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Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 10 Jul 1710

July 10 1710 Sr I Rec[eive]d yours of the 8th and am very sorry to hear that they have assess’d the ¼ p[ar]t of Winlaton Colliery at £9 p[er] Annum & formerly ‘twas but six & Eight p[ence] if Jno Robinson be Concern’d as I believe he is for Mr Wilkinson he is the onely person to blame for it, for upon a new assessm[en]t care always must be taken to name their own Tenants or who they can confide in for Assessm[en]t & then no Advance of Assessm[en]t is to be fea

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Millington – 11 Jul 1710

July 11 Honest Capt I writ you the 30 past which I hope came to your hand My Wife fears that Mrs Millington is not well by Reason she has writ three Letters to her since she Rec[eive]d her last so As soon as they comes to hand you must order her to write a line to her Be fore you Went From hence I told you that Sr Jno Delavall had brought a tryal against me for halfe of the tythe of Seaton, so I desire you’ll make all the inquiry that possibly you can whether Hugh Johns

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 11 Jul 1710

July the 11 D[ea]r Kitty I perceive you have paid Nedde £5 so lett me know whether youll have a Bill sent for it or Receive it here when you come down my self & friends will make you all the Intrest we can in these parts viz York Leeds Wakefield, Ripon, Dur[ham] Newcastle etc I design God willing to begin my Journey for Newcastle on fryday the 4th of Aug[us]t so give me a line by the very first post when you design to sett foreward & when youll be in these parts as also acq[ai

Letter – John Blackett to John Field – 11 Jul 1710

Mr John Field Rotterdm 11 July 1710 Sr Inclosed Send you a bill wch is already fallen due of £25 on Mr Tho Myers at Allerthorp near Yorke, I desire you to Order your friend at York to Receive the money, but if Refused to protest it & Send it me back by first post, now the fleet is Sailed for london fansy butter is fallen, if you can buy 50 or 60 firkins at 14 or 141/2 Shillings may do it, but must buy what is good, though no Ship read

Letter – John Blackett to Thomas Vazie – 11 Jul 1710

Mr Tho Vazie Ditto Sr According to your Order has Shipt you one basket Spaw water, you may See as above has been Shipt Some time, would have Sent you Invoice before but was in hopes the Mastr would have come up wth his Ship from the briel, (for has been their ever Since Shipt your Water waiting a Good Wind) & than would have packt you the goods you writ for but the wind being now fair will certainly Saile, Mr Reay is gone for Ostend or othe

Letter – John Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 11 Jul 1710

Mr Featherstone & Reay Rotterdm 11 July 1710 Messrs Featherstone & Reay I Recd yours of the 6 June Inclosed bill of loading of 2 Matts Steel Hemp in Robotham it has been Shipt Some time, Should have Sent you Invoice before but was in hopes of getting Some Small Tow, but the Wind is come fair the Ships will Sail this day, for these 10 days or more we have had nothing but Raine if you have had the Same wth you am afraid the corne & Hay will Suffer mu

Letter – John Blackett to Robert Sutton – 11 Jul 1710

Mr Robt Sutton Ditto Sr This is to advise you that has put on board Tho Robotham one dossin bottles of Claret wch desire you to Accept off, hope you will get them Safe, Shall Endeavoir to dispose of your Grindstones per Robotham & Watson, at present no demand, for 14 days we have had Nothing but Raine if you have had so much wth you am afraid will do much damidge to Corne Flax from 18 to 22 Stl <abercosde> 16 to 21 <Gemeen&g

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 11 Jul 1710

Mr John Kelley Ditto Sr Inclosed bill of loading & above Invoice of 19 Matts Tow Shipt in Robotham for your & my Acct would have Sent the Invoice before but had Some thoughts of Shipping our flax but Mr Reay & Wilson telling me there will be no demand for any these 2 Months at least has put it off till the next Ships Shall Send no more Tow the haerlem 8 & <Cumy.> Tow is f1gl lower in price than Sent them to others 2 Mon

