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Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Raper – 1 Oct 1710

October 1 1710 Mr Raper am much obligd to you for your acct you give me of Mr Wises medera Wine I Desire you will send me a Dozen bottles of Each sort and If I like them shall send for a hogshead pray see them Carefully bottled and the Corcks tyed Down & well pact in a hamper direct them for me to be left with Mr Scot Crane Master of Yorke order them to be carried to my son Kitts shop & he’l ship them in a hull vessel and will request the master to take particular care of it

Letter – Edward Blackett to Charles Lister – 3 Oct 1710

October 3 1710 Mr Alderman I have sent my servant to you with £50 & Desire you will send me a bill for that sum tho it be 15 or 20 Dayes after date payable to me or my order & youl oblige Your assured freind & servt For Mr Alderm[a]n Lister in Ripon I shall have no occasion for moneys this Long time

Letter – Edward Blackett to Sampson Smirke – 3 Oct 1710

October 3 1710 Honest Mr Smirke Inclos’d you have a bill for the £50 you left with me am sorry I could not get one at a shorter date pray order my son Kit to send me down every week a barrel of the newest & Choicest Oysters in town by the Richmond Carriers But not to name my name in the Direction but let them be Directed for Mrs Re[tte] shop at Burrowbridge & after he has send 4 barrels with that Direction then he must send me a barrel Every week Directed for my self & w

Letter – Edward Blackett to Chippendale – 3 Oct 1710

October 3 1710 Mr Chippindale I Rec[eive]d your letter by your servt & I have made Inquiry after Mr Heavisides greyhound & I hear he had not a Greyhound dog when he died you may be assured Ile make it my Endeavour to get you a good Greyhound if there be any in this part of the Country to be had & beleve me allwayes your assured friend to serve you For Mr Chippindale at the Castle in Yorke

Letter – John Blackett to Ralph Reed – 3 Oct 1710

Mr Ralph Reed Rotterm 3 Octobr 1710 Sr have drawn a bill on you dated 1 Octobr at 2 Usance to the order Tho Simpson of £50 at 35 f525; Must beg of you not to accept the bill till you hear from me that the money is paid, Mr Simpson is a Mastr of a Ship & onely given me a Note on his broaker who Say will pay it in 10 or 12 days time

Letter – John Blackett to Thomas Vazie – 3 Oct 1710

Mr Tho Vazie Ditto Sr have drawn a bill on you of £15 at 2 Usance to the order Tho Simpson at 35 <..> f157gl writ him as above not to pay it till hear from me

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 4 Oct 1710

October 4 1710 S[i]r If it be not Inconvenient to you I Desire you will send me a bill for £50 or £60 pounds tho it be at 30 Dayes date I will not suffer my tennants by any means to run one half year into another & pray acq[uain]t them so & that you have orders to Distraine in cas[e] they do not pay the rents & <past due soon> I hear that Sr John Lawson has let his Colliery to very good advantage pray acq[uain]t me who has undertaken it & what rent they pay for

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 4 Oct 1710

October 4 1710 James I perceive by yours that you have paid Alderman Ramsey £15 when you see him besure you give my service to him Inquire of Mr Alderman Featherstone if he can tel you where you can buy a Cagg of Eas[t] Country Cowecumbers the large Yellow sort & in case a Cag may be had send me it by the first Ripon Carrier in case Alderman Featherstone cant acq[uain]t you then go to Alderman Fenwick & Mr Ridley with my service & know If they can assist you shud hav

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Jones – 5 Oct 1710

Oct 5 John Honest Mr Jones your City Election makes a great noise in these parts it is reported here that your party has frighted both the bishop Dean & the whole chapter & that All the Candidates do buy votes as publickly as if they were buying Cattle in a market pray acq[uain]t me by the first post who you think will Carry it & whether there be any truth of what is reported here this next week will put an End to all the Elections in the nation Except the County Election

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Gray – 8 Oct 1710

October 8 1710 Honest Mr Gray I thank you kindly for the roule of sturgeon you sent me I Desire your wife will go to Mr Gelderd & Inquire if he have any Large yellow East Country Coucumbers or that he can Informe her If there be any in towne for I would willingly have a Cag bought if there be any in towne pray Informe me by a line by the bearer & youl oblige Your assured friend to serve you For Mr Edwd Gray at his house in the Shambles Yorke

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Wilson – 8 Oct 1710

Mr Willson ctober 8 1710 S[i]r Before Mr Sanders went to London he told me that seeing his brother was dead that he Desird you that when I had occasion for any salt fish Ling or Codd that you would do me the favour as to procure them for me pray let me know by a line by the post Direct for me at Newby nigh Burrowbridge when will be the propperest time to send for them & my neighbour S[i]r Tho Tankard will Likewise send a servt I am S[i]r Your very humble servt Fo

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Field – 8 Oct 1710

October 8 S[i]r I thank you for the Care you took of my goods pray show the superscription of the Inclosd to your postmaster which will satisfie him of his great neglect in the office in case he doe not give you a very good [treat] Returne me the Inclosd back & shall Inclose send it to S[i]r Tho Frankland the postmaster General with the Your post masters Carectar which Ime sure will hazard his place I am S[i]r Your obliged humble servt For Mr John Feild Merch[an]t in Hull <

