representation of Thomas Grey of Howick in the County of Northumberland Esq who representeth.

       That about seaven years agoe he was entitled to the residue of a term for yeares granted by lease in writeing of a Leadmyne called Jeffrey’s Grove in the County of Durham as Executor of Mrs Grey who was assignee to Mr Rawlin who was Lessee in the said Leases: who severally entred into & upon the possession of the said Leadmynes: of which Lease there is but two years & a half to come or thereabouts before the same expires.

       That Thomas Forster Esq was entitled to the Rents reserved on the said Lease and to the reversion expectant on the determination of the said term, but being lately attainted by Act of Parliament of High Treason the same is to become forfeited to the Crown.

       That the said Mr Rawlin and Mrs Grey (under whom the said Mr Grey claimes) finding great difficulties & obstructions by water and otherwise to win the said Leadmynes, they severally expended & laid out great summs of money in endeavouring to conquer & overcome a vast surcharge & load of water & to make her turn to a good account & work to the advantage of the parties concerned but the same prov’d ineffectual & to no purpose the said Grove not working to any gain but on the contrary to their considerable loss and disadvantage. 

       That when the said Mr Grey entred upon the said Leadmyne he found the same difficulties & obstructions as aforesaid by water by reason whereof the said Leadmine cou’d not possibly be wrought without such water was removed and convey’d away and there being noe Level for that purpose in the said Grove, the said Mr Grey was advised & accordingly did make fix & erect a water Engine for that purpose (which cost him four hundred pounds and upwards) and thereby effectually won the said mine yet for two or three years afterwards she wrought to loss and noe advantage.

That if the said Mr Grey hath not his lease renewed then by removeing and takeiing away the said Engine which is fixed and stands twenty six yards under the Levell in the said Grove (where the same had been formerly wrought) the water by such removall of the said Engine will settle & lodge there & drown all the low part of the said Grove which is about three hundred and forty fathom in length & might be wrought if the said Engine remaine, but if the same is taken away the Grove in that part cannot be wrought without a vast expence to the undertaker and great loss and detriment to the Crown, for that in the course of working the said Leadmine they doe & must work the same North Eastwards which being on the deep hand the water will unavoidably lodge & settle there and cannot be removed and convey’d away by vertue of such Engine as aforesaid. 
FEC 1/707. Undated but claims 2½ years  left of the lease, which the lessees usually claimed to be Feb 1720, so 1 Aug 1717 used here.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467