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Letter – Edward Blackett to George Booth – 6 Dec 1713

6 December 1713 My Lord I had the honour of yor Lordships letter of the first of this Instant, as for any Articles made between my dear wife & self upon our marraige – was only to give her liberty to dispose of all her Jewels, plate & Linnen to whom she pleased, but if your Lordship think that be not sufficient shall <signe> what other instrument you think fitt, that yor Lordship may deliver them to my dear Grand Daughter upon her marraige – for your Lordship

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 9 Dec 1713

9 Xber 1713 Honest Will I wrote you the 3 Instant when ordred you to pay to James Mewburn or Mr Coulston what ever monys you can raise of the Tennants, for shall have occassion for it being I design shortly for York Soe wch if you have not already don pray faile not to give me a <One> <xxxx> upon receipt of this letter by the first post to Yo assured Friend To Mr Wm Lowes

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 9 Dec 1713

9 Dber 1713 James I received yours of the 5 and I perceive Harry Tulip has neither paid you nor Mr Coulston any monys; you did very well to write him, as I have done this day again to Will Lowes – to pay you what monys he can possibly raise Its strainge Seaton Tennants shoud refuse to pay their rents for when Sr John went to Yorke I sent Mr Ridsdale to discourse him, & he told him, he would hinder none of them from paying their Rents to me, so I would have you de

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 10 Dec 1713

10 Decembr 1713 Jacob Peart I Recd yrs of the 30 Novembr from Fallowfield but never any from Wardale All the Carriage for the Lead has been paid long Since however J Mewburne will be at Newby Shortly & shall Send him to Fallowfield at his return, & if any of the Carriage mony is yet unpaid Shall take care it Shall be discharged, I have an Acct from Fallowfield that Since the gin was taken up there is no care taken of the Levell & Severall of the Shafts are run toge

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 12 Dec 1713

12 dc James The other Side is a Copy of my last I am assured by my Council that in 2 or 3 termes at furthest I shall certainly have a decree for Seaton Lordship, so I think you had better not destrain of Burn & Oliver, for it will onely put them & me to charge to little purpose in when the decree is past will come even wth thm all I hope yr next will give me an Acct. when you will come to Newby, I hope the tenants tht continued in my interest will make no Scruple of paying th

Letter – Edward Blackett to Unknown – 22 Dec 1713

22 December 1713 I received my Dear Godsons letter with a great Satisfaction, and it’s a pleasure to me to see how handsomly you write, & I hope the like improvement you make in your other learning. I am sorry to hear your father is out of order, I heartely wish him a speedy recovery & I tender him my humble Service, Ime concerned Mrs Trotter continues soe long in soe ill a condition as she is. I thank you for your kind remembrance of pretty Mitty we all design for Yorke

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Loftus – 22 Dec 1713

Honest Mr Loftus I received yours & I thank you for speakeing again to the overman wch Mr Gowland recommended to you I hope he may recover his health against Candlemas & be able to serve me. The bearer Servant has a bill for forty pounds, soe Mr Whitton may pay him self for the Hops he sent me, & give him the remainder of the mony, but if he has noe occassion for a Bill, shall pay you the monys when you come to Newby & shall send an horse for you when you please f

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 29 Dec 1713

Newby the 29 Xbr 1713 James Inclosed I send you Sr Jno Dalavalls letter, soe receive the Rents of the Tennants as soon as possibly you can, & gett good bills at NewCastle, and of a Short date & inclose them to me, you may acquaint those tenants that would not turn to me that its now in my power to [struck out: ‘crush them’] to doe them a prejudice but tell them I will not, provided they take care to pay their Rents allwayes punctually, given each Tenent a receit

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 29 Dec 1713

M Brummell Newby 29 Decemr Sr, I desire you will send me a bill as soon as possibly you can payable the first day of February next according to our agreement, but I find you doe not perform it, for you bring me in 16..09.11 ½ in arrear when you are oblidged to go make good all Rents half yearly, and for which reason I gave you soe large a Sallery tho’ could had it don & the Rents upholden much cheaper but haveing allways a perticuler respect for you was the reason that induc’d