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Stockdale – 8 Oct 1710

S[i]r I Desire you will do me the favour to send me by the bearer the Cheshire Address & shall returne you it safely againe with all our most humble services to your self & Lady I am S[i]r your faithfull humble servt For C<t> Stockdale Esq Thes[e] [presents] <Bilfore>

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Ogle – 8 Oct 1710

Oct 8 1710 Dear S[i]r I rec[eive]d your letter by your servt You may Depend upon all the Interest in my power If had known your Designs sooner could have made you much better both at Newcastle & Elsewhere however I shall write by the very first post there & Inclosed is a letter to my steward Will Lowes who I know will do you all that service in his power which you may peruse seal & Deliver I heartily wish you success & beleive me allwayes Dear S[i]r Your real fr

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Forster – 8 Oct 1710

October 8 S[i]r I have the favour of your letter am sorry shud be Absent when you Designe me a visit & hope you will oblige me with your Company when you go southward I perceive you stand for the County of Northum[berland] & am glad you take so worthy a Gent[leman] for your partner as Capt Ogle & you may both Depend upon my Interest Could wish had Longer time to make it much better for your service All this family gives you their humble service & believe me allways S[

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 8 Oct 1710

October 8 Honest Will I perceive Capt Ogle & Mr Forster Designes to stand for Knights for your County so I Desire you will make all the Interest you possibly can for them both & make it my request to Mr Algood & Mr Carr to serve them to the utmost of their power I do not in the least doubt but my nephew will do like shall write him by the first post who I hope will give the same orders to them both I am your assured friend Your care & Diligence in this wil

Letter – Edward Blackett to Roger Wilson – 10 Oct 1710

October 10 S[i]r I perceive Capt Ogle & Mr Forster Designes to stand for Knights of the Shire for your County so I Desire you will do me the favour to give your Interest to them in case you be not other wayes Engaged which I hope you are not & pray Desire Mr Algood & Mr Car of Hexam to Do the same & youl very much oblige S[i]r Your real friend & servt For Mr Roger Willson Esq at Wallick nigh Hexam Northumberland

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 10 Oct 1710

October 10 Dear Kitte I perceive by yours on the 7th that you have bought me a bag of super fine hopps and so they had need be for it is a much higher price then ever I know hopps sold for in all my time I know this is a very scarce year for Hops Every where you did mighty well in shipping the wine & apples & I wish you had sent to Mr Jekell for a hamper of payper & some other small things which I bought of him when he was at Newby & shipd them with the other goods be s

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 12 Oct 1710

October 12 1710 S[i]r I rec[eive]d yours with a bill for £50 which I have given you Cr[edit] for when I see my nephew you may be assurd shall do you all the service in my power & beleive me Your real friend to serve you For Mr Tho Brummel at his house in Pilgrim Street Newcastle

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 12 Oct 1710

October 12 James The above said is a Coppy of my last I perceive by yours on the 7th that it did not come to your hand which I very much wonder at let me know the time when you Judge will be most convenient for you to come over go & give my service to my Cosen Simpson & tel her I orderd you to know how she [struck out: ‘her Daughter’] My Cozen Wilkinson & family dose acq[uain]t me likewise how the Election at Morpeth went & <w[hi]ch> stood. by me a Large Dried Salmo

Letter – John Blackett to John Hall – 14 Oct 1710

Mr John Hall Rotterdam 14 october 1710 Sr Since you left Rotterdam have not heard from you hop’d you are arrived long ere this on the other Side have Invoice of goods bought when you was in town but what you bought of Mr Parwell over <against> the <doyt ….> cannot get his acct is at present out of town, but Shall Send it in a post or two when Shall Send your acct currt have this day drawn on you at one usance to the order

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 14 Oct 1710

Mr John Kelly Rotterdam 14 october 1710 my father has not writ you to Ship me 100 ps lead wch is in his Cellar pray Ship it by first opportunity in Tho Robothan or Some other carefull master wth Convoy & let me know masters & Ships name in a post or two shall Send you the acct of white Carseys & shall let you know if has any money of H Witton in my hands & how much would have Sent Flax by Robothan but was very dear is at l

Letter – John Blackett to William Leighton – 14 Oct 1710

Mr Wm Leighton Rotterdam 14 october 1710 Sr Since my last am not favoured wth yours on the other Side Invoice of goods per Robothan hope is arrived wth you & goods <prove> to Content here is no old flax Left they begin to bring new to the market the Same Sort as the Sample wch Sent you could buy now for 25 & 26 Stl in a week or two will be lower P Harrison Stays for new flax if would have 2 or 3 more matts for a tryal please

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Dawks – 14 Oct 1710

14 S[i]r Mr Aislaby & Mr Sharpe are now Chose for Ripon so you may Direct your letters for John Aislaby Esqr Member of Parliam[en]t at Newby near Burrowbridge & when he goes to London you shall have a line from from Your assured friend For Mr John Dawks at the sign of the red Lyon at the West End of thames street near Puddle Dock, London

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 14 Oct 1710

Dear Kitte the above said is a Coppy of my last Inclosed is a bill for £50 which give me Cr[edit] in your book for If my Cosen Jekyl have not sent to your shop the paper which I Desird him to do goe to him & order him to send it assoon as Conveniently he can I gave him 3 Guineas at Newby & w[ha]t it comes to more do you pay him & place it to my acct & take his receipt at the bottom of his note & Inclose it my the first post to With my blessing to you Your most affe
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467