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Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 19 Jan 1710

James Janry 19 <The above said is a> copy of my last wch I Sent to Fallowfield for fear it might miscarry <occasions this>. I perceive by Maria that she has Occasion for a small box or trunk at Seaton, so ordr it to be brought to Newcastle I doubt this Weather would hinder you from going to Warkburne, I long to hear What you have done at Fallowfield, Acqt Maria that you’ll bring her the old Trunk. Fail not to write as soon as this comes to hand to yr

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Thomson – 20 Jan 1710

Sir Janry 20 I perceive by yrs that yr Agent will take particular care of the Recovery for the Lordship of Girsby, which is all the Yorkshire Estates that I will have a Recovery upon. I have writ to Mr Aislabie to know what he judges the <pr…. I take> the <Fine> may be Compounded for, I am intimately acquainted with Mr Stockdale, and yr friend Mr Hall I desire may make use of my <share> to [struck out: ‘Mr Stockdale’], and know of him certai

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Aislabie – 20 Jan 1710

Dear Sir Janry 20 1709/10 I Recd yrs with much Satisfaction seeing it brought me an Acct of yr perfect Recovery. I had a Lettr this post from Will Thomson of Yorke who I have Emply’d to Sue out a Recovery for my North Estates and there’s a great many Manners nam’d tho’ in Reality of no great Value only Royalties of Lead Share Coal &c and he writes me that in case an Intrest be made with Col. Saunderson the fine may be compounded for a small Matt

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Baynes – 21 Jan 1710

Sir Janry the 21st I am much Oblig’d to you for giving me Mrs Squires Answer about her house, As for my Lady Moysley’s my Wife does not at all Approve of that house by Reason the Apothecary’s shop is so nigh the Dining Room & Drawing Room where they are continually beating in a mortar which is very troublesome to the next rooms both below and above pray Send me up by the boat two of yr new fashioned flat Glass Decanters, Acqt me if you have any Japan’d Ir

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Errington – 21 Jan 1710

Sir Janry 21 I Recd yrs of the 19th and am very willing to make a bargain for all the Grove wasts dead Heaps & <Cuttings>, So let me know what you’ll give for them all together by the Lump, or what I shall give you for Smelting of them, provided you be obliged to go to the very bottom, and thro’ every great heap at Every Shaft, In case you by them by the Lump you have a Harth etc one week in every month during the Smelting of all yr Waste and what Slaggs

Letter – Edward Blackett to Humphrey Primate – 21 Jan 1710

Sir Mr Primate Janry 21 I had own’d the favour of yrs of the 29 long before this but being Xtmas time & much Abroad prevented me, Am very glad you have provided a sober ingenious man to be Company with my Son in partnership, and I do not in the least question but they’ll do well, you always give my Son a good Character which he’s much oblig’d to you for, & I hope he’ll have Grace to own his great Obligations to you for yr most oblig’d trouble for

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Blackett – 22 Jan 1710

Son Nedd Janry 22 Upon yr Earnest desire I sent you a bill for £20 Inclosed in my Lettr to Mr Smirke and ordered him in case you were not in Town to open it and take out the bill & Receive the money and pay it you when you came to Town, Tis now above five weaks time, and not a word from you nor Mr Smirke, I have likewise made it my best Endeavour to get you a Captain’s Commission and had certainly Accomplished it if I had had frequent Lettrs from yo

Letter – Edward Blackett to Sampson Smirke – 22 Jan 1710

Sir Janry 22 Tis now above 5 weeks Since I inclos’d you a Lettr to my Son Nedd with a bill of Exchange being for £20, and desir’d you in case he was not in Town to open the Lettr and take out the Bill and Receive the money, but since that time I never Recd one Syllable from you, tho’ I have writ to you post after post to know whether you Recd the Bill & where my son Nedd was, whether at London or Portsmouth; I perceive my Lettrs are very troublesome to you

