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Letter – John Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 13 Jan 1714

York 13 January 1713/4 Dr. Brother My last to you was the 7th Instant wth. two bills drawn by Mr. Tho. Brumell upon Mr. Cha: Horton of one hundred & fifty pound wch. I hope Came Safe to your hand, inclosed I Send you two bills drawn the 6 January by R Ward of Gisbrough upon John Ward Esqr at twenty Eight days days after date Each for one hundred pound wch. pray take due care of, & place the same to my Fathers Acct. I am

Letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 13 Jan 1714

Dear Sr Am very much oblidged to you for yor kind inquiry after our healths, I was very much out of order, sometime before I came to York, but I thank god am much better & has got an in indifferent good Stomach wch I wanted for many months before. Sr Jno Delavall wrote lately a letter to Mr Ridsdale, that he would put in his answer, but had noe thought of purchaseing it, being he said their was more debt upon it than the Land was worth. You did mighty well in not conc

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 13 Jan 1714

Newby the 13 Jannary James, This is a copy of my last mr fenwick sent me acct wch I found right, as also 2 bills of Exchange they were of so long date, none would pay mony for thm without 3s in the pound, so I have writ mr fenwick by this post, tht i will Send my servts back wth them, & bring the ballance of my Acct wch I desire may be put into gold for the easy carriage, I wd not have straned mr fenwick for mony, but as I writ you before I bought a piece of some land Joyning

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 16 Jan 1714

James I Recd. your letter of the 9 Instant wth. bills for three hundred pound, Mr. Bernardeaus Receipt for Fifty pound wch. is very well by next Saturday Shall Expect a bill for the Mony left in Mr. Coulson hand you must allow the tenants of Seaton Coals & Limestones as Usually you did, let me know if Mr Rogers & Miss Delavall are married faile not to write once a Week & direct as you used to do at Newby I am yr. Friend advise me the lenght & bredth of the boards in the

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 16 Jan 1714

York 16 January 1713 Mr Ward I Recd. yours of the 12 & See that Tho. Thompson will give no more at present than £50 for my four Oxen, I leave the disposiall of them wholly to yr Self, & If you think he will give no more, must bargain wth. him to take them away assoon as possible & give a line to

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Loftus – 6 Feb 1714

York 6 Feby 1713/4 Mr Loftus I Recd. yr. letter & have writ to Geo. Johnson & shall depend upon his comeing, if you have my weights pray Send them to Newby & Shall Send for them to York, there must be a Mistake on one Side or other pray my Service to yr. Self & Mr. Whitton I am

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Sharp – 7 Feb 1714

York <7> Febr. 1713/4 Mr. Sharp Sr Am mighty Sorry to hear of his Graces illness but I hope to See him in good health in the Country againe; pray direct my Ne<ws> paper to York, my Service to yr Self & Lady I am Sr yr. Humbe Servt

Letter – John Blackett to William Lowes – 7 Feb 1714

D<r> Honest Will My Father orders me to acquaint you that you must raise the mony for the Wood & all arrears & fines as soon as possibly you can <&> pay the mony to Mr. Coulson of Newcastle & not to travell wth. it, for there begins to be much robing upon the road, you Need not come over till my Father is returned to Newby wch. will be about May day we are now at York & Shall continue here the remaining part of the Winter, before we leave this place you

Letter – John Blackett to George Johnson – 10 Feb 1714

York 10 Feby 1713/4 George Johnson My Father Recd. yr. letter wch. you writ to Mr. Loftus of Bedale, and orders me to acqt. you that he fully Expects you at May day but will not have Occasion for you before, let me have a line from you to satisfy me that this came to yr. hand & will oblige Yr. Friend JB may direct for me at Sr. Ed. Blackett In Cony Street York may send yr. letter by post or Carrier

Letter – Edward Blackett to Stephen Coulson – 10 Feb 1714

Mr. Coulson D<o> My Stewd. Wm Lows writes me he has paid you Eighty pound if you cannot Send me a bill for it at 10 or 14 days after date will have it come by the Stage Coatch to York & can have advance for the mony here, if you cannot find me a bill as above, pray pay the mony to Mr. Mewburn, & have ordered him by this post how to dispose of it

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 10 Feb 1714

D<o> James I Recd. yrs. of the 6 past you did mighty well in going to Fallowfield, & ordering H: Tulop to repair the Mill dams, & also ordr. Some to repair the Mill & put it in good order; & let Mr. Reay know I take it mighty ill there is no more care taken of the Mill & Shafts, I wonder they should not mind their own intrest more, I would have you acqt. Mr. Reay you will go to Fallof. & ordr. The Mill & dams to be repaired you know my portion is one

Letter – John Blackett to Unknown – 11 Feb 1714

York 11 Feby. 1713/4 Sr. My father was at Bishopthorp this morning & the Servt. Told him that my Lord would be interred in the Minster on Monday next & not carryed to the Bishopthorp as was expected, by the City at York he desires you will Set up yr. horses in his Stable & also take a Lodgeing in his house, where you will be very welcome, if you have not already writ to yr. friend to move for a Commission to Examine witnesses, he desires you will let it alone till he disc

Letter – Edward Blackett to Unknown – 12 Feb 1714

12 Feby Sr. Since by mine Yesterdays post am adviced by council, <to> have a Commission to Sit at York at the black Swan, the Commissioners names I gave you when you was last at York, & if you have not already given orders to yr. Agent pray faile not to do it by this days post I believe I shall have onely occasion for one suppena for one Mr. Hugh Johnson attourney at Law at Warrington In Lancashire, pray know of Daniel Thompsons Brother where he is at present & when he h

