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Letter – Edward Blackett – 27 May 1711

Sr Inclosd is a Letter from my son which I desire you will answer in a line to me assoon as Conveniently you can & youl much oblidge Your troublesome freind & humble servt

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 28 May 1711

May 28 1711 Sr I rec[eive]d yours with the bill for 57: 15: 0 ½ which I thank you for tho it be at a very long date Inclosd I returne you a Copy of your Acct signd, all the Copies I formarly sent you was allways signd with my own hand with my humble service to yourself & Mrs Brummell I am, Your assured freind & humble servt To Mr Tho: Brummell

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 28 May 1711

May 28 1711 Honest Jacob I p[er]ceive by Mr Jones that you designe to be at Newby about the beginning of June I would by no means have you to come at that time because shall be from home, assoon as Stagshaw bank faire is over & all my Lead at NewCastle shall be glad to see you I had a Letter from NewCastle this day that as yet I have very little Lead come down to NewCastle as yet which I very much wonder at make it your business to get all my Lead sent away assoon as possibly you c

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 29 May 1711

May 29 1711 Dear Kitte Inclosd I send you a bill for 57: 15; 0 ½ which give me Cr[edit] for, I wrote you in my last the great sufferers were Mr Baine Mr Hen Camplishon Mr Wm Thomas & Mr Leo: Thomas My wife & I designes for Yorke next week & will stay there 8 or 10 days so by the first post let me know the names of the people in york that you shipd goods for & what sort of goods they were shall Informe my self as well as possibly I can w[ha]t Loss each of them might sus

Letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 31 May 1711

May 31 1711 Sr Im much obligd to you for your kind Enquiry after my wifes health I thank god she is very much better then she was when you left her We Continue our resolution of going to York on Tuesday next & I hope nothing can hinder us as my wife goes out every Evening for an hour or two in the Chariot to take the Aire & she finds her self much better for it she gives you her kind service & thanks I am Sr Your faithfull humble servt For the revd mr P

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 31 May 1711

James I rec[eive]d yours of the 26 as allso one from Mr Brummel with a bill Inclosd for w[ha]t he was <marred> which pleasd me very well tho it was at a long date Am sorry you did not see James Clarke I wonder I cannot hear what Quantity of Lead I have at NewCastle did Expect to have had at Least 800 p[iece]s by this time I have wrote so often to Jacob to hasten down my Lead as allso to hire a great many more Carriages but cannot hear a syllable from him what he has done b

Letter – Edward Blackett to Leonard Bentham – 31 May 1711

Honest Mr Bentham the other side is a Copy of my last which I doubt did not come to your hand because I heard nothing from you since pray answer it in every particular as allso acq[ain]t me how you judge the best runts about 5 6 or 7 year old may rule the next Stagshaw faire and whether one may light of such that are in pretty good Case for I have occasion to buy twenty or twenty five in case they be pretty reasonable pray give me a line by the very first post & youl much oblige

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 31 May 1711

Honest Will Our pastures are so Extrordionary good that the like plenty of grass has not been known in the memory of man beasts are here Extravegantly dear so I designe to send a servt to S[t]agshaw bank on the next Midsummer Eve to buy me twenty runts that are pretty good Case & about five 6 or 7 year old pray Let me know by the first post w[ha]t such sort was sold for last Stagshaw faire fail not to have a hundred pound ready ag[ains]t that time & shall a man to receive it a da

Letter – Edward Blackett to Marmaduke Wyvall – 3 Jun 1711

June 3 1711 Sr Am become the Petitioner on the behalf of one of your officers Daniell Thompson who your Kinsman Late dean of Ripon had a particular Kindness for he has been for some time Employd in Lincolnshire & soon after removd by his Collecter into the Marsh nigh Brough which I p[er]ceive is the very worst part in that Collection in the whole County shall Esteem it as a particular favour if youd pleas to order him to any Collection in this County Either Leeds Richmond or to wha

