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Letter – Edward Blackett – 7 Oct 1709

These are to Certify whom it may Concern that Luke Sudell has servd me as Cook a year and a halfe very honestly and I believe understands his business very well Given under my hand at Newby the 7th day of October 1709 These are to Certify whome it may Concern that Will[ia]m Baxter servd me 12 months as Coachman and that I turn’d him out of my service for no Dishonesty but for being Drunk Given under my hand at Newby this 20 day of October The young Ladys comenc’d

Letter – John Blackett to John Field – 7 Oct 1709

Mr John Field Rotterdm the 7 Octobr 1709 Sr I Recd yours of the 10 Sept I See you had not bought any butter but was in hopes to Effect my Order before the fleet Sailed, when I writ you thought the prices would not have been So high, but Since it is So must do as well as I can, here inclosed Send you a bill of £50 at one usance on Mr Elias Pawson in Yorke, but payable in Hull, this is the onely bill could get at usance, If can get another next

Letter – John Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 7 Oct 1709

Mr Ch Blackett Ditto Dr Bro I Recd yours & See you had Recd the money of Mrs L Daswood, I give you maney thanks for the trouble you have taken, here inclosed Send you a bill on Mr <Lowen> of £18:2:6 wch beg you will Receive you must inquire for him at Young Mans Coffy house nigh Chearing Cross in the Strand, I believe he is lodged their privately, if he does not pay the bill you need not protest it.

Letter – Edward Blackett to Gerard Smith – 8 Oct 1709

Mr Smith 8ber 8 I always took you for a very honest man till now I have too much Reason to think to the Contrary, have you forgott that you came to my house in St James’s Street and made a bad Compl[aint]. That you were likely to loose very considerably by the bargain you made with me about my Organ, but if I be so kind as to Accept of a Spinnet in lieu of it you would give me as good a one as is in England, <& take it from Mr.Brown> So although I was pre

Letter – Edward Blackett to Maria Blackett – 8 Oct 1709

Dear Maria 8ber 8 Desire Mr Brummell to peruse the Inclosed and Seal and Deliver it to Mr Smith and in case he do not give unde’r his hand to Send me down a good Spinnett a little after he comes to London [struck out:’let’] Order him to be Arrested, I believe him to be a very knave, & will not be fool’d any longer by him With my Service to Mr & Mrs Brummell and Blessing to you both, I am yr most Affect. Father Mrs Hen’ta Maria Blacket <

Letter – John Blackett to John Wilkinson – 8 Oct 1709

Cousin Wilkinson Rotterdm the 8 Octobr 1709 Sr Since my last am favord wth yours of the 20 Septembr wth bill of loading of 1232 ps in J croft has writ to Amsterdm to get Insured 3850gl but am afraid Shall be forced to give 3 or 6 <pC> has already given the Same from Hull, Inclosed do Send you a bill of £60:15:11 at 2 Usance, drawn by John Cossart on Tho Sharp at 35 <Bst> for wch make you Dr f680:7

Letter – John Blackett to Nicholas Ridley – 8 Oct 1709

Mr N & R Ridley Ditto Writ them Sold Ship 50 Iron potts from 40ll to 50ll & likewise 10 Matts old flax Rynsbr Tow f14gl

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 8 Oct 1709

Mr Kelley Ditto Writ him would be concerned wth him in a parcell of Barley if he thought any proffit

Letter – Edward Blackett to Matthew Gould – 11 Oct 1709

Sir 8ber 11 1709 I hope You’ll give me leave to own my real obligations I have to you upon my Son Chr. Acct. I perceive by yr Lettr to Mr Wilkinson that the young man that was propos’d to be my Son’s partner is gone into another Shop upon the death of his Relation. I desire you’ll do me the favour, when another is pitched upon, to make inquiry into his behaviour and Ability, for you know all Depends upon a sober and careful partner, I have a great Reason to thank

Letter – John Blackett to John Field – 11 Oct 1709

Mr John Field Ditto the 11 Octobr 1709 Sr my last to you was of the 1 Instant wth a bill of £50 at one Usance drawn by Mr Paige on Mr Elias Pawson & now here Inclosed Send you a bill of £39:4:9 at one Usance drawn by Ditto Paige on John Stephenson in Yorke, would have Sent you bills at Sight but was not to be had, pray advise the price of barley & calf Skins

Letter – Edward Blackett to Aletheia Blackett – 13 Oct 1709

Dear Aletheia 8ber 13 Yr last Lettr. I Rec’d but Wednesday morning but ought to have come to hand on Monday morning. I perceive Mr Rogers has offer’d Tom Armstrong 6£ a year, So I will by no means be the poor Fellows hindrance, or have any further thoughts of him and if I had known he had been <… … was …> have Concerned my Selfe with him by any means <….> he Expects I should be kind to him over and above his wages, so consider

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 13 Oct 1709

James Octobr 13 I Rec’d yours of the 8th and I perceive you design to be here the last of this Month, Be sure you do not come till you get money to Sett all things Streight betwixt us and then you may come when you will; be Sure you write to Martin Fenwick again, and tell him he may be Assur’d he shall never have any thing more to do with the Carriage unless he be much more Diligent in bringing down the Lead than he has form’rly been, Write likewise a Letr to Jacob

Letter – Edward Blackett to Chippendale – 14 Oct 1709

I desire you’ll give your poor prisoner Thomas Geldart leave to come home for some time that he may provide Some <Firing> for his poor family this Winter and I’ll Engage he shall Returne when you please, I am yr Assured friend to serve you For Mr Chippendale Keeper of Yorke Castle

