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Letter – Edward Blackett to Theophilus Shalton – 1 Aug 1710

August 1 Sir I’me Informed that there are 3 or 4 able grocers in Wakefield my son is lately set up in London a Whole sale grocer so I Desire you will do me the favour to Introduce him to them for their Custome he is now at Newcastle but Designs to go to Wakefield & at his returne & will waite on you which will be about the latter end of the next week I Desire you will give him your assistance in this affaire & youl much oblige Sr Your faithfull Humble servt F

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 1 Aug 1710

Augt 1 James The above said is a Coppy of my last as also Inclosed you have a Coppy of Capt Millingtons letter to me I gave them to my son Kit but for fear he should not Deliver them have sent you these Coppies of them know of the free porter how many pieces of Lead I have In the cellar & acq[uain]t me I believe Mr Barnes will come to Newcastle on Saturday Evening so you may stay in town a Little Later then ordionary Desire My Cosen Simpson to let you know what day I should s

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Draper – 2 Aug 1710

Augt 2 Sir I had lately a small present of some four bottles of wine sent me from my son who is a merch[an]t in Rotterdam the master in his Voyage to Newcastle toucht at Whitby & two of Officers of the [struck out: ‘Excise’] Custome hous[e] Mr How & Mr Burnet came on board & seizd the wine I wrote a letter to them both so I hope they will returne it however I desire you will do me the favour to write a line to one of them & order them to restore it with my most humb

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Blackett – 2 Aug 1710

Augt 2 Dear Jacce The above said is a Coppy of my last I did not go to Newcastle as I Designed by reason I have had a fit of the gravel upon me & has it stil your brother kit came here last week & we have got him a great many customers in this County many more then I could have Expected he is at present at Newcastle but will make but a small stay there & so go amongst his customers in his Journey back another road then that he came down he is like to do Extreamly well

Letter – Edward Blackett to Daniel Thompson – 4 Aug 1710

August 4 1710 Daniel Thompson I Rec[eive]d your letter this morning & you may be shure assur’d shall do you all the good offices in my power shall write to Sr marmaduke as you Desir’d & have sent this day your Letter by the bookseller of Rippon to your father adam to Desire my brother Yorke to write likewise to Sr Marmaduke in your behalf so not doubting but you will have your request granted I am Your assured friend For Mr Daniel Thompson officer of Exci

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Thompson – 4 Aug 1710

August 4 Sir I p[er]used your Letter to my son, w[hi]ch surpriz’d [struck out: ‘me very much’] I Enquired several times both of Mr Adams & your self w[ha]t you thought the Charges of the recoveries & fines might come to & Desire you to Inform your self in this matter I was not willing to be at more then about £30 Charge & in case they might not be had for about that sum or little more would let them alone you inclos’d me [struck out: ‘Mr Halls’] your

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Delaval – 5 Aug 1710

[struck out: ‘July 26 1710’] August 5 1710 Sr I did design to have been at your assizes to have managed the tryal you brought against me for ½ of the tythes of Seaton but an prevented by a fit of the Gravel so if you think convenient am very willing to refer it to Mr Recorder & Mr Barnes which will save us both moneyes & whatsover Determination they make shall be submitted to by Sr Your Most humble servt Pray make my humble service acceptable to the Ladi

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 7 Aug 1710

August 7 1710 Sir My last was July 31 wherein I Desir’d you to Enquire out the best H[ogs]h[ea]d of Clarret in town & let me know the lowest price of it but since I have heard nothing from you I would have it a strong boddied wine that wine w[hi]ch Mr Postmaster had of him was in bottles, & but a small wine p[er]haps he may have stronger wine in his Cellar which pray know of him I believe mewburn will Certainly be in town so upon receipt of this letter pray send your se

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 7 Aug 1710

Augt 7 James I rec[eive]d yours on the 5th as also the letters which you gave my son Chris[tophe]r I p[er]ceive Sr John & you has had some Discourse about his tryal but you misunderstood him if he told you had offer’d a good sum of money for the settlem[en]t for to my knowlidge he has the settlem[en]t by him but he cant prove it reason he has not Mr Hugh Johnson o[ut] of Cheshire to that was witness to the settlem[en]t so if he bring on the tryal he will certainly be non su

Letter – Edward Blackett to Robert Fenwick – 7 Aug 1710

Augt 7 Sr I returne you by my servt who will be in Newcastle on wednesday morning the bill you gave my servant Mewburn for sixty five pounds it is Dated the 29 July at 10 Dayes date so it cannot possibly be at London til four dayes after it is due I Indo[r]s[e]d & sent it to york but no body would take it for that reason you know there is 3 dayes of grace allowd for bills of Exchange but this comes the day after which looks very Ill I wish the ten pound bill be duely paid pr

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 7 Aug 1710

Shall send by [Pars] the bill of Exchange you sent me for sixty five pounds ten dayes date tis dated the 29 July so it cant possibly be in London till 4 Dayes after it is due I wonder you would not look at the Date & Consider it before you sent it there is 3 dayes of grace by act of parlim[en]t allowd for bills of Exchange but this could not possibly be there till the Day after which looks very ill I wish the ten pound bill be well paid I have writ Mr Fenwick by this post to the same p

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mrs Gray – 8 Aug 1710

August 8 1710 Good Mrs Gray We shall have occasion to send to Yorke on Fryday & if it suite w[i]th your conveniency to returne with my servt it would do mighty well, If not pray let me know by a line by the postboy what day you will do us the favour to come hither shall send a servt to bring you to New[by] the houskeeper from Newcastle will not fail to be here on Thursday night so the sooner you can spare time to come the better with our kind remembrance to your self & Mr