Letter – Edward Blackett to Daniel Thompson – 3 Jun 1711

Daniell Upon the rec[eip]t of your Letter I wrote to Sr Marmaduke Wyvall on your behalf & I make not the Least doubt but he will grant my request beneath you have a Copy of it so I heartily wish you success in all your undertakings being Your Assured freind assoon as this Letter comes to your hand let me hear as from you as likewise when you remove For Mr Daniell Thompson officer of Excise at Burgh nigh the Marshes in Lincolnshire nigh Boston

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mrs Gray – 3 Jun 1711

June 3 Good Mrs Gray We designe god Willing to be at Mr Boldesons on Tuesday next by 5 a clock & Desires you will not fail at the time appointed to meet us there If widdo[w] Johnson have Close Stalls for 6 [struck out: Coach’] stoned horses they shall be sett up there with my service to your selfe & Mr Gray I am Your assured freind to serve you To Mrs Gray at her house in the Shambles Yorke

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 4 Jun 1711

June 4 1711 Sr Upon rec[eip]t of your Letter I Lookd up the Counterpart of Sr Ambrose Crowley Lease & I find that we were to allow him all assessm[en]ts Except hearth money so you know now is at an End but since the date of his Lease there is a late act of Parliam[en]t which does oblidge all ten[an]ts to pay the wind[ow] money assessment pray p[er]use that Act of Parliam[en]t & youl see it very plaine I p[er]ceive his Lease of Winlaton hall will be out the 8 of Aprill next so t

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christian Laidman – 4 Jun 1711

Dear Neice I p[er]ceive by your Letter that Mr Rodgers refuses to ask the liveing for Mr Laidman because he was Infor[me]d that he voted ag[ains]t my Lord dukes son you must make it your business to satisfie him that it was not so being he was not Quallified to give a voat my Nephew Blackets Intrest as I wrote you before went Intirely ag[ains[t my Lord so hes not a proper person at all to do you service nor do I beleive he has the least acquaintance in the world with Mr Rodgers but all t

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 4 Jun 1711

Newby June 4 1711 James I p[er]ceive by yours that James Clarke told you there was but 101 p[iece]s of Lead in the Cellar & that the wherriemen brought down lately 11 p[iece]s with 40 & fifty formarly You may remember last year I had 210 p[iece]s in the Cellar and a hundreed of them was sent to my son John as James Clarke can Informe you & 77 sold to Mr Fenwick so that there must then remaine 33 p[iece]s so be sure you satisfie me in it in your next for I know this

Letter – John Wilkinson to Edward Blackett – 8 Jun 1711

Invoice of the costs and charges of four hundred pieces of Lead shipt by the order and for the acct and risque of Messrs Nathanaele and Jno Gould of London on board the Grape of Newcastle. Matthew Giles Mr for Archangel and consigned to Mr. Thomas Ward, and the marks in the margent vizt WB.S 400 ps qt 526 C 0q 14 lb at 21 cwt to a fother make 25 fo 1cwt 0q 14lb and at £8 10s p fo £ 212 19 1 Custom of 526 cwt at 12d £ 26 6 Coquett and <Culries> £ 4

Letters – Booth to John Blackett – 9 Jun 1711

Konigsberg 9 June 1711 Mr John Blackett Sr: we are favoured with yours acceptable other 9 passd with one from Mr John Kelly, for whose accot we have taken 5 Last freight in the Hester of Newcastle Henry Newton Master for London with convoy from the Sound; his Concerns in him will amount to upwards of 100£ stirling <a you verso> We have this day given our bill up on you for 170£ paya at 41 ds Date to Paul Lafargue or order value off himselfe with which request your fa

Letter – John Blackett to John Hall – 26 Jun 1711

Mr John Hall Rotterdm 26 June 1711 Sr this to advise you that have drawn on you at 2 usa to the order Mr oliver Coats a bill of £70 at 35<..> for wth maks you Creditor f735 in a post or 2 Shall send you the acct Currtt Pray my Servi to Mr Tompson & all friends I am Sr Yr humble Sert J.B. Coales f14 1/2 Bottles f22 Stl Flax 24 to 26 I Shall write you in a post or 2 & send the acct currtt pray acquaint Mr Regd Wils

