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letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 3 Sep 1713

Mr Ward 3 Sept[ember] 1713 The other Side is a Copy of my last, Since I Recd a letter from D: Johnson, pray acquaint her what I write you concerning her Daughter, I could heart[i]ly wish I had known of her sooner; & shall make it my business to get her a place if possibly I can pray discharge Mr Maynards Note & I hope by the very first post to hear that you have done it I am y[ou]r assured Friend to serve you

letter – Edward Blackett to James Scott – 3 Sep 1713

Mr Scott Sept the 1st 1713 Sir about ten days agoe Mr Aldm Fenwick of Hull, writ me that my basket of Spa Water was arrived, & would Send it by the first Keel for Yorke, directed for you, I desire you will let me know if you have heard any thing of it, when it comes to y[ou]r hand must beg the favour of you to send it by the first Borrowbridge boat, & give them a great charge of it, & you will oblige

letter – Edward Blackett to Captain Fairfax – 4 Sep 1713

Sept[ember] 4 1713 D[ea]r S[i]r I am informed that the Lord Mayor of Yorke has made a great numb[e]r of fre[e]men of Yorke of late on purpose to Serve his friend at the Election I can assure you that all the freemen that was made Since the test of the Rit that their Votes are Voide & will not be allowed in Parliament so you may Stand upon it at the Election and let there be a query set on their names in case they are allowed to Vote assoon as this Comes to y[ou]r h

letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 7 Sep 1713

Mr Ward Sept[ember] 7 1713 I Recd y[ou]rs w[i]th Mr Maynards letter & bill I think it comes to a great deal of money considering no great matter done, for my part I do not much understand it & as he has referred it to y[ou]r Self pray do it likewise not doubting but you will get me what abatement possibly you can, I do think it very necessary that you keep a Court at Bisshopton after Michelmass, however I hope to See you after you have got your harvest Inn, & than Sha

letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 7 Sep 1713

Honest Will Sept[ember] 13 1713 I peceive by y[ou]rs of the 31 that you think you Shall be Straightened to get moneys of the Tenants to pay Mr Loraine for the ten tun of lead, w[hi]ch I very much wonder at, I hope by thus time you have got most of y[ou]r harvest Inn, so acquain[t] the Tenants that you are to come to Newby to set the last half year Streight, & that you must of necessuty have all the Arrears, or otherwise you must pay it out of y[ou]r own pock

letter – Edward Blackett to Alderman Fenwick – 8 Sep 1713

Mr Fenwick 8 Sept[ember] 1713 S[i]r I have longe Expected my German Spa Water, but can hear nothing of it so pray let me know by the very first post, in what Keel you Shipt it & the day of the month For I am afraid there is some mistake, otherwise it would have been at Yorke long before this last post I recd a letter from Mr V[an] Meel of Rotterd[a]m wh[ich] informes me that he has two Cows & a bill for me their, but no Hull Ship being at the port, so pray acquai

letter – Edward Blackett to John Van de Wall – 8 Sep 1713

Mr Van Meel Sir 8 Sept[ember] 1713 I perceive by y[our]s of the 8th that you have got one the two Cows & the bull Calf, am Sorry there is no hull Vessel w[i]th you at present, but I hope in a short time you will find a conveniency to Ship them for hull, I wond[e]r my Son Christopher Blackett has not Remitted you more than Forty pound Sterling, for he has much more moneys of my Son Johns in his hand, shall write him by this post that if has not al

letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 8 Sep 1713

Dear Kitt 8 Sept[ember] tis now full time to Inquire how y[ou]r Wife does, I hope by this, She is nigh her time, & I heartily wish her a Safe delivery Give my Service <Savill> & tell her I wonder I hear nothing of my handkerchiefs, if she has not already bought them desire her to buy them assoon as possible <The casy> I had a letter the last post from mr V[an] Meel who writes me he has Recd a bill from you for £40 Sterling, I very m

letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 10 Sep 1713

James Newby the 10 Sept[ember] 1713 I perceive by y[ou]rs of the 5th that Mr Waters will give you a bill for the ballance of Mr Fenwicks Acc[oun]ts Acc[oun]t Mr Mayor that I shall Send a Cart from Newby on Monday Next for my Wine he will be at Newcastle Tuesday in the afternoon do you be their about that time so see the Wine fill[e]d up w[i]th the very best sort of Wine, & see the Man set out by times on Wednesday Morning, desire Mr Mayor to see the Kart over the br

letter – Edward Blackett to J Blackburne – 11 Sep 1713

Newby 11 Sept 1713 Sr I Recd yrs of the 8th past & I do assure you have no manner occasion for a Steward neither in Northumberland nor any other place where I am concerned, being all my Stewards are liveing I am Sr yr Very humbe Servt For Mr. J Blackburne To be left at the post house At Settle in Craven

letter – John Blackett to Isabel Blackett – 11 Sep 1713

Dr Sister Bella my father ordered me to acquaint you tht he Recd yr letter & is very Sorry for Cousin Norton’s misfortune, he has Sent the bearer on purpose to see him, he is very well pleased you have agreed wth the Washer Woman for mending, clearing, & washing tht linnen & she shall be paid quarterly as she desires my fathers leg is almost perfectly well, he send you his blessing & his service to Cousin Norton & his Family & believe me yr affect Brother

letter – Edward Blackett to Captain Fairfax – 14 Sep 1713

Capt Fairfax Sr I Recd the favour of yr letter & I heartily wish you much Joy, you need not in the least fear Mr Jennkins petition, for you will find many more friends in the house then he will do when you can sare time all this family will be mighty glad to see you at Newby I am Dr Sr yr most Faithfull Hum <I>