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 22 Jan 1710

Dear Kitty Janry 22 I writ a Lettr last post to yr Master which I hope he Recd, upon Receipt of this Lettr go Immediately to Mr Smirke and know whether he Recd a Lettr for my Son Nedd with a Bill of Exchange In it, tis above 5 weeks ago and I never heard a word from him, which tell him I take mighty ill, If he and my Son Nedd had answer’d my Lettrs I had certainly got a Capts Commission for him ere this, I would yet know where my Son Nedd is and whether he has seen M

Letter – Edward Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 24 Jan 1710

Sir I perceive by yrs of the 21 that you have been at Fallowfield and that all things were prais’d [ie. appraised] except the washing Tubbs & bellows, I design to set on as many Work people as possibly I can to get all the dead heaps Wash’d up, and notwithstanding that I believe they will take longer <than> yr Lease before they be well <sought> thro for I look upon them to be worth a great many hundred pounds, You write me that you are mightily Cry’d ou

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Moore – 24 Jan 1710

My Lord 24 Janry I humbly begg yr Lordship’s pardon for desiring yr favr & Intrest on behalf of my second Son he went to sea with the King William Lettrs for Sevrall Years and Since for two years past has Command’d as Second Lieut on board of the Oxford, the fav’r I have to begg of yr Lordship is that you would please to Intercede for a Capts Commission for him, the Command of a ship is his greatest Ambition, and my particular Request, which with yr Lor

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Aislabie – 24 Jan 1710

Dear Sir Janry 24 I hope you Recd my last Lettr I perceive tis in Mr Stockdale’s power to make the Fine very Easy and I believe I need not question what’s in his power to do me Service The Inclos’d I desire you’ll peruse, seal and give my son Nedd, and ordr him to wait on the Bishop of Ely and deliver it, who I know will be very willing to Serve him with his best Intrest, I doubt if my Lord Devonshire should know that I make use of any Intrest but his

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 26 Jan 1710

Honest Jacob Janry 26 I perceive by yrs that Mr Featherstone & Mr Mowbray & Mewburne was with you, and valued the Work geer, as also that you had been at Warkburne but the Bailiff Dodd not being at home I Believe you did not See the place wch he talk’d on for he told me he had Workmen to work at both Ends of the Veins and found a fair Vein & Rake soil in both places, I do not question but I can let her for 1/6 but in the Spring when good Weather is I

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 26 Jan 1710

James Janry 26 1709/10 I Recd yrs as also one from Jacob. I perceive that you have disposed of most of the Work gear as also that you have been at Warksburn, but I perceive Bailiff Dodd was not with you , so I question whether you see the places that he told me was so hopefull, Above 30 years ago old Mr Charlton would have taken a Lease for 21 years of that place, and give me 1/6, and would have obliged himself to lay out a good Sum of money, he had certainly

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 26 Jan 1710

Sir Janry 26 I recd yrs of the 24 with a Bill of Exchange for £50 wch have given you Credit for, it came in as good a time as if it had been Sent <Sadn’r>. Mr Gowland gives you his thanks for yr Care & trouble about his Wine, and designs to be at Newcastle & Send a Carriage for it as Soon as the ways are passable, I would gladly know in what condition my Bro’ Rogers dyd, & who manages his Concerns, for I believe they are very consi

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Fish – 27 Jan 1710

Mr Fish Janry 27 I have had Severall Lettrs from Mr Parmentier of late that he would not fail to be at Newby a little after Xtmas & alter my great Stair Case, but Seeing he does not come makes us fear he has very ill memory, so I desire wherever he is you’ll inclose him this Lettr, and pray give me yr thoughts by a line by the post whether you think I may Rely on him or not, and you’ll much oblige yr Assur’d friend to serve you For Mr Fish

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jack Scott – 27 Jan 1710

Sir Janry 27 I had a large Cask of <Table> Spirit Shipt before Xtmas on board of the <first fruits> of Hull Directed to be left with you, I desire you’ll do me the favr to inquire whether such a ship be Arrived at Hull or not the Master’s name I do not well Remember, pray as soon they come to hand ordr them to be put on the first Borobridge boat, & what you are in Disbursion for freight etc you shall very thankfully be Repaid by yr oblig’d