Letter – John Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 26 Jun 1711

Mr Featherstone & Reay Rotterdm the 26 June 1711 Since my Last am favd wth yours of 22 May Inclosed bill of loading & invoice of goods in john Kitchingman have Shipt no flax could not any under 23 1/2 but whn the Ships are gone Shall buy up at Lowest prices the New Crop was very fine but not having rain has spoilt the Crop have made great inquiry & am Informed that most the new Crop in Zeeland were the most flax grows is spoilt, what is left

Letter – John Blackett to Ralph Reed – 26 Jun 1711

Mr R Reed Rottdm 26 June 1711 Sr Inclosed bill of Loading for 100 Iron potts if was to buy them now must have given 7 Gilders was offered by one that must have Sold them again 6 7/8 but would not do any Such thing wn has bought them for my friend. am Sorry could not get any master of a Ship to take a doz Claret for you wch could ingage any master wth you when comes to take a doz but that are generally So Stockt that always makes o

Letter – John Blackett to Cuthbert Burton – 26 Jun 1711

Mr C Burton Rotterdm 26 June 1711 Sr Inclosed a bill of Loading 6 matts Flax John Kitchingman do not question but will prove well for the prices I bought of a friend if was to buy them on the market as is usuall must given more be Assured flax will not be Cheaper Likely to be dear the Crop wich Stood fine is Spoilt for want of rain little comes to market pray See the flax wch comes in the Ship And See the diff have drawn on you at 2

Letter – John Blackett to William Leighton – 26 Jun 1711

Wm Leighton Rotterdm 26 June 1711 Sr Inclosed bill of Loading of 9 matts flax does not Question but will be good if had bought on the market must given more but bought of a friend Pray see the flax that comes in the Same Ship if you know the Prices will See the difference flax will be dearer The new Crop is partly Spoilt for want of rain , it will be short, have Sent by Kitchingman ½ ps Linnen & 12 handke but for the Silk could not perswa

Letter – John Blackett to John Wilkinson – 10 Jul 1711

Cousin Wilkinson Rotterdm 10 July 1711 According to your order have taken money for the Remainder of the Lead at 5 <pC> & do here Inclose Remit 10 bills as follows 2 bills £200 drawn the 3 past by John Gascoyne on Benjm Gascoyne 2 bills £230 drawn this day by John Gascoyne on Henry Osley 2 bills £200 drawn this day by Benj.n Crow on Samuel Clarke 1 bill £100 drawn this day by Benj.n Crow on Sr Robt Dunckley 1 bill £120 d

Letters – John Ord to John Wilkinson – 1 Aug 1711

Know all men by these presents that I Sr Wm Blackett of Wallington in the County of Northumberland Bart gave engaged & impowered & appointed, & doe hereby authorise impower & app.t John Wilkinson of Newcastle upon Tine mercht to manage direct & carry on all my leadmines Leadgroves & Colemines & Collyeryes in the severall Countys of Nortyhumberland & Durham & in such manner as he shall think most Correct to sell & dispose of all & every the Lead oar Lea

Letters – Henry Wilton to John Blackett – 14 Sep 1711

Wakefeild 9ber 14 1711 Mr John Blacket I write you some time Agoe and I then desired you to Send me an Accompt of the Sailes the Cloth and alsoe and Acct: Current but I have not since heard from you; I Send this to Desire you Once more to Send it that the Balance May be Settled And to whome due paid for the Acct has stoud too long unsettled and I hope we may begin Upon a fresh Trade please to give advice of the price of <Rapes> and the Sortes of cloth and you’l oblige <Sre&

Letter – George Vane to William Widdrington – 18 Feb 1712

Feb 18 1711/2 G George I have been in great hopes for several posts of receiving a foul draught of the terms wch yr Ldships proposes for a new lease, therefore did (upon that expectation) make a strict examination (when last at New Castle) of the true state of that concern, to be better able to make a true judgmt of them and indeed find it much different from tht what yr Ldship & I calculated when I had the honour to wait upon you for in one there is upwards of 60L less in wch we se
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467