letter – Edward Blackett to John Van de Wall – 14 Sep 1713

Mr V Meel Sr. I writ you two posts ago & this morning I Recd a letter from hull tht there are some hull ships at present at Rotterdm & Robt hunter wth Some other ships are agoing, & if you do not get the Cattle shipt wth all possible Speed there will be an ordr here tht none will be Suffered to come into England by reason we hear the distemper is got amongst the Cattle in the provisnce of Uytrecht so if they be not not already shipt pray dispose of thm for what price you can get

letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 14 Sep 1713

Dr Kitt I Recd yrs of the 12 & shall be very glad to hear yr Wife was Safely brought to bed give my blessing to her & tell her I am at her Service to stand God Father whether it be a boy, or a girl, besure fail not to send a bill to Mr V Meel wth all possible Speed wth my blessing to you I am

letter – Edward Blackett to William Jones – 16 Sep 1713

Newby 16 Sept 1713 Honest Mr Jones mighty glad to perceive by yours of yr perfect recovery, pray God continue your health, I have been much out of order this Summer wth a great dizziness in my head, & a very little stomack, I hope Company at Yorke this Winter will divert me, Should be glad to see you at Newby, & if you please shall send a man & a horse tht goes well for you all this family gives you their kind Services, the Capt bid me tell you tht he has a great miss of you,

letter – Edward Blackett to John Van de Wall – 18 Sep 1713

19 Sept Mr V Meel Sr the above is a Copy of my last, this is onely to desire you to ships the Cattle wth all possible speed either to Hull or Newcastle & buy as much hay as will serve them to ther port, & beg yr pardon for all the trouble given you by Sr yr obliged Humble Servt

letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Witton – 18 Sep 1713

18 Sept Mr Witton Sr I desire you will do me the favour to let me know what time you please I shall wait on you wth Sons Acct & his Severall letters tht the acct may be adjusted, I know you need not pay his debts unless you please but you have so great & good a Character in the Country tht I make do doubt, but you will do me right

letter – Edward Blackett to Dr Prescot – 18 Sep 1713

Doctor Prescot Sr I desire you not faile to Come to Newby on Monday morning next, & Desire Dr Burbec to come wth you, for I doubt my wifes Toe is much worse then it was when you was here last, I am much afraid that it must be Cut off, so bring instruments with you as are proper for that purpose, wth my Service to yr Self & Doctor Burbeck I am Sr yr Very Humbe Servt

letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Loftus – 18 Sep 1713

Honest Mr Loftus I heartily thank you for yr most obliging letter, & perticuluirly for yr kind inquiring after my Wifes toe wch I am afraid is worse then we think oft, I have sent both for Dr Prescot & Dr Burbeck not to faile to be here on munday next tis thought they will be forced to cut it off, pray God send her a good amendmt of it, all this family gives you their kind services & believe me always Yr Real Friend to Serve you I perceive the Servt tht you are [se

letter – Edward Blackett to William Fenwick – 20 Sep 1713

Newby 20 Sept 1713 Sr I thank you the News you send me of the arrivall of the two Cows & bull calf, I think 4 or 5 days rest will do thm no harm pray let me know if they are in a Condition to travell & shall immediately send for thm inclosed you have the bill of loading, I desire you will let me know what I am indebted to you , pray charge all the postidge of letters & shall pay if, either at Yorke or Newcastle as you shall arder, wth the a thousand thanks for the trouble given

letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 22 Sep 1713

Newby 22 Sept 1713 I had a letter this day from mr V Meel who complains mighty that you have not returnd him the mony wch you had of the brothers, wch faile not the do p[er] first post, I do not Value how the Exchange goes, so you have but a good bill, for I had rather given double the Sume but the mony had been returnd assoon as is come to yr hands, as you was ordered, I shall be very sorry to hear that if is not returned before this, faile not to bring me my acct tht we may set all

letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 24 Sep 1713

24 Sept 1713 Sr am sorry I had not a bit more discourse wth you about the two Tenants you said you could help me to, pray let me know wch part of Newby it is, they have a mind to take, & their names for I am desirouse in case I can Get good tenants to let tht most of Newby grounds & dispose of most my Stock into the south for there are severall Noblemen who will give me great prices for thm yr answers assoon as conveniently you can by a line to Yr assured Friend

letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 24 Sep 1713

24 Sept 1713 Waugh brought the Wine safe to Newby friday in the afternoon, I thank you for the kind inquiry ofter my leg, thank God it is now perfectly well againe, I Recd the bill for the ballance of mr Fenwick[s] Acct the bills comes at a very long date you know I used formerly to have them at 12 or 15 days date I hope in a little time there wil be a demand for lead againe, assoon as the parliamt sits the first thing they [do] will be to pass the bill wch concerns the trade [w

letter – Edward Blackett to William Fenwick – 25 Sep 1713

25 Sept 1713 Mr Wm Fenwick Sr I perceive form yrs of the 23th [sic] tht you delivered my cattle to my Servt, am sorry tht one of the cows got a strook, I doubt it will hinder her travilling by reason as they are not yet come to Newby, I have paid Mr Baines according to yr order six pound six shillings & one penny half penny, am troubled you have not set down the postidge of yr letters when yr occasions calls you on this side of the country shall be mighty glad to see you at Newby wth

letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Lodge – 25 Sep 1713

Mr Lodge Inclosed sent you a letter to mr Witton of Wakefield desire you to deliver it yr self, & when have yr answer shall desire the favour of yr Comp<n> to his house
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467