Letter – Edward Blackett to Aletheia Blackett – 15 Oct 1709

Dear Aletheia October 15 For Fear my Lettr miscarried I send you a Copy of it, I perceive Mr Rogers does not take it well that I should offer to hire a Servt. out of his Service, am very sorry for it, and wish I had not Endeavour’d it. The Inclosed take care be delivered to Mr Smith, he has promised to send me down a Spinnett, so Acqt. him that you’ll be a t London in the Spring, & you’ll Receive it there and if he’ll use me well for an Organ shall besp

Letter – Edward Blackett to Gerard Smith – 15 Oct 1709

Mr Smith October 15 I Rec’d yr Lettr dated the 14 at 3 o Clock in the Morning and certainly you must be halfe a Sleep when you wrote it otherwise you must have a mighty ill memory, my Daughter will be in London in the Spring, so you may deliver her a Spinnett and for yr own Credit I desire it may be a very good one, for yr Sake hereafter I will never make a bargain but under hand & Seal, and if you’ll come to Newby in yr Returne to London will bargain with you for a g

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 15 Oct 1709

Sir 8ber 15 I thank you for th trouble you were so kind as to give my Selfe about my Glass, and I doubt not but next Week to receive it without any Damage, Am very well Satisfyed with Mr Smith’s letter and have order’d him to come to Newby in his Return to London, and in case he use me well Shall bespeak an Organ of him, and if we agree, to prevent mistakes, will have it under hand & Seal, As for what Mr Robinson disbursed for Repairs of the houses

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 16 Oct 1709

Dear Kitty 8ber 16th, I inclos’d a bill to yr Master the 11 Sept past for what I was indebted to him, and I writ you a Letr the 18 and and order’d you to acqt me, per first post, whether yr Mastr Rec’d it or no but since I heard nothing from you which I take Extraordinary ill So be Sure you fail not to let me hear from you and acqt me here the Report is in Town Concerning my lady Blackett’s marrying Sir Jacob Banks, as also my nephew Blacket being married he positiv

Letter – Edward Blackett to Cecil Booth – 16 Oct 1709

Dear Bro. 8ber 16 I had the favr. of yr most kind Lettr, and should have been mightily obliged to you in case we might have had the satisfaction of yr good company much longer. All this Family are much yr humble Servts. And pray make mine acceptable to Sir <Saml.> Daniel and Mr Nichols, could heartily wish to see yr Selfe and them at Newby this Summer, and pray acqt. them in case they’ll do me that Extraordinary favour Will most certainly Returne their vis

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Stephenson – 16 Oct 1709

Mr Stephenson 8ber 16 I soon as I got yr Iron to Newby I ordered it to be Weighed as I do all goods that I buy by Weight and I found it wanted nigh two stone, So I ordered the Smith not to make use of any of it, but rather to buy a barr at Ripon till you come to see it Weighed, So I desire you’ll not fail to be here on Monday to see it Weighed, & shall pay you for it, I am yr Assur’d friend Mr Jno. Stephenson, Merct. In Yorke

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Beale – 17 Oct 1709

Honest Capt Beale 8ber 17 I Rec’d yr Lettr dated the 20 with much Satisfaction and am mightily glad that mine to his Excellency & Mr Ogle had so very good Success, you may assure yr Selfe I will own my Acknowledgements to them both for their favour to you, and I do not make the least question but when a Tide Surveyrs place happens to fall <..> will give you the preference which should be very glad to hear, All this family gives you their kind Remembrance

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Stephenson – 19 Oct 1709

Mr Stephenson What I am indebted to you I shall pay to none but to yr own hand, Shall have occasion to send to Yorke Either this next Week or next, and my Servt shall pay you, I did not see the Iron weigh’d, but two Credible persons in my Family did, who if there was occasion would give it upon Oath, I believe it was a mistake and I know you would not do such a vile thing, I do not know what you mean by Six shill being left unpaid, but I can shew you a cash Rect. in full of yr Notes, I

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 20 Oct 1709

Mr Word 8ber 20 I thank you for yr present of Apples, I know in a good year I may present you with a Waggonload for in one year I made 19 h[ogs]heads of Cyder and kept 60 bushells of Apples for winter, and gave Dr Chambers a Waggonload which made him above two hheads of Cyder, and this year We had but two Apples in all our Orchards I do depend upon Antony Chipping at Martinmas, I shall not have occasion for yr Servt. I have given John <Iley> notice to prov

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Shalter – 20 Oct 1709

Mr Shalter 8ber 20 1709 I Recd yr Lettr and I perceive by it that you were an Acquaintance of my Father, and for that Reason you shall have a Lease of the house but will be at no manner of charge with it, So you may Repair and build to it as you think convenient & please yr Selfe yr Assured friend For Mr Tho. Shalter

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 20 Oct 1709

James 8ber 20 1709 I perceive by yours that there was 120 pcs Lead brought down last Week, so lett me know what’s brought down this week & what at Newburne, you should order Jacob Peart to ride once a week down to Martin Fenwick, & see that no Lead lye by the halfe Way, for in a little time the ways will grow so bad that he will give over leading, Order him likewise to haste the smelting with all possible Speed. Acqt me how James Clark has his health at pre

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 20 Oct 1709

Honest Jacob Octobr. 20 Below you have a copy of my last, I was in hopes to have heard from you upon the Rect. of it Acqt. me by the first if it comes to hand, and when Tulip sett foreward for Scotland, and when he Returns order him to come away here with all speed while the Ways are so very good. Haste the Washing & Smelting of Oar and be sure you fail not to go to the halfe Way once a Week, and charge Martin Fenwick that he do not lett a pigg lye for the Ways are now
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467