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Baynes – 27 Jan 1710

Sir Janry 27 1709/10 I perceive by yrs that they that are Concern’d in Mr Alderman Moyseleys house design to make the Shop into a dining room, which they are very much in the Right of it provided they Wainscott & furnish it well So pray lett me know what Rent they Demand for the house, provided one took a Lease of it, pray acqt me likewise how many horse the Stables will hold and what Conveniences there is for hay & where it stands and then you may E

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Lodge – 27 Jan 1710

Honest Mr Lodge Janry 27 1709/10 Am very much oblig’d to you for the Acct. you give me of my Concerns with Mr Thornton but more particularly for the Concern & value you have for my family, they have both disoblig’d me to the degree, that I am Resolved never to see One of them any more, nor the other for a long time, I may tell you that I design to give neither of them any fortunes, Only so much a year for their life provided they marry with the Consent

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Blackett – 29 Jan 1710

Dear Nedde Janry 29 I Recd yrs this day of the 26, So you may See I answer yr Lettrs immediately as Soon as they come to hand, So take notice you do the Same. I writ a lettr to Mr Aislabie of the 24 with One Inclos’d to the Bishp of Ely, which I desired him to give it to you, and order’d you to Wait of the Bishop with my humble Service & Deliver it; twas to desire his Lordship to make all Intrest in his power for you for a Capts Commission, wch

Letter – Edward Blackett to Blackett Mitford – 29 Jan 1710

Dear Nephew Janry 29 1709/10 I Recd both yr Lettrs and I must own I am sorry you have sold yr Commission, for if you had had a little at sea you most certainly in a little time would have been a Capt wch would not only have Enabled you to have paid yr Debts but make you look like a Man of Quality all the Days of yr Life. but now tis too late to talk any more of that, I shall write to yr father very shortly, & press him upon yr Acct, my father left all yr b

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Forster – 29 Jan 1710

Mr Forster Janry 29 1709/10 I Recd a letter lately from my nephew Mitford that he is to be Employed by the East Ind. Company to go into the Indies to be their factor, Pray lett me know as soon as conveniently you can by whose Intrest he was Recommended and who’s his Security for his performance, for such a place is not gott without great friends and great Experience in their Concern, I believe my Bro Bridges would neither Recommend him nor be his Security for he w

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Fish – 31 Jan 1710

Honest Mr Fish Janry 31 I Recd yr most obliging Lettr which I heartily thank you for, pray continue putting Mr Parmentier in mind of his Repeated promises to me in coming to Newby & making an Amendment to his Work, which would be both for his hon’r & Credit, I would not by any means give you the trouble to go to Doncaster, however I desire you’ll write to him often & Acqt him that you know I’ll not suffer him to be a looser in coming to Newby & pr

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Melmerby – 31 Jan 1710

Mr Melmerby Janry the 31 The Inclosed is a letter from my Lady with a Bill of Exchange in it for Mrs Metcalfe, and they being lately Remov’d does not know how to direct to her, so my Lady desires you’ll inquire of Mr Roper or Mr Marshall where she lives, and deliver it to her Sir Edward does not take it well that you do not Send him the Gazette as you promised I am yr Humble servt Chr. <Barkr> For Mr Aislabie Esqr London

Letter – Edward Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 1 Feb 1710

Sir Febry 1 I Recd yrs of the 28. I shall not by any means part with my Fifth in Lead for money there cannot be the least inconvenience or Trouble in it for I pay 1/5 of the Carriage, and 1/5 of the Rent of the Cellar, as also 1/5 of the Smelt charges & Porterage etc. So I would gladly know where the least inconvenience can be in it. As for the Dead Wasts & Cuttings tis impossible for me to Sett a true Value on them, or you to bid a believable Consider
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467