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Letter – Edward Blackett to William Cavendish – 13 Dec 1709

Decr 13 1709 May it please yr Grace I humbly begg pardon that am now a Petitioner to yr lordship on the behalfe of my Second Son’s prefermt. He went to sea with the Queen’s Lettr for Severall years, and the two last past was preferr’d to be Second Lieut aboard the Oxford, so I desire the favour of yr Grace that you will use yr Interest for a Cap’l Commission, I hope yr Grace can no sooner request Such a favour of the Lords of the Admiralty but it will be Granted.

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 15 Dec 1709

Sr Decr 15 I Recd yrs of the 13 with the Rentall and Acct. for the Halfe year Ending at May 1709, which I believe is very right, onely you make a mistake in Setting down 190 £ per annum for the Colliery, tho’ you charge it right in the Column 95 £ for the halfe year. I approve very well of yr Sending me another Copy <..inba…. > and shall sign and Returne it, and Every halfe year do the same, you may be assured when my nephew comes at

Letter – Edward Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 15 Dec 1709

Sir Dec 15 My Steward <a… allo.. or a …ke> has paid much above £100 out of my Lead Rents <….> to Jacob Peart at Fallowfield so I desire you’ll not fail to Send me a bill pr <later .. day sight p..> 10 or <15> days after Date for 100 £ payable to myself or Ordr and you’ll oblige yr Humble Servt Mr Featherstone & Comp Merchts In Newcastle

Letter – Edward Blackett to Sampson Smirke – 16 Dec 1709

Sr Dec 16 1709 Not knowing how to direct to my Son Occasions you this Trouble, the Inclosed Lettr is to Acqt my son that I have writ to my Ld Duke of Devonshire in his behalf, Mr Aislabie will Deliver it with his own hand, he’ll be in Town on Wednesday night next and on Thursday he may find him the Lobby . I do not in the least question but the Duke will prevail for a Capts commission for him, I would not write to any other Lord because if t

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Blackett – 16 Dec 1709

Dear Nedde 16 Dec I writ a letter lately to the D of Devonshire in yr behalf , and gave it to Mr Aislabie who will deliver it with his own hand . I do not in the least question but his Grace will prevail for a Capt Commission for you in a very little time . Mr Aislabie will be in Town on Wednesday night next and I perceive by yr Letter to <Bella> that you are ordered by yr Capt to go to Town about Business so it falls very well out, for y

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Field – 16 Dec 1709

Sir Dec 16 I Recd yr Lettr dated the 10th but this morning, You may see by the backside of it twas return’d from Caxton, if it had come sooner to hand I would have certainly Return’d you my thanks for the care of my Garden Seeds, I have not yet Rec’d them but I question not but I shall in a little time. Nedd Gray had a parcelle of Port Wine upon his own Acct from Portugall, and I can buy of him rather cheaper than any Mercht In Yo

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 17 Dec 1709

Honest Jacob Dec 17 I Rec’d yr Lettr from Newcastle with much Satisfaction, I doubt not in the lease but you’ll do as you write me to adjust matters as well as you can and send me a Counter part to peruse by the very first post be sure you give my Service to Mr Mowbray and tell him I am Satisfyd if he take a sixteenth part in this Concern to merely to do me Service, so if they Request it of him I desire he’ll do it, and I’ll promise him in case

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Gray – 18 Dec 1709

Honest Nedd Gray Dec 18 This morning I rec’d yr present of Oysters for which I thank you, be sure Always when the <honest> Gentlemen of the Clubb meet at yr house give my humble service to them. You tell me you have cutt the Roll of Brawn but you do not Acqt me whether it be good or not for I doubt it was not Roll’d as it ought to have been. Yr Wine came very safe and I like it well. With all my kind Remembrance to yrselfe and Wife

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Aislabie – 18 Dec 1709

Dear Sir Dec 18 After a bad Journey I hope this will find you well in Town which Should be very glad to hear I am told by Wm Clarke Harry Clarkes Son of Ripon is in Town and lodges at Mr Pratts at the Wind Mill in St John’s Street nigh Smithfield Barr, so I desire you’ll do me the favour to order yr Servt Mr Melmerby to go and buy the halfe pound of Brasil Snuff, let the box be seal’d up in a paper and give it to him, for he does not leave

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Dawks – 18 Dec 1709

Sir Dec 18 My friend and Neighbour Mr Aislabie will be in Town on Wednesday next, so you may without any Danger Frank yr news paper thus Free J Aislabie, he has Acquainted Sir Tho. Frankland Postmaster General that you do it by his Ordr. I am yr Servt Mr John Dawks att his House in Thames Street Near Puddle Dock, London

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 19 Dec 1709

Sir Dec 19 Inclosed I Returne you the Rentall Sign’d, Am very sorry to hear that yr Wife’s Brother is dead, I hope you took care in case he was at Age that he should make a Will and should be glad to hear he had done it in yr favour. Mr Gowland is in some Concern about his Wine pray make inquiry after it, and as soon as you can hear anything of it pray give a line to yr Assr’d fr’d and [last word obscured] For Mr Tho. Brummell

Letter – John Blackett to John Wilkinson – 20 Dec 1709

Mr Wilkinson Decembr 20 1709 Inclosed Send you a bill of £70 drawn by B Crow on on Rd & Arden Carleton for your Acct or 34<B>.6> for wch make you Dt f724:10 & for Brokeridge 12

Letter – John Blackett to Nicholas Ridley – 20 Dec 1709

Mr N & R Ridley Ditto Inclosed Send you Invoice of 12 Matts flax in Bosfield & Wetherill for wch make you Dr f838:5 Wetherill has ½ a ps of Callicoe as also one Quarter of a pound thread but Says will give the last to Bosfields care

