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Letter – Edward Blackett to Nicholas Ridley – 24 Oct 1709

Sir Octobr. 24 I Recd. yrs this day by which I perceive that you have not yet Signed the Counterpart, as you write I am content that you leave two shafts well <timber’d> in my Liberties at the Expiration of the Leases, I desire that my Coz. Wilkinson may be witness when you sign. & wishing you all imaginable Success I am Sir yr most humble servant For Mr Ald. Ridley Mercht. In Newcastle My Servt. Mewburne designs for Newby next Week so pray on Saturda

Letter – John Blackett to Nicholas Ridley – 25 Oct 1709

Mr N & R Ridley Rotterdm 25 Octobr 1709 Inclosed Sent you Invoice of Goods Sent <per> P harrison for your Acct have Sold your Corne per Jefferson for 38 <B> Sack these <B> are 8 Stivers Each its within a very little f3.. f316gl as I writ you before will take 1/3 or 1/2 in 1 or 2 Ships loading Coales pray let them be good

Letter – John Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 25 Oct 1709

Mr Featherstone & Reay Ditto here Inclosed Send you Invoice of goods in P Harrison who Sailes to Morrow Mor as also Ed Butler hope both will arrive Safe & goods prove to Content

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Harrison – 27 Oct 1709

Sir 8ber 27 1709 I Recd yrs per last post, and I have not onely discoursed yr Bro. my Selfe very often upon yr Concern but have Spoke to Mr Hodges severall time to do the like I perceive he takes it Extraordinary ill from any one that moves it to him, I desired Mr Hodges to give him yr Lettr and he told me he durst not do it by any means, so what to advise you to do I know not, I am now Satisfyed that yr Bro. by all the Persuasions that can be used will not give you any t

Letter – Edward Blackett to Dr Pond – 27 Oct 1709

Sir 8ber 27 I had the favr. of yrs of the 13th but by the last post , the Stamp of the Office on the outside was the 22 So yr Servt. forgot to bring it to the Post Office till that time, there has been a very great Storm for nine or ten days time since you shippd the hopps & sevrall Ships I hear has been lost, I hear nothing as yet of Jno. Halls Arrivall, have writ this day to Hull to inquire if the Merchants there hear any thing of them, I hope the best and when he A

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 27 Oct 1709

James 8ber 27 I perceive by yr Last what Lead was in Cellar and since I recd a Lettr from Jacob who Acqts me that he went to the halfe Way & to Newburn & found a good quantity of Lead lying in three or four places, especially at Newburn 150 ps Do be sure you fail not upon the Rect. hereof to write a Lettr to Jacob that he fail not once a week constantly to go to the halfe Way and go to Martin Fenwicks house & see that no Lead be left there, and tell them th

Letter – Edward Blackett to Captain Craven – 30 Oct 1709

Honest < Care> 30 8ber I Recd yr Letr and I do assure you I never had the least thoughts of buying yr Son Hodgson’s Mill, if I may be any way serviceable to him in the Disposal of it my utmost Endeavour shall not be Wanting being Sir yr Real friend to Serve you and yrs For Capt. Craven att his house In Leeds

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Sharp – 31 Oct 1709

D[ea]r Sir Octobr. 31 I begg pardon that I did not before this own my Acknowledgements for yr good company at Newby. As also for yr kind invitation to Bishopthorpe, I fully designed to have Waited upon you, but yr going so suddenly to London Am sensible you must be in a hurry, therefore I begg yr Excuse for deferring my Visitt till yr Returne, and then I hope shall not be worse than my promises, pray make all our most humble duty Acceptable to his Grace, and our best

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ord – 31 Oct 1709

Sir October 31 1709 I Recd yr Letter and Sir Jno. Delavall shall have an Abstract of all the Seaton Delavall Writings which I have in my hand. I have nothing but severall old Leases & old Surveys of Seaton Lordship , however an Abstract of them shall be Sent by my Servt. Mewburne who will be at Newby shortly. As for what Goods my Wife order’d lately from Seaton House was the remains of the Linnen & Household Stuff which my Lady Delamere left her Grand D

Letters – Henry Witton to John Blackett – 4 Nov 1709

Mr: Blacket Newcastle <9>br 4 1709 Sr Yours of the 5th instant Came <I …se> I observe the reason Why You Did Not Send the Acct: of the <Butter>, But I hope it May be Deliverd er this, I am Sorry Woolin Goods Goes of soe Slowly, pray Dispose of ours If it be possible, Shoud think that the Wintere Advanceing Woud Make them be in Demand, I fancy Mress Booth And Barnardistan Wil have Noe occasion being the Ships is all Commed Downe, to Drawe on You. I Shall Write You Mo

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Dawks – 4 Nov 1709

Sir Novr. 4 I perceive by yrs this day that there is a years Sallary due to you the 29th past So below you have an Ordr to Receive it I am yr Assrd friend & Servt For Mr John Dawks Sir Novr. 4 Pray pay to Mr Dawks thirty Shillings and you shall be Repaid by Sr yr Humble Servt For Mr Sampson Smirk

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Denneston – 4 Nov 1709

Sir Novr. 4 The Inclosed came undr Cover directed to newby, I was in hopes when you were in Yorkshire that I should have seen you, I perceive by Mrs Gray who was with me this day that you took Coach from Yorke to london a little time ago, so I hope this will find you well <arriv’d at> home I am In haste yr Assrd friend & Kin For Mr Edward Denneston

