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Letter – John Blackett to Isabella Blackett – 25 Mar 1714

Dr. Sister My Father ordered me to acquaint you that he has Sent you by the carrier Such things as yr. Sisters thinks proper for you, as also tht. you have cost him much more Since you left Newby then both yr. Martinmass & May Day Rent comes to, so he charge you to put him to no more charge till yr. Next Midsummer quarter be is due we have got yr. Seal but my Father would not venture it in the Box

Letter – Edward Blackett to George Booth – 26 Mar 1714

26 March 1714 My Lord I had the honr. Of yr. Lordships letter of the 23rd, have acqt. Mr. Shaw yr lordships servt tht the Commission would be adjound to Warrington either to the 9 or 10th of April, & in case Mr. Johnson be at chester they will adjourney the commission from Warrington to Chester, Shaw must prove yr. Lordships hand to the assignment of My Dr. daughter Blackets portion, as also her age out of the Register, & then I doubt not but I shall Soon after have a decree,

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 26 Mar 1714

Honest Will The above is a Copy of my last so faile not to observe it, for I long to See you here that all things may be Set Streight betwixt us for I do not know how Soon I Shall go into the South, I expect every post to have a line from you that you Recei[ve]d my letter I am Yr. Friend

Letter – Edward Blackett to Brian Stapleton – 27 Mar 1714

York 27 March Mr. Stapleton Sr – we are all much obliged to you for yr. kind invitation, I had certainly waited upon you wth my Son John on Wednesday next but have been very much out of order these two months past, I Cannot walk over the dineing Room without much trouble, I am advised by the Doctors to go to the bath, wch. I design god willing in May in case I am not better, all this family are yr. humb. servts. to yr. Self & Lady & pray believe me always Sr. most a

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Loftus – 28 Mar 1714

28 March Honest Mr. Loftus I heartily thank you for yr. kind Expressions & Well wishes in your letter to my Self & family, wch. I shall always own, I have not had my health very well Since I came to york so Shall not Stay here above a month & assoon as I have Sent Missy to my Lord Warringtons & the Coatch returned, I design for the bath for two months for a rumatick pain I have get In my back & hips, & runs from one place to another, the Servt. wch. you recomen

Letter – Edward Blackett to Paul Foley – 28 Mar 1714

Mr. Foley <Dt> Sr. I have writ you two letters to remind you of yr. promise concerning Mr. Lodge I doubt they miscarryd because I have heard nothing from you Since, therefore I desire my friend Mr. Sharp to deliver this wth. his own hand, I onely desire to know whether you think you can get Mr Lodge a qualification or not, if not must make use of Some other friend, upon Mr. Lodges account, I am Sr. yr. Faithfull Humbl. Serv

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Sharp – 29 Mar 1714

Mr. Sharp 29 March Dr. Sr. I desire you will do me the favour & deliver the inclosed wth. yr. own hands, when Mr. Foley was in the country he made me large promises on the behalf of Mr Lodge, & that he would get him a qualification, that he might hold two livings I writ him 2 letters to remind him of it, but have heard nothing from him, so I very much question whether he will perform his word wth. me or not, pray observe what he Says to you when you give him the letter I am I

Letter – John Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 29 Mar 1714

Dr. Brother My Father is absolutely resolved to go to the bath, so you must not faile to bring 100 guiniys wth. you at yr return, as also the Martinmass Rentall from Mr. Bromell, you must not let him be at Ease till you get it, but you must not desire the ballance of it, my father hopes assoon as you come to town you would go to him & desire him to have it ready against you Calld for it, let me know by a letter by the post Mr. Bromells answer & also the day when you design to be in Yor

Letter – Edward Blackett to George Booth – 3 Apr 1714

York 3 April 1714 My Lord I had the honour of yr. Lordships of the 30th past my Commissioners Sets forward for Warrington on Thursday Next, & I doubt will be obliged to adjourn from thence to Chester to prove my Lord yr. Fathers Will, that you was are his Executor, for I believe yr. lordship has the Originall Will, so that they cannot have a Sight of it I hope a Copy of it taken out of the Court of Chester & proved will be Sufficient Evidence, I desire yr lordship will be plea