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 22 Dec 1709

James Dec 22 I perceive that Covn[enan]t you made in Skepsey’s Lease pleases the tenants so you may make it in all the Leases but take care there be a Clause that it be with my Wife’s and my own approbation, and not otherwise and that none of them plows without my and my wife’s Consent, to pay forty Shillings per Acre as an increase of rent, I am not willing to be at any charge about <Shacler’s> house. You write me the thatching of i

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Reay – 22 Dec 1709

Sir Dec 22 I Rec’d yrs with the Inclosed Bill for £100 for which I thank you, I doubt several in Newcastle has lost Money by the Bowman’s failing, which am very sorry for, As for Mr Nisbett was always lookt upon to be a mighty Rich man, and had great Dealings with the <…> Hull Merchants, who I hear suffer Extreamly by him Especially his nigh kinsman Mr Garforth, who [crossed out: ‘is a very rich man’] has a very considerable Estate, and

Letters – Ralph Hall to John Blackett – 23 Dec 1709

Mr Blackett New:Cle: Decer. 23: 1709 Sr My Last was the 25 ultimo , wth a bill of Lading for 400: Doz: of bottles on board Philip Harrison, since wch. have not heard from Yu., I desire yu. advise me what you have done wth my Cotton’s Likewise to send me my Former ordrs I am Sr. Yor Hum: Servt: Ra: Hall Advise how the pint bottles made out [on verso:] To Mr Jno Blackett Merchant In Rotterdam / Po Pd 3d

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Blackett – 23 Dec 1709

Dear Jack Dec 23 It’s a long time since I had a Letr from you and Must own tis longer since I writ to you, I had nothing of moment to write to you which was the Occasion, this is only to wish you a happy new Year and I hope to God you may enjoy many, the first Letr you write me give me the names of all those merchts in Newcastle that employs you, As also if any Merchts Employ you that live Elsewhere and their names, the two Bowmens that were Newcastle

Letter – Edward Blackett to Walter Calverley – 23 Dec 1709

Dear nephew Dec 23 Am mightily oblig’d to you for your kind Invitation to my Daughters, I must beg yr and my dear niece pardon for their not Waiting on you at this point, my Daughter Blackett will Acqt yr Lady with the Reason of it in a little time, All this family are very sure to heartily wish you a happy Christmas and a happy new Year I am yr Humble Servt and believe me always most Affect’ly yrs Walter Calverley Esq

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Aislabie – 23 Dec 1709

Dear Sir Dec 23 I hope <some> of the <..> comes to yr hand, Since my Daughter Bella Recd the Inclosed, I thought it convenient you should see it, I believe Mr Birchet may remove my son into any ship that comes upon the coast, so that he may be right at hand in case there be Occasion, I Recd a letr this morning from my son which you have likewise Inclosed, I long to hear that you have waited on the Duke of Devonshire, and what Answer y

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Marshall – 25 Dec 1709

Sir Dec 25 My friend Mr Pemberton has writ lately to one Mr Wilton, who lives att the 3 Cranes in Thames Street to send me down a hhead of Choice apple and to ship them in the first York vessel, Directed for me to be left with Wm Scott Crane Mastr of Yorke, I desire you’ll give yrselfe the trouble upon Rect hereof to go to Mr Wiltons, and desire him to get the fruit ready with all possible speed , and ship the hhead in the first Yorke vessell, I am

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Castlecomer – 26 Dec 1709

My Lord Dec 26 I am desired by my neighbour Mr Fawcett to make his son’s Case known to yr Lordship, he has been in the Excise nigh these two years, and June last yr Uncle Mr Montague coming into the Country to make Examination how the officers of Excise behave themselves found this poor man guilty of a trivall fault to discharge him of his Employment Am informed tis not usual for the Commission of Excise to turn out an officer for the first fau

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 26 Dec 1709

Honest Will Dec 26 1709 By the last post I Recd yrs of the 17. I can in much less time have a Letr from Holland than than most of the Letrs I have from you, I must own am still in greater & greater Admiration how yr Disbursements should come to the <Tenth> part of what you write me, seeing you had no houses to build, and as for the <Water> charge told you I would be at as little Expense as possibly could, and had much rather loose a

Letter – Edward Blackett to Maria Blackett – 26 Dec 1709

Dear Maria Decembr 26 1709 I Recd yrs of the 16th as also a letr from Mrs Bewick which you have Inclos’d, you’ll perceive by it that she has agreed after the <Reste> for £55 a year, which is much more than I thought to have given, however seeing you have so great a mind to it, and being but for six months, am Satisfy’d, you need not come to Newby in yr Journey to Yorke, but you must take care to take places in the London Coach for Monday

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Douglas – 26 Dec 1709

Sir Dec 26 1709 I desire you’ll do me the favr to write to Col Blakiston if he’ll be pleased to let his house in Newcastle either for three or seaven years, and I’ll be his Ten’t provided he’ll sett a moderate Rent upon it, pray satisfy me by a line that this comes to yr hand and you’ll oblige Sir yr ass’d friend and humble servt John Douglas Esq / At his house In Newcastle

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Baynes – 27 Dec 1709

Sir Dec 27 1709 Am very much obliged to you for yrs of the 21st which Mr Wilkinson’s servt brought me the other day, pray do me the favr to write a line to Mrs Squire, and know if she be pleased to let that part of the house she liv’d in in Yorke & the < ….> of the Garden and what rent she demands yearly, and in case she take a moderate price upon it you have a friend that will take it for 7 years but by no means name me Pray
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467