Letter – Edward Blackett to Lisle – 4 Nov 1709

Sir Nov. 4 Inclos’d I send you a bill which you may send away by this post, Shall not have occasion for Money shortly I am in real haste, yr Assr’d friend to serve you Mr Ald. List

Letter – Edward Blackett to Maria Blackett – 5 Nov 1709

D[ea]r Maria Nov. 5 I perceive by yr last Mrs Bewick is gone to London, she is very wellcome to the spinnett and desire Mr Smith to deliver it to her Ordr. Be sure when you see my good Coz Simpson, my Coz Wilkinson give my humble service to them as also to Mr and Mrs <Rudstone> and likewise to Messrs Featherstone & Reay Tell Aletheia it’s a long time since I had a letr from her, My Blessing to you both <Concludes> me to be yr most Affect. Father.

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 5 Nov 1709

Sir Nov 5 I recd. yrs this morning and am mighty well pleased with what you have done with Mr Robinson and whatever other abatements you think fitt to allow as being my old Servt. shall very willingly Agree to it. We have had here Extream fine weather So I hope you have had a brave Coal Trade at Newcastle. I am yr Ever Obliged friend to serve you Mr Thomas Brummell

Letter – John Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 5 Nov 1709

Mr Featherstone & Reay Rotterdm 5 Novr 1709 This day have drawn on you a bill of £60 at a 2 usance to the order John davison payable in Newcastle at 35 <B> wch make you Cr f630gl

Letter – John Blackett to Henry Witton – 5 Nov 1709

Mr Henry Witton Ditto According to your order has given Mr Booth & Barnardiston leave to draw 500RD on me for your Acct

Letter – Edward Blackett – 8 Nov 1709

Sir Nov 8 1709 I had almost two months ago a Bagg of Hops Sent me from London on Board the Samuel of Hull John Hall Master, and as yet have heard nothing of them, As also Severall sorts of Garden Seeds Shipt in the Rotterdam Fleet for Hull Directed for you pray do me the favour to inquire if the said vessels be Arriv’d, and Acquaint me by the very first post, and you’ll oblige yr very Humble Servt.

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 10 Nov 1709

Honest Jacob Nov 10 Am very much Concernd for yr great loss - God Almighty’s Will must be Obeyed, and we submissive to it As for what you write me concerning the letting of Fallowfield Mines, you may be Assur’d that I’ll act nothing in it but solely referr the whole Disposall of them to yr Selfe, and what bargain you make I’ll confirm, I am altogether of opinion to keep the Wasts and the old shafts in my own hand and as for the forefields both East & West

Letter – Edward Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 10 Nov 1709

Sir Nov 10 I Recd. yrs and do continue in the same mind to dispose of Fallowfield Grove and shall solely referr the Disposall of them to my Steward Jacob Peart, so Send who you please to him to make a bargain, and what he does shall be confirmed by Me. Am sorry you have no more demand for Lead at Newcastle, when I sold you 500 pcs. I was offer’d the same price for what I should have coming down betwixt & the first of January from a from a mercht in London who

Letter – Edward Blackett to Robert Fenwick – 14 Nov 1709

Sir Novr. 14 In perusing yrs and my Servt Mewburnes Accts for some years past I find a mistake of 11.11.3 so I have sent yr Acct. by the bear’r to Satisfy you So pray lett it be Rectify’d if you have occasion for 4 or 500 pcs Lead at £8.10 s the Bear’r will ordr the Delivery, for what’s in Cellar what at Newburne and at the halfe way is much more than that quantity, for the future shall never sell any Lead but the price shall be adjusted before it be weighed of

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mrs Ward – 14 Nov 1709

Mrs Ward Novr. 14 Pray ordr Anthony <Chipping> who you hired for me to come to Newby with all possible speed, I wish that Servt. which you writ me lately of have not disposed of himself for I want another good Servt. and would give £5 provided he can write, and is honest and <faithfull> a servt as I know Chippen has been to me, So yr Answer by the very first post for news of my Servt stays till I have yr <assur’nce> I am yr Assrd friend to

Letter – Diana Blackett to Mrs Gray – 19 Nov 1709

Good Mrs Gray Nov 19 Am sorry you cannot possibly light of a bushell or two of pearmains, pray make inquiry again for I hear there are some brought to Yorke markets constantly, Sir Edward gives his service to you and Mr Gray and bid me tell you that he did not at all take it ill that you sent him some portugall snuff, but he having at this time two pounds of the same snuff and that it will be spoiled before it be taken, was the reason of his sending it back to you, you to

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Field – 22 Nov 1709

Sir Novr. 22 I perceive by yr Letr of the 19th that the lowest price of Red Port is £16.10 per hhead which comes to 5s.6d per Gallon which is the usual price you may have Port Wine for in any Tavern in Yorke, some time ago I had a hhead of Red Port from Mr Ald. Pawson of York & it contained 61 Gall and it cost me no more than £14.10. I had likewise a hhead of White Lisbon which cost me £19.10 So I perceived Wine is much cheaper at York than at Hull and a little time

Letter – Edward Blackett to Elias Pawson – 22 Nov 1709

Sir Novr. 22 Pray lett me know by yr very first post if you have any Extraordinary Strong Red Port without <… tax> and what price per hhead, also the price of yr best white Lisbon per hhead I am in haste Sir yr very humble Servt Mr Ald. Pawson
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467