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Letter – Edward Blackett to George Booth – 21 Apr 1714

21 April My Lord For the acct. you have given me in yr. last I return yr. Ld-ship ten thousand thanks concerning my Ld. yr. Fathers Will, I hope there will be no occasion for it, but in case there be shall order My attorney Sollicitor above to write on yr. lordship Should be mighty glad to hear tht the house of Lds. had Confirm’d yr. decree tht wch you got in chancery, wth. all our most Humbe. Services to yr. Ld.ship I am Yr. Lordships most Faithfull & Most

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 21 Apr 1714

<Dr.> <K>itt 21 April The above is a Copy of my last I had a letter from Peter yesterday, who write me <it> as my bed Chamber is Five Yards high, as nigh as he can Measure it, perhaps it may want ¼ or ½ an inch wch. Signifys nothing, though he writes it is exactly Five Yards, I know none can measure it so nicely, but may want ¼ or ½ an Inch, I wondr. I have not had one line from you since you went, I hope you have got the monys of Mr. Horton, If not be sure give hi

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 21 Apr 1714

Honest Will 21 April I hope you got well home & be sure you faile not to make a bargain wth. the Wood Men for a good parcel of <Wood>, where you think it most convenient to cut it, give my Service to Mr. Bacon & let me know what answer he gave you about Seaton Delaval Lordship, faile not to acqt. H. Tulop to be at Newby about the 8 day of May at tht time or before (God willing) my self & family shall be their, I am

Letter – Edward Blackett to Peter Aram – 21 Apr 1714

Peter 21 April I have Sent to Hull for two barrs of Such Iron as you writ would be proper, but the Ironmong of this town tells me, tht. they believe there is not any at Hull of one Inch & a half but there may be of Inch & three quarters or two Inches, so let me know by the first if either of thm. will be proper, ordr. Anthony to keep me the very best bull Calf, & acqt. me what more bull Calves we have & whether there be another Extraordinary bull Calf besides tht. wch. I

Letter – Edward Blackett to Brian Stapleton – 21 Apr 1714

21 April Mr. Stapylton Sr I have had the favr. of yr. letter, & I writ this day to know if I had a bull Calf or no to dispose off, pray let Mr. Fairfax know tht. I have the very best bull in Engd. to dispose of he is 2 Years & a half Old, I have refus’d ten Guineys for him but if he has a mind to him, he shall have him, at the price, am Sure if he see him he would not go wth.out him, pray make my humbe. Service acceptable to yr. Lady & believe me always Sr. yr. Most

Letter – Edward Blackett to Albert Silvertop – 21 Apr 1714

Mr. Silvertop 21 April I Recd. both yr. letters & am very willing you should make the division you write about, what improvmts. you make amongst my ten[an]ts. my Nephew & my Self will Expect the advantage of it, for you know the Estate is not devided, however if you improve the rents we will considr. you for it, acqt. me what time you desire After the Rent day, to pay the half years Rent In full, faile not to give a line by the first post to Yr. Assurd. Friend

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Lodge – 21 Apr 1714

Sr. I give you many thanks for the good offices you have done my Son to Mr. Witton, he offered him £40 & if he will give no more he will be forced to accept of it, I perceive there are Some goods to be yet disposed of wch. were young Mr. witton so I hope when these Goods are Sold Mr. Witton will be so kind as to pay the remaindr. so this you may propose him – wth. my Humbe. Service to yr. Self & Mrs. Lodge I am Yr. Faithfull Humbl. Servt.

Letter – Edward Blackett to Peter Aram – 21 Apr 1714

Peter care will be taken to get two barrs of Iron the dimentions as you write for, the water is so low tht. I doubt we Shall be forced to have our goods brought from York by land, if so you must borrow Mr. Calvert Waggon & one of our own Wains will bring all things tht. are necessary to be used at home, till it pleases God tht. we get Rain tht. the rest of the goods may be Sent by water, you had best Send down to Milby & ask what weight of goods they can bring up as water is now, the g