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Shaw – 3 Apr 1714

Mr. Shaw Dt Sr my Commissioners Sets forward for warrington on Thursday next, they design to come by Bowden to peruse the Register, so as to prove my Dr. Daughts. Blackets age, am afraid the commissioners will be obliged to adjourn from warrington to Chester to prove the late Lord Warringtons Will, I doubt you cannot come to the originall Will by reason my Lords absence, tis to prove my Lord is his Fathers Exectr. wch the Comm. Says is absolutely Necessary, I desire you will write a le

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 7 Apr 1714

Honest Will 7 April I Recd. yrs. of the 30 March & am very much obliged to you for yr kind wishes to my Self & Family, I would gladly have you come over this Week without faile that all things may be set Streight betwixt us before I go to the bath, wch. I believe will be Sooner than I Expected, wth. my kind remembrance to you I am yr. assured Friend to Serve you

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 7 Apr 1714

James 7 April I hope you got well home Inclosed is the Copy of the paper wch. my Son John gave you the one you must deliver to my Lords Wetheringtons [sic. Widdrington meant] Steward Mr. Silvertop who lives either at Bladen or Stella, the other paper must be delivered to the tenants of Barlo [superscripted with ‘3’], Bladen [‘1’], & Winlaton [‘2’], & acqt. thm. all tht. I shall not imploy Mr Brumell any more to Receive my Rents, & in case he should demd. any to pay

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 7 Apr 1714

Mr. Brumell 7 April Sr. you cannot be a Stranger what trouble my Self & friends has had, to get the bills wch. you gave upon Mr. Horton paid, I need Say no more upon that Acct, but inclosed is a letter to my Son Chr. from his friend, [struck out: ‘I take pity of the’] he told my son tht. if he was not Seen Every day at Billingsgate, he should lose Mr. mountagues business, & be ruined for ever so He did not clap him up, I desire you will pay to my Servt. Mewburn about may day

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 10 Apr 1714

John Ward I Recd. yr. letter & gives you many thanks For yr. trouble, tis now about Fiveteen Years Since Mr. Belligham gave me a horse & tht was for the mony wch. was then due, so tht there is now about Fiveteen Years due to me wch. pray acquaint Mr. Manliverer when you See him I am Yr friend

Letter – Edward Blackett to Peter Aram – 10 Apr 1714

Peter I perceive by yr letter tht you Sent <Raw>den to Bedale to see the lead weighd off, as also Carriages for it wch was very well done, do you See a Sheet of it weighd, & let me know how many pound there is in a foot, for I am afraid he has cast it to thin, there must be great care taken to Secure the Chimney, & know of Scratcher if there will want no deels for the Roof of the house, for some of the deels wch are layd dos not lay the right way, so must be taken up, I hope there

Letter – Edward Blackett to Unknown – 10 Apr 1714

Sr – I perceive by a letter from Mr. Ward tht you discourst the Deputy Lut[enan]ts about my concern wth. Mr. Bellingham, am Sorry I did not acqt. you what has past betwixt Mr. Bellingham & my Self, about Fiveteen years ag<oe> I met Mr. Bellingham at Durham & acquaintd him, tht. his lands at Worsel was many years in arrear to me for his share one half for the Setting forth of a light horse, he told me there Should be no difference betwixt us, & if it pleasd to take his Gelding

Letter – Edward Blackett to George Booth – 14 Apr 1714

My Lord York 14 April 1714 My Commissioners went for Cheshire on Wednesday last, & returned Yesterday, I beg yr. lordships pardon for Giving you the trouble of the inclosed, wch. gives a full Acct. of all their proceeding I do not in the least question Success, & am mightily oblig’d to yr. lordship for your assistance, all this family are much yr. lordships Humble Servts. & pray believe me always yr. Lordships Most Obliged & Most Faithfull Humb. Servt.

