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Letter – John Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 18 Mar 1710

Mr Featherstone & Reay 18 Ditto Inclosed Send bill of loading & on the other Side Invoice of goods in P Harrison, hope all will prove to content, if could give me orders to draw on your friend in London would be much convenienter for me I lost by the last bill of £100 to my order f7:10 flax continues from 18 to 22 1/2 the best

Letter – John Blackett to Edward Anderson – 18 Mar 1710

Mr Edward Anderson Ditto Sr Inclosed bill of loading & above Invoice of Goods in Philip Harrison, looking over my books finds have charged f1:10 too Much for Custom in my last therefore makes you Dr for So much less, if could give orders to draw on your friend in London would be much more convenienter for me <W> flax is 2 1/2 or 3 Stl cheapr than 4 M Agoe

Letter – John Blackett to Nathaniel Clayton – 18 Mar 1710

Mr N Clayton Rotterdm 18 March 1710 Sr Inclosed bill of loading & above Invoice of 20 Rolls of Canvas in P Harrison the qts of linnen & Tea Shall Send per Mr <Tower> as also one dozin of claret who promises to deliver all Safe flax from 18 to 22 Rynsbr Tow 14 1/4 if could give me orders to draw on your brother in London would be much convenienter for me

Letter – John Blackett to Anthony Smith – 18 Mar 1710

Mr Anthony Smith at Hartinpool [Hartlepool] Ditto Sr Inclosed bill & Invoice of Goods in Gibson as also Send the bill of £20 back or d[ebto]r gibson would not have you to be angry he is really concerned because cannot pay it, if reason is he has been here so long, pray let me know on whom Shall draw in London for the Acct bills on Newcastle & other places in the North are Seldom wanted here, the Thread is aboard the person of whom I bought it is o

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 18 Mar 1710

Honest Jacob March 18 I Recd’ yrs of the 13 but this day, and it should have come’d to me the post before, in a lettr last post to Mewburne I writ that you and he at the Pay should first discharge Tulip, for you know he Farm a considerable Farm of me and when he’s paid whats due to him from the Work people, there’s all the Reason in the World that the Stewards should pay themselves first, and tis yr own fault if you do not Seeing there is money e

Letter – Edward Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 18 Mar 1710

Sir Newby March 18 In case Jacob Peart be gone from Newcastle I desire you’ll Send the Inclosed by the very first conveniency, if he have not been at Newcastle to Receive money for the Pay, keep the Lettr by you for he’ll certainly be with you in a day or two I am yr very humble Serv Mr Featherstone & Comp’y

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 18 Mar 1710

Honest Mr Ward March 18 I perceive by yrs that you design for York Shortly, I shall take it very ill if you do not call at Newby Either in yr going or Returning, After you have spoke to Mr <Place> if he will not pay you, you must ordr an Attorney to proceed against him and that I’m sure will put him to more charge, so he had much bett’r pay it with fair means, I cannot imagine what he can Say or Alledge in this business. Am very sorry that Vane

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Robinson – 18 Mar 1710

Mr Robinson March the 18 yr friend Mr Speight Recommended you to me for a very good Coach and Harness maker, he promised to write & Acqt. you of it by the last post, I have Occasion for a Sett of Harness, I would have them as Strong and as good as any at loose with as much brass upon, lett the Brass that you putt upon the Pads be <…ly> large, and E. B. Reversed, if you make them Extraordinary good and use me well as to the price you may

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Forster – 19 Mar 1710

Sir March 19 I Rec’d the Basons Chamber Potts & plates, which am oblig’d to you for, So pray by the first post Send a lettr. to yr Bro. Loope to come & Receive the money for them, I was in hopes to have seen you at Newby when you were last at Burr’bridge, and then my Debt to you should have been discharged by yr Ass’d friend For Mr Forster at his house in Wakefield

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Forster – 21 Mar 1710

Mr Forster March 21 I hope my nephew shew’d you the Lettr which I writ to him, on the 14. Inclosed I send you a Copy of the Lettr I writ to Mr Wilkinson his answer, as also my Answer to him againe, So unless you Receive a bill or ordr from Mr Wilkinson by this post to pay £30 I despair that they’ll Return him any thing, pray if my Kinsman be with you lett him See this Lettr as also the Inclosed With my Service to him I am yr Assured friend to serve

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Sharp – 21 Mar 1710

Dr Sr March 21st 1709/10 I am mighty oblig’d to you for the Worthy Drs Speech and the Collection of Passages at the Tryall. I hope he will find a great many friends, tho’ in my opinion he stands need of few being his Cause is so very just, I wish he had no greater <Incourager> against him than my Ld W. P. who I believe cannot say his Catechism, So a mighty fitt man to be a Champion Either for or against the Church of England.

Letter – Edward Blackett to Maria Blackett – 24 Mar 1710

Dear Maria March 24 1709/10 I Recd. both yr Lettrs and am very glad you are so well plac’d and with so good people, lett me know what day of the month you can come to their house, and shall write to Mr Brummell to ordr Mr Horton his Agent to pay Mr How quarterly as also yr Allowance, you must be Careful to be as good houswife as possibly you can for money is Scarce to come by, lett me know the names of all of them that comes to you, I wond’r yr u

Letter – Edward Blackett to Blackett Mitford – 24 Mar 1710

Nephew Mitford March the 24 Since my Lettr to Mr Forster last post I Rec’d. one from yr Mother, who writes me that yr Father will not give you six pence the words of her letter as by Reason of yr <knaves> dealing in yr last concern with him, And as for her she’s not able to give you any thing, however desire Mr Forster to pay you ten pounds, & take yr Rect. Send, and inclose it by the first post to Mr Wilkinson, and I will pay him the money, or