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Ridsdale – 25 Apr 1714

Mr. Ridsdale York 25 April 1714 inclosed you have my Ld. Archbisshops letter Ld. Warrington was certainly his fathers Executor, for I have heard him Say he pd £40000 for his fathers debts & I dought not but the Will or a Copy of it may be found in Docters Commons, so I hope it will not be necessary to be at the charge to look for it, my Ld. if there was occasion would satisfy the court though neither Will nor Copy could be found that he was his fathers Executor, wth. my Service to

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 28 Apr 1714

Dear Kitty York aprill 28 1714 I perceive by yours of the twenty fourth that the Bed made & finish’d after the Best manner would Come to Seaventy five Pounds I did Expect it would come to nigh that Sum however let it alone till further orders shall not be at newby but a very short time this Summer as Soon as I have Sent my Dearest Mitty to my Lord Warrington & the Coach returned shall Imediatly Goe to the Bath & stay there all Summer for I have been much out of orde

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mrs Robinson – 29 Apr 1714

Newby 29 April 1714 Mrs. Robinson Am Sorry I did not hear from you Sooner If I had you & yr. Son Tho. Should have been Sooner concerned for me than any other I was Ingaged before I discharg’d Mr. Bromell for I have for Some time past designed not to be concern’d any longr wth. Mr. Brumell I am yr. assured Friend At Bladen Steathes

Letter – Edward Blackett to Albert Silvertop – 29 Apr 1714

Mr. Silvertop Dt Sr. I perceive by yrs. of the 27th. tht. you offer to pay May day Rent at Lama, & Martinmass Rent at Candlemass, but tht. will not do my business for all my Rents & leases are payable at May day or twenty days after, at Martinmass the Same, in case the ten[an]ts cannot pay their whole Rents Exactly at tht. time tis but your borrowing £200 for 6 months, wch. is but £3- wch you may very well do considering yr. Sallery, so consider well of it & give me an an

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Tulip – 29 Apr 1714

Harry Dt This is onely to acqt you tht. I shall be at Newby God willing on Tuesday next, so I would have you not faile to bring yr. papers & Rents wth. you tht. We may Set all things Streight to May day, I hope you may begin yr. Journey on tuesday or wedensday or thursday at furthest, for am not certain how long I stay in the country I am In <hast>

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Norton – 29 Apr 1714

Norton Sr. Inclos’d I Send you Peters letter, I am very glad to perceive tht. I have a much greater stock than I thought I had, so I thought proper to Send you this letter, tht you may not be disappointed I design for Newby next week, so I desire you will order the butcher to Send me a hinder quarter of the Ox wch. you lately sold him, & let thm. not faile to & bring to Newby on Wednesday morning, & the servt. Shall See it weigh’d, but for their own satisfaction they may lik

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 29 Apr 1714

Honest Will Dt I perceive by yrs. of the 26, tht. you have Sold all the Oak timber Standing & growing on Medynham bank to Alias Hinoveres bank, to Charles Allsop, Will Spark, & John Brown, for one hundred & ten pounds, to pay one half at or before the 25 day of decembr. next, & the other half that time twelve months, wch. you have done mighty well in disposeing of it, the small quantity of Wood wch. you have occasion for yr. Self, you may have it, I Shall let you know

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 29 Apr 1714

Mr. Ward York 29 April 1714 I perceive by yrs tht you have sent Mr. Darcy a letter, by a Safe hand, am Sure if he Sent a Servt. over to See him he would not go without him, he was a backerley Calf & is not 3 years old till MidSummer, I cannot Convenietly keep him, so pray dispose of him for £8 or 8 Guinys, or more if you can get it, pray take an opportunity to See Mr. Manliverer at his own house, assoon as conveniently you can, & you will oblige yr. assured Friend I a

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Norton – 29 Apr 1714

Dt Mr. Norton The Inclosed Should have come In the letter wch. percivall brough you, but was forgot to be inclosed, as being in a very great hurry I am haveing Severall letters to write, wch. was the occasion of the Neglect,

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 29 Apr 1714

James I writ you last post wch. I hope came Safe to yr. hand, besure hereafter take no bills of longr. date than 10/ or 15/d after date at longest, for will rather be at the charge of Sending over a Servt for the mony than take bills that none will take of my hand, I design God Willing to be at Newby wthout faile on tuesday next