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 13 Jul 1710

July 13 1710 James I am glad to perceive by yours that my Cosen Simpson has found a houskeeper acquaint me whether all the keelmen be fallen to work againe for I perceive there has been a great uprore amongst them in the town I believe they will never be quiet til a great many of their ringleaders be made Examples of give my service to Mr Alderman featherston & tel him I wish him much joy of his new honour I wonder alderman fenwick is not ashamed to be in my debt so long for

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 13 Jul 1710

July 13 Honest Jacob I Perceive by yours on the 10th that you have been at warsebourn [probably Warksburn] & designs as soon as geo Dods is at home to be there againe hasten down all the slag lead while the wayes are good would willingly have several bargaines of the wastes let now against the beginning of Sept for about that time we shall have water Enough & may continue all winter excepting a hard frost when any leases are taken it belongs allways for the tennants to pay for

Letter – Edward Blackett to George Mashrother – 14 Jul 1710

July 14 Sir I percieve that there is a 100 tile for me by the water side am sorry the boatman did not bring them up when he was at York so I was forced to buy as many here as finishd my building I Desire you if it be possible to Dispose of them for me tho to my loss but perhaps he that you bought them of will take them againe so It will only be the loss of carrying them to the water & back pray let me know by the bearer post buy w[ha]t I am Indebted for tile & shall send the mo

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mrs Gray – 16 Jul 1710

July 16 Good Mrs Gray I gave you an acct by my last that I have got a hous keeper recommended to me from newcastle she has an extrordionary Carracter so I hope will prove accordingly she will be here on friday or saturday the first week in august so I Desire you will come here the monday after & shall send <.> horses for you let me know at your own Leasure w[ha]t day will be most convenient for you to come to Newby & shall send for you accordingly with my service to your

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Blackett – 18 Jul 1710

July 18 Dear Jacce I percieve by yours on the 11 that you are in good health pray god continue it to you I Design for Newcastle about the 2d or 3d of August & there shall drink your health with your friends the merchants in town that imployes you hearafter never send me any Claret for we get extrordionary good from Scotland but if at any time you can send me schampane or Burgandie do it & let me know what it cost you & shall pay it to Alderman Featherston

Letter – Edward Blackett to Robert Booth – 18 Jul 1710

July 18 Dear Sir am obliged to you for your last letter & In returne have sent you the true & just Carrecter of a great many of your friends I hope in a little time you will see your error & so turne over a new leafe & be in the same opinion with our honest dean of Ripon who din’de with me yeasterday & enquired very kindly after you & Drunk your health he has of late got an extrordionary great stammering in his speech so that some afear he will never be able t

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 20 Jul 1710

July 20 1710 Sr I Return you a Copy of your Acct signed, tho’ I believe there is a great mistake in it, for you’ll find there is thirty shill[ings] less than the last halfe year so pray acq[uain]t me the Reason of it be sure never suffer the tenants to [vary] part of one halfe year Rent into another, but rather distrain & tell them tis a positive order & that I hope will make them carefull to discharge their Rents two or three months after they’re due, I wonder Jno

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 20 Jul 1710

July 20 1710 James I perceive by your last that you did not Receive my Letter Dated the 13 but that it was given to Sr Jno Delavalls servt & he neglected to give you it, hereafter shall always Inclose your Letters to Mr Brumell, so you may call for them there, for I do not approve of Sr John’s servts carrying your Letters I hope Mr Ald[erman] Fenwick will be as good as his word and give you Either money or Bills for the Ballance of my Acct and in case he give you Bills i

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Jones – 21 Jul 1710

June 21 Honest Mr Jones I Recd yours this morning Doubt mine did not come to your hand wherein I Inclos’d you a Letter from my son John who advis’d you that he had sent you some holland by a Carefull master who would Deliver it to Mr Featherstone & desird that you would pay him the mony for it. I do not perceive by yours that you have rec[eive]d it tho you have paid Mr John Kelly for it I have thoughts of Dineing at Durham on Saturday night in my way to newcastle