Letter – Edward Blackett to Unknown – 14 Apr 1714

Sr my Son designs to go Shortly to Newcastle to Set all things Streight wth. his friends their, So I desire you once more to give my Humble Service to Mr. Witton & acqt. him I solely leave the debt wch. was oweing by his Son to his generosity, & shall send my Son to you assoon as I Receive an answer of this letter Inclosd you have Mr. Foleys letter & care shall be taken of in that affair, Pray let me hear from you assoon as conveniently you can & you will much obl

Letter – Edward Blackett to Albert Silvertop – 14 Apr 1714

Apr: th 14 1714 Mr Sillvertop [struck out: ‘pot’ in favour of top] I have DisCharged mr Brumell for R[ec]eiving my Rents of winlaton Lordship being he did not perform his agrement with me willing to to allow you 20 pounds per year - providing you will Recd. and make good all the Tenents Rents tho I know there is no maner of <Pander/ Dunder> of aney of their faillings So if you approve this proposall give me a Line and then Shall inClose you a Rentall with my most Humble Ser

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Ridsdale – 14 Apr 1714

Mr Ridsdale york apr 14 I thank you for the good account you give me of my affairs In Cheshire Inclosed have sent you my Lord warringtons Lettr., who I Know will be both very willing and Readey to do me all the Service in his power, he is fully acquainted with with this Concern and did this day Inclose to my Lord your Lettr. which you Sent to me from Leeds So you may order your Agent if their be occation to wait on my Lord with my Humble Service who I know will do what your Agent desi

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 14 Apr 1714

James 14 April I Recd. yrs. & have writ to Mr. Silvertop by this post & Shall have his answer by the next post, be sure you have all the arrears wch. are due ready against the first week in May that all things may be Set Streight betwixt us If Sr John offers to Stop any of Seaton Carriages do You acquaint the Neighbouring Towns of it, & we will have a tryall wth. him for it is certainly a high road, if they any of my carriages do you repleavy

Lease – James Radcliffe to Richard Ridley – 17 Apr 1714

Cumberland Leadmines In Killop Edge Aprill : 17 : 1714 A Lease from the Right Honorable James Earle of Darwentwater to Richard Ridley Esq George Ledgard Esq Mr George Robson and Mr Andrew Fenwick for 21 years from the 21st December 1713 of those Leadmines at a place Called Killop Edge near Redgroaves att Nenthead in Aldston Moor This Indenture Made the Seaventeenth day of April In the year of our Lord God One thousand Seaven hundred and Fourteen and in the Thirteenth year of the Reign

Lease – James Radcliffe to Richard Ridley – 17 Apr 1714

This Indenture made the Seaventeenth day of April In the year of our Lord God One thousand Seaven hundred and Fourteen and in the Thirteenth year of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lady Queen Ann over Great Brittain ecr Between the Right Honorable James Earle of Darwentwater Viscount Radcliffe and Langley and baron of Tindale of the One part and Richard Ridley of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tine Esq Lord Mayor of the said Town George Ledgard of the said Town and County of Newcastle upon T

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 18 Apr 1714

April 18 1714 Dr. Kitty I hope you got well to London & found yr. family in good health Inclosed I send you Mr. Bromells Letter I have discharged him of my Service, so you will be troubled abt no more bills on Mr. Horton upon receipt of this letter do you buy me a pound of the very best Super Fine black wax In town, & give it to Mr. Richd. Thomson of Furnivals Inn, & desire him to give it to one of his brothers tht. comes first down for they both now in London you have like

Letter – Peter Aram to John Gowland – 18 Apr 1714

Mr Gowland York 18 Aprill My Master ordred me to acquaint you that if you should have occation for any bills for Sr. Bryon Stapylton against Whitsontide he will furnish you with Bills of a hundred Pound or if you will let him know in time my master hopes you have sent to Mr Pullons as he desired Pray let my master Know his answer by the first oppertunity I am
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467