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The Deposition of John Elerington of Blanchland in the Parish of Shotley & County aforesaid <.eo> taken upon Oath the 28th day of August 1717 before me John Douglas Esq One of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the s[ai]d County This Deponent maketh oath that for forty years upwards he has known a Lead Mine called Jeffreys Grove in the County Palatine of Durham & was Steward & receiver of the Lords Dues there all the s[ai]d time, And that Sir William Forster, Ferdinando Forster Esq his son Dorothy Lady Crew wife of Nathaniel L[or]d B[isho]pp of Durham all Deceased & Thomas Forster Jun[io]r Esq attainted of High Treason were the owners thereof. That the s[ai]d Mine was Farmed att a Seaventh Part sometimes, butt now is lett att a Tenth & that the Farmers During the s[ai]d time ( like about nine years go) were Sir James Clavering Bart John Rogers Esq Henry Hudson Abigall Carr Thomas Rawling Elizabeth Gray & Thomas Gray of Howick Gent, And this Deponent Further maketh oath that about nine years agoe to the best of his Knowledge one Edward Weatherley did enter upon the s[ai]d Lead Mine by Vertue of a Lease from the s[ai]d Thomas Gray or some other Pretended title & this Deponent is Convinced in his Conscience & Verily believes that the Term of year’s granted by the Family of Forsters to the s[ai]d Thomas Gray is already ended and expired For that he This Deponent being in Company & Discoursing with Thomas Forster of Etherston Sen[ior] Esq Father of the affores[ai]d Thomas Forster Jun[io]r the s[ai]d Forster Sen[io]r Did Declare & Speak to the same effect & by Discourse Formerly with the s[ai]d Edward Weatherley & others about the Term of the s[ai]d Lease he has heard & Does Believe that the s[ai]d Lease is Expired. And this Deponent Further maketh oath that he knows & can Prove that since the time the s[ai]d Lead Mine of Jeffreys Grove became Vested in his majesty by the attainder of the s[ai]d Thomas Forster Jun[io]r Great frauds have been comitted by the s[ai]d Edward Weatherley & others his servants or agents & Great Quantity of his Majestys Dues have been by them concelaed Carryed away & embezzled & that the s[aid] Mine is now Wrought in a Wasteful & Unfair manner & Contrary to the Usuall Method of Working Lead Mines & that If Speedy & Effectual Care be not taken that the s[ai]d Mine will be brought to Ruine & Destruction & Further this Deponent sayth nott. John Elerington [signed] Juratt apud Castrum juxta Nov Castrum super Tinam in com pr.dict Die & Anno Supradict coram me John Douglas [signed]
FEC 1/706/A.