Pay bill – Edward Weatherley – 2 Jan 1718

Document Type: Pay bill
Date: 2 Jan 1718
Correspondent: Edward Weatherley
Archive Source: TNA FEC 1 704-7
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A copy of the pay bill for Jeffreys Grove of all the oar gott from May1 1715 to & with June 25 1716

			  Bing   Ho[rse] Po[ke]

Robt Smith         28	      2      1 

John Hill           2       -      -

Wm Raine           27       2      -

John Teasdale      21       2      -

Thom.s Wall       203       1      -

Wm Ornsby          33       2      1

Richd Parker        2       -      1

James Sigram       22       2      1

Roger Fleming      42       3      -

Tho Roddam          4       1      -

Ambrose Graine      6       2      -

Tho Hindmass       69       2      -

Wm Orde            21       2      1

Claudy Wilkinson   63       1      -

Edwd Blenk         22       -      1

Christop Dawson     6       2      1

Rowland Burton      3       2      -

Robt Whaley         -       2      -

John Ord            6       2      -

George Willis      19       2      1

Robt Smith          2       3      1

John Marshall      12       3      1

Lance Eagleston    17       -      -

Tho Blenkinsope     1       -      -

George Thompson     -       1      -

William Wilkinson   8       2      1

Tho Wilkinson       1       -      1

Math Renwick       21       3      1

Isack Henryson     30       2      1

Tho Henryson        6       1      -

John Rudson         1       -      1

Lance Armstrong     6       1      -

   Totall         718       -      -

A coppy of the pay bill for Jeffreys Grove of all oar gott from Jun 25 1716 To & with Sep 21 1717

			  Bing   Ho[rse]  Po[ke]

George Willis      12	      2       -

   Ditto           13       3       -

Christoph Dawson    8       1       -

John Teasdall      17       2       -

Wm Orde Senior     24       3       -

Jos Marshall       24       1       -

Tho Wall & P.ners 463	      2       -

James Sigram        3       -       -

Wm Ornsby          59       1       1

John Orde          26       1       -

Roger Fleming      23       1       -

John Tweddle        4       2       1

Lance Eagleston     -       1       1

Wm Coalesworth      2       -       -

Wm Orde junior      1       -       -

Claudy Wilkinson    6       2       -

Wm Wilkinson       12       2       1

Ja Garth            -       1       -

John Hill          25       2       1

   Totall         729       1       1

Erors Excepted  E Weatherley
FEC 1/706 A.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467