Letter – Edward Blackett to Stephen Coulson – 29 Dec 1713

Sr 29 Dbr 1713 I desire your perticuler care of the inclosed, & send it by a very carefull messenger for it’s a letter from Sr John to my Sollicitor that he is willing that all the Tennants of Seaton Delavall shall pay their Rents to me, & that I have more upon the Estate than it is worth, soe that he has noe thoughts of redeeming it – with my service to yor self & partners I am Sr yor oblidged humb Sert To Mr Stephen Coulston & Compa Merchants In Ne

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 31 Dec 1713

Mr Ward Newby the 31 Decr 1713 I received your letters of the 24 & 28 Inst and as for what Mr Wharton said to you concerning the Light horse, he is in a grand mistake for a light horse is allways allowed 10 p[er] annum, & an half one 5. I design for York shortly & shall inclose you an order of Summons which pray doe you serve upon Mr. Bellingham’s Steward or Tennant, & order them to give their Master notice of it. The order will be to show cause at in the Castl

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Norton – 3 Jan 1714

Sr 3 Janry 1713/14 I have well considered the discourse you & I had yesterday concerning your Son & my daughter, am positively resolved never to marry any of my daughters without a Settlement suitable to the small Fortune I give them according to the Custom of the Country If I should doe otherwise would be blamed by all my Freinds & relations. its what I know believe you would not doe yor self you are sencible a tradesman ought to have a considerable Stock. soe in my

Letter – John Blackett to William Lowes – 4 Jan 1714

Honest Will January 4th 1713/4 My Father has writ you Severall letters, & ordered you to Pay all the mony you could raise of the Tenants to Mr. Coulson Mercht In Newcastle, as also the mony for the Wood due at Christmas & New Years day last, & if you had not Recd. all the mony, to pay whatever you had Recd., but to his great Surprise he had a letter this post from Newcastle wch. gave acct. that you had not as yet paid one farthing, therefore upon Receipt of this letter, be su

Letter – John Blackett to Stephen Coulson – 4 Jan 1714

Newby 4 January 1714 Mr. Coulson Sr. My Father Recd. your letter, & gives you many thanks for yr. care in Sending a Messengor to Seaton Delaval, if William Lows or any other Steward has paid you any mony upon my Fathers Acct., you are desired to pay Fifty Pound to Mr. Bernardeau & accquaint him tis upon the Acct. of Mr. Richd. Gowland Post Master of Borrowbridge, but if no mony is paid into yr hand, order James Mewburn when he comes to Newcastle to pay Mr. Berna

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Norton – 6 Jan 1714

January 6 1713/4 Mr Norton Sr. I have the favr. of yr. letter & I do assure you once more that I shall give my Daughter Bella onely one thousand pound & Shall Expect a Settlemt upon her for live Suitable to that Sum according to the Custom of the Countrey, if you approve of this, tis well, if not, I desire you will never have any further thoughts of it, & I hope it will not break any friendship betwixt us I am Sr yr. Affect. Kinsman & Faithfull Humbe. Servt.

Letter – Edward Blackett to Isabella Blackett – 6 Jan 1714

Dr. Bella I Recd. yr. letter & am glad to hear of yr. welfare, you have been Sufficiently troublesome to my Cousin Nortons family, & likely to be a little longer till I return to Newby, wth my blessing to yr Self & Service to the whole family I am Yr. affet. Father yr. Sister Alethia is now at York, be sure let her know what you are Indebted at York & will take care it shall be paid

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Norton – 6 Jan 1714

7 Feby 1713/4 Cousin Norton I Recd. yr. letter, I can say no more to you then I Sayd to yr father possitively that I never will Marry a daughter without a Settlemt. Suitable to her fortune, for all my friends & Relations would take me to be a fool or a mad man if I should, if any of my daughters should marry otherways or without my consent, I would never give them one farthing, so I hope you will considr. this & have no further thoughts of it, for I do assure you it will