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Dixon – 14 Feb 1714

Newby the 14 Febr 1714/5 I Recd yrs of the by wch I find there is 327 ps lead lying at the Mill & 376 ps wch was Sent to Newctle wch is 703 ps made since the pay I wondr any lead was Sent from the Mill but what was pd for, it is was contrary to my direction, my ordr being never to Send any lead from the Mill but what was first paid for, have mony in mr Fenwicks hand, & well certainly make a pay assoon as he has it ready wch will be the 25th of march, have ordered H: Tuli

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Will – 15 Feb 1714

Mr Tho. Will 15 Feby 1713/4 Sr I have the favr. of yr. letter & Inclosed you a letter to my Clerk to make an ordr. for the releaf of mary Dickeson & to allow her 10 <s> p[er] Week, you might have made an ordr. yr. Self & Set my Name to it & would have owned it with my Service to yr. Self & Family I am Sr. yr Very Humb Servt.

Letter – Edward Blackett to Isabella Blackett – 16 Feb 1714

York 16 Feby 1713/4 D[ea]r. Bella I Recd. both yr. letters & am very gad you keep lent & so you are like to do for Oysters, for it is impossible for any to be Sweet when they come to yr. hand, for they are but very indifferent when they come here first, I have pd at York & <aim> to pay to Mr Pinckey <&> Crispin & another in Ripon as much money as yr allowance will come to at May Day I know you do not understand how to lay out yr. allowance for yr. advan

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 17 Feb 1714

James 17 Feby 1713/4 I perceive by yrs that Mr. Reay dos not take it well what I writ abt. Bills, I was told by a tradesman of Londn. who was at Newcastle that young brumell gave him 25 <s> for a £100 <&> if would let him had £200 more would have given him £30 <s> a £100, but he did not approve of him so would let him have no more monys give my service & thanks to Mr. Reay for the troub[l]e. I h<xx>e I am Aqt. <me> by the first p

Letter – Edward Blackett to Ralph Loraine – 17 Feb 1714

D<t> Mr. Loraine I Recd. yrs. of 15 Feby. & See you have got ten tuns, have ordered H. Tulop to pay you for it, if you have got the Said quantity but will not have it weighd off till J Mewburn comes over, according to yr. agreemt. you was obliged to go once quite through the Slaggs, so let me know the reason why you think to have more than the agreement was for, I do not believe it is possible for you to go through all the Slagg by this time wch.

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 28 Feb 1714

Given him & hi partners & I hope he dos not take it ill what I writ abt bills before let the ten[ant]es of Seaton Delavall See Sr. Jns. Answer, Ispecially those who he threatend. & made turn tenes. To him wch you See he possitively denys in his answer, & let me know what answer they give you, the Incl[ose]d. bill of £80 I Red acqt. me what you think the charge will amt. to put Seaton house in Repair occasiond. By the last Wind.

Letter – John Blackett to Unknown – 3 Mar 1714

York 3 March 1713/4 Dr. Sr. My Father order’d me to acqt. you that my Brother Blacket after a long indisposition of health Dyed last Week, he has not been likely to live for Some Years by past, he only left one Daughtr. who is one of the finest Childn. In Engld., She is going to be Educated undr. My L. Warrington’s care, he has onely one daughr. Lady who is about Missys Age, my Father has Some thoughts of going to the bath this Spring, & designs to Waite on you before his

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Ridsdale – 3 Mar 1714

3 March Mr. Ridsdale I Recd. yr. lettr. I refirr all things yr. Self & Mr. Driffield, Inclosed you have your paper Returnd wch. Thompson has Signed, be sure Neglect no time to dispatch this affair & you will oblige yr. Friend to Serve you

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 3 Mar 1714

3 March 1713/4 James faile not to go to fallowfield wth. all Speed for I perceive both Mill & dams are much out of repair, so that the poor people cannot get their waste Oar Smelted wch. be sure you to hasten as much as is in yr power, inclosed I send you H Tulop letter wch. you will See requires yr. Speedy going to fallowfield tell Mr. Loraine he need not come over for I shall make no bargain wth. him, but leave it to you & Mr Mowberry, but his first bargain is not nigh finish

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 6 Mar 1714

6 March 1713/4 Dear Kitty I Recd. yrs. of the 2 Instant, & See you had not yet Recd. the mony of Mr. Horton for Mr. Bromells Bills, I would have you to keep the bills & to Arrest Horton for the mony for he is certainly obliged to pay me being he accepted the bills, Mr. Bromell I look to be in a mean condition, if he looses his tryall, as it is thought he will, he is certainely ruined, so Horton is the Man I look upon for the mony, as I writ you above would have you immediately

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Aislabie – 6 Mar 1714

D<t> Mr. Aislabie Dr. Sr. I doubt not but you have heard of the death of my poor Son William, before this, I have had two letters lately from the Capt. dated from Boston in New Engld. he desires that all the interest possibly may be made for his continuing abroad, I do not in the least question yours, & pray acqt. me if you think it Necessary for me to make any other, wth. my most Humbe. Service to yr. Self & Lady I am Sr. Most affectionately yrs.

Letter – Edward Blackett to George Booth – 7 Mar 1714

York 7 March 1713/4 Ld. Warrington I had given yr. Ld.Ship an acct. before this of my Son Blackets death, but have been very much out of ordr. my Self, I thank God little Mitty has her health perfectly well, & improves very much both in her writeing & danceing, we all designe to go to Newby abt. the begining of May, & then a little after I designe to Send my dr Jewel to be undr. Yr. Lordship Care & I do not in the least question yr Lordships paternall care of her, wth
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467