Letter – Edward Blackett to Samuel Robinson – 8 Aug 1710

Saml Robinson August 8 1710 Our River has been up at least this 14 dayes, so Expected you every day, let me know by a line by the poast whether I may rely on you or not for shall have occasion for a great Quantity of Coals so If you cant furnish me there is several at Yorke will with the same coals shall Expect to hear from you in a post or too I am Your friend For Samuel Robinson at Wakefield bridge End These [presents] post p[ai]d

Letter – Edward Blackett to Maria Blackett – 11 Aug 1710

Augt 11 1710 Dear Maria I perceive by yours that your are returned from [Ember] I have given your brother Kit a bill for £25 for you to Day for your table etc I have also paid him w[ha]t Alethia paid her Apothicary which was [missing] 9d I have writ each of you a letter which your brother will give you assoon as he comes to London so consider well when you read the Letter he Expects to be there on Tuesday or wednesday seventhnight with my blessing to you both I am Yours

Letter – Edward Blackett to Aletheia Blackett – 12 Aug 1710

August 12 1710 D[ea]r Alithea I rec[eive]d yours with your Apothicaries bil[l] Inclosed peoples of that profession here thinks it a very Extravegant one they think it very strang[e] that he shud offer to Charge 10s for bleeding of you twice being you are in his own house the Apothicaries here thinks them selves well paid if they go 100 mile to let Blood & have ½ a Crown given them however I have paid your brother kitte your bill which comes to £3 9s & 7d so paid have paid him

Letter – Edward Blackett to Maria Blackett – 12 Aug 1710

August 12 1710 D[ea]r Maria I Rec[eive]d yours by Mr Smirk, I think it is now full time for you to come into the Countrey you know your meat & drink would not cost me much at Newby so there is about £55 a year thrown away by your liveing at another place so I would have you consider it, for the more you spend after this manner the less you are likely to have for your fortune I think your Landlord might very well find you with Coals paying him after the rate of £55 a year for your

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 12 Aug 1710

Aug 12 1710 S[i]r I Rec[eive]d yours on the 8th & 9th as for haveing wine in bottles from newcastle it will be a great Charge & in case I should have a h[ogs]h[ea]d of Florence drawn off it is ten to one but it will be prict for it is a nice wine to be dealt with I thank you for the acct you give me of my tryal as allso the trouble you gave your self in getting me the bill exchange & <char> from Mr Fenwick The former bill might be a good bill but not a m

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Scott – 14 Aug 1710

Augt 14 1710 S[i]r I Desire your care in sending this pipe aboar[d] of a Hull Keel & order the master to put it on board on one of the Hull vessels that Goes for London & w[ha]t Charge you are at shall thankfully be repaid by S[i]r Your obliged friend & servt For Mr Scot Crane Master in Yorke

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Armstrong – 15 Aug 1710

Augt 15 1710 Hon[es]t will Armstrong I p[er]ceive by your letter that you have a desire that Mewburne should draw your lease & you would have it done Exactly after your old one so the first time Mewburne comes to Newby he shall draw your leas[e] exactly after your old one only 40s a year <incerter> I am your assured friend For Will Armstrong at bardon Mill

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Thompson – 15 Aug 1710

August 15 1710 Sir I Rec[eive]d you letter with the bill Inclos’d I own I am alltogether a stranger as to the charge of the recovery & the proceedings I Desire you will name a day when you will be at newby & bring the recoveries & other things that Concerne me with you & shall Desire my friend who I believe understands these things much better then I do to meet you here that all things may be adjusted give me timely notice that I may acq[uain]t him with the Day

Letter – Edward Blackett to Sellers Thornbury – 15 Aug 1710

Augt 15 Sir I p[er]ceive by yours that both the bills were accepted w[he]n due pray receive the moneys I Desire you will send down the abovsaid parcels with all possible speed & let them be the very best you have for you shall find me a very good paymaster direct them to Mr Scot Crane master in York for Sr Edwd Blacket my son will not be in London til the latter end of the next week I am Your assured friend to serve you For Mr Sellers Thornbury at the whit[e] hart on bread

Letter – John Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 15 Aug 1710

Messrs Featherstone & Reay Rotterdam 15 August 1710 Gentlemen Last post advised you that had Shipt part of your goods in James Lidle Enclosing bill of loading & on the Other Side Invoice of 15 Matts flax Shipt as before the rest of the flax tow & candle week are ready I Shall Shipt them the first oppertunity wch will be in little time Shall Endeavour to get 10 Matts right Harlem Bossell Tow is also 5 or 600<lb> good Steel hemp have bought 23

Letter – John Blackett to Anthony Smith – 15 Aug 1710

Mr Anthony Smith Rotterdam 15 August 1710 Sr have not been favd wth yours for Sometime This is to desire you upon receipt of this letter to buy for me 40 last of good Rape Seed if can get it for 101/2 or £11 but if must give £11:5 than 25 last & Ship it in as good Ship for this place by the first oppertunity must beg of you to be expeditious in the buying this Seed & that tis of a good Sort as also that the measure is good when I hear you have bought

Letter – John Blackett to Nathaniel Clayton – 15 Aug 1710

Mr N Clayton Rotterdm 15 Augt 1710 Writ him that had Sent per Liddle 23 Bolts Canvas I had drawn on his Brother Alexius for £50 at 2 usance at 34<..> 10<..> the 7 <…> ticking for Wastcoat & Bretches cost f4

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 17 Aug 1710

Augt 17 Honest Jacob I perceive by yours that the 12 men is come from Scotland & that you have let them 7 heaps at £6 12s 6d p Tunn 24 Hund[redweight] to the Tunn which is very well I wish they performe their words in bringing 20 budlers at michelmas & 20 in the spring & that considerd is but a very small number of men to get the 7 heaps drest up in a year or too I wish you could get as many men as would take the remainder of all the heaps unlet that is to say to let
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467