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Robinson – 24 Mar 1710

Mr Robinson March the 24 I Recd. yr Lettr and I leave the brass work of the harness to yr Selfe, not doubting but you’ll make them of the newest fashion, and am of yr opinion that the Coat of Arms and Crest will look much better that the Cypher, So Inclos’d I send you them. I would have the Topps for the horses Scarlett, & very full, and as for the fashion of the bitts, for the bridles I leave them wholy to yr discretion, you may Send down a

Letter – John Blackett to Henry Witton – 25 Mar 1710

Mr Henry Witton Rotterdm 25 Ditto at Mr Groves Winchester Street, London Sr Since my last none from you, ad advised you before have accepted both your bills of £150 & £100 & Shall be paid when due, there are about 50 W Kerseys & great part of the Mixt yet unsold, & what have sold have not Recd f1000 therefore desire you to Remit me £100 or Else let me know on whom I may draw against your bill of £100 is due, was drawn

Letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 25 Mar 1710

Sr/ March 25 1710 I long to hear the Answr you had from Dr. Ward - The Inclosed in the Lett[er] to Mr. Adams which you formerly Sent me which you know I was not to Send till I had Mr. Thorntons positive Answr but I perceive by a Lett[er] from him lately that that Sum is not to be Rely’d on, so I desire you’ll <……> yr Lett[er] for tis as full as can be, only you may desire him to give you or me a line as soon as possible he can whether he thinks the money may be Re

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 25 Mar 1710

James March 25 1710 I Rec’d. yours of the 23 from Fallowfield, which surprised me Very much, for you write me you Recd all the money both from Mr. Fenwick & Mr. Featherstone and that there is great Arrears due from the Work people wch you cannot gett a farthing of which is miracle to me when you have money in your own hand to pay your self, and lett who will loose by the Work men I’m Resolved I will not for if you have paid my moneys in my own <Wrong> look you to i

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 25 Mar 1710

Sr. March 25 1710 I desire as soon as this comes to hand that immediately you’ll hire a man and a horse to carry this Lett to Fallowfield, for they are now making my Pay and I find by Mewburnes Lett they are likely to make a great mistake; if Mewburne be not at Fallowfield or his father in Laws at <Acomb> ord[er] the Messinger to bring back the Lett. Shall know in 1 or so days time whether I can Raise the £1500 which by the <1>st of June is design’d for my S

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Blackett – 26 Mar 1710

Dr Neddie March 26 1710 I Rec’d yours this morning As also one from Mr. Aislabie who writes me that he has gott a positive promise both from the D. of Devon and the Bishop of Ely for their best Assistances in procuring you a Capt’s Commission and if any two men in England can do you Service it must be these two, So I hope after a little time the business will be done to your Satisfaction. So in the interim patience must be had, Inclos’d you have a lettr. to the Bishop of E

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Aislabie – 26 Mar 1710

Dr Sir March 26 I had favr. of yours and must always own my obligations to you for the great & constant trouble you are so kind as to give yr. Selfe upon my Son Neds prefermt. I writ to him by this post and inclos’d him a Lettr. for deliver to the Bishop of Ely, I do not question but he’ll do whats in his power for him, but these great people are apt to forgett, unless Some times they be Reminded; Mr. Chambers Son did not bring me any Snuff, I gott it the other da

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Forster – 29 Mar 1710

Mr. Forster March 29 1710 I Rec’d yours of the 25 as also two Lettrs. of the same Date from my Nephew as appears by the Stamp of the post office, tho he alter’d the Date of one of them. Inclos’d I Send you the Lettr. wch I Rec’d from his mother so he cannot Expect any thing there, in case he go into the East Indies I writ him to desire you to pay him Ten pounds, and to take his Rect. for the money, and inclose it to Mr Wilkinson and my Steward will pay Him the moneys, bu

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 30 Mar 1710

Sr March 30 I thank you for hiring a messinger with My Lett to Fallowfield, it came there in Very good time before the Pay was Ended, and I hope Sav’d me Several Arrears which were due to me from the Work people. Pray lett me know by the next post what you mean in saying you heartily wish for many Reasons that the moneys that is to be Rais’d upon Kittys Acct. may be gott in Yorkshire, there is at present due to me out of Sr Jno Delavall’s Estate £13040 with the

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 30 Mar 1710

March 30 Honest Jacob I Rec’d yours of the 29 and I desire that you’ll go into Weardale and Alston Moor as soon as possibly you can, and procure me all the budlers that are out of Employment both there and Allenheads, I wish you had spoken to Mr. Mowbray, for I know he could have supplyd you with some, I would willingly have a great many Employd for the sooner they are gone thro’ the <bett[e]r>. I perceive you have paid the Window sess which by Act of Parliament is due for

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 30 Mar 1710

March 30 1710 James I Rec’d yours of 27 and am surprised to hear the Pay should come to so prodigious a sum considering so small a quantity of Lead made, the Wood wch. was cutt and brought to Fallowfield might have been sold for much above £100, I thought giving 6.10 or £7 for 24 cwt. I should have been a considerable Gainer but I find it quite otherwise, which makes me long to see the Pay how the money was disbursd, Give my Service to Mr Fenwick and desire him to send me a b

Letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 30 Mar 1710

Sir March 30 My Wife desired me to Returne yourselfe & Mr. Trotter thanks for your kind inquiry after her Daughters health, indeed she has been very dangerously ill, the Dr was here from Sunday till Tuesday at noon, and a little before he went away her Distemper shew’d itselfe as he called it, for tis come to an intermitting feaver, so the less Dangerous tho indeed she’s Extremely Weak and a Violent Cough, and drinks Nurse’s Milk, which is a little loathsome to her, W
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467