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Tulip – 6 Jan 1714

York 17 Feby 1713/4 Honest Harry This day I Recd. a letter from Mr. Loraine who writes me he has got ten tun, if it is so you may pay him for it, but I will not have it weighd of till Mewburne comes over, let me know by the first post, if Lorain has once gone thorough all the Slags or how much he wants for his contract & mine was that he was to go once thorough all the Slaggs, upon Rect. Of this lettr. the Inclosed to Mr. Loraine

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 7 Jan 1714

[struck out: ‘Newcastle’] Newby 7 January 1713/4 James I perceive by yrs. of the 2 Instant that you are in hopes of Receiving one hundred & Fifty pounds of the Tenants by Saturday wch. is very well, you may continue Receiving what mony the tenants are willing to pay but be sure do not destrain of any of them wch. refuses to pay their rents, yesterday a Mercht. from London was wth. me who came last week from Newcastle, he tells me he had one <xxx> for mony to take b

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 7 Jan 1714

Honest Will 7 January 1713/4 Yours I Recd. of the 5th by wch. perceive you have paid according to my order £264 pound wch. is very, when you have Raised the mony for the Wood [struck out: ‘& Recd what mony you can of the tenants’] set Streight wth. the tenants you will do well to come over & Set all things Streight with to morrow I go for Yorke so when you write direct for me their, am Sorry the last flood h

Letter – Christopher Blackett to John Blackett – 7 Jan 1714

Newby Janry the 7 1713/4 Dr. Brother Inclosed I send you two Bills drawn the 5th of January by Mr. Tho Bromell on Mr. Cha Horton, one of Eighty pounds at twenty eight days after date, the other of Seaventy pound at thirty days after date, wch. pray gett accepted, & when due to receive the money last Saturday Shipt at Hull Benjamin Ludington Master on board the Mathew a hhd of good Ale I hope the Ship is arived before this, my Father orders me to write to you that must bes

Letter – Edward Blackett to Unknown – 7 Jan 1714

May it please yr. Grace To Pardon me for giving yr Grace this trouble I perceive that my Worthy Neighbour mr Aislabie did formerly recomend mr. Ridsdale to yr. Grace, as a proper person to keep yr. Courts here; He having been Some time Serviceable to your Grace & to your Tennants, and a perticular Friend of Mr Aislabie but, I suppose Mr Stockdale had then prevail’d for one mr Barroby, tho he declared himself concerned at it afterwards, - because mr Ridsdale & his Son were alway

Letter – John Blackett to Peter Aram – 9 Jan 1714

Yorke 9 January 1713/4 Peter by the first Millby boat you must send the Non <parel> apples, the best send parted from the rest, as also send the two Spi<k>ing boxes when the time of the year is for laying the Garden, must take care for Sods you may get them on Kerby Moor. Tho. Hunsman must take Care of the Sadle Stoned horse, & the postilion & the Smith of the Coatch horses, must not faile to write once a Week & always let my Father know how my Brother does,

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 10 Jan 1714

Yorke 10 January 1713/4 Mr. Ward My last to you was of the 31 past, & wondr that has not as yet had an Answer, upon Receipt of this letter let me know if Tompson will have my Oxen or not, I leave the disposiall of them wholly to you not questioning but you will sell them as dear as if they were yr own, pray let me have a line from you by the first post & you will oblige

Letter – John Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 10 Jan 1714

<Dr> Mr. Brumell Yrs of the 5 January came Safe to hand wth. the two bills of £150 have sent them to Londn. for Acceptance, my Father hears your tryall is to be heard here at the next assisses, assoon as you have a panel of the Joury, let him [struck out: ‘know their names’] have a Copy of it & he will do you all the Service he can in that matter
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467