Letter – John Blackett to Nicholas Ridley – 22 Jul 1710

Mr N & R Ridley Rotterdm 22 July 1710 Since my last am not favd wth yours this is to advise you that this day have drawn on you at 2 usance a bill of £56:4 for wch make you Credit f576:17:8 you may think it Something Strange that the Exchange is so low, but if you will please to Inquire will find that has one groot more because gave a bill for a <Neat> Summ, the Exchange was no more than 34<..> 3<..> Should not have dr

Letter – Edward Blackett – 26 Jul 1710

Sir I Rec[eive]d yours with a Bill inclosd for a £100 which I have given you Credit for pray acquaint me if there be any Extrordionary good Claret in town <… …> percieve the Merchant Will sell at 20 or 30 shillings cheaper to a Vintner than a Gent so you may either Desire Capt Ellrington or Mewburns Landlord to buy a hogshead for me in case you <……> of it when you <tast it> I hear the Vintners in your town pays £25 p[er] h[ogs]h[ea]d & the Gents 26 in case

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Jones – 27 Jul 1710

July 27 1710 Sir Am very sorry to hear of your Kinsman Mr Bewicks Death it was a great surprise to me because I never heard of his sickness My son Kit will be at Durham on munday next so I Desire you will Introduce him to the ablest Grocers in Town I Dispair of my Journey Northward as I Designd for I have had lately & has at present a severe fit of the Gravel upon me so I believe shall Defer that Journey to a much Longer time all here gives you their service & bel

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr How – 28 Jul 1710

July 28 Mr How Sir I had a small present of wine in bottles sent me from my son who is a merchant in Rotterdam & I p[er]ceive by your master Willm Watson that he came by Whitby & that you & your brother Custom house officer Mr Burnett seized the wine, I know tis seizable but such a small present to a Gent is [struck out: ‘allwayes’] usually restord by any officer that understands Civility so I Desire you will do me the favour to let me know by a line directing your lett

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Millington – 28 Jul 1710

July 28 Honest Capt I heartily thank you honest Capt for giveing me so good & quick an acct of what I Desir’d Am glad Mr Hugh Johnson does not Design a northern Journey & you know I am not very desireous of any Journey particularly to Newcastle about Law business which will save me some Guineas in my Pocket, am not unmindfull of my Promise you may Depend upon a Cupple of my Heffers so take care to get a shippen made for them against winter for I know you keep none of your Cat

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 30 Jul 1710

July 30 1710 James Inclos’d I send you Capt Millingtons Letter so am very certaine that Sr John cannot prove the settlem[en]t in case he bring on the tryal he will certainly be nonsuited, so when Mr Barnes returnes from Durham but not sooner you may acq[uain]t him with it & give him a Guiney his pleading fee he has nothing to say to him but only to bid him prove the settlem[en]t be sure you take great care to Sr John & Inclose that Letter to me which I wrote to Sr John

Letter – Edward Blackett to Nicholas Ridley – 31 Jul 1710

July 31 1710 Sir Upon the receipt of your Letter I perused severall rentals of farrowsheilds tythes for many years past & finds that in 1705 it was set for £3 5s but never let under £3 at no time so If you pleas[e] to give that Rent you may Improve your land at farrowsheilds very much & have a lease for 21 Years or for any less or term as you please Am sorry you find no better Encouragement in the tryals you have made I shud think this place you are now working

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 31 Jul 1710

July 31 1710 Sir The Postmaster of Borrowbridge had a pack of wine in bottles from Mr Barnado [possibly Bernadeau, Newcastle merchant] , & it is not much approv’d of I would Either have a Choice h[ogs]h[ea]d or none if you can light of a rare kind of wine in town pray buy me one tho I would not have it brought hither til Sept & then the weather will be much cooler I p[er]ceive it is a little trouble to Mr Governour to call a Court on purpose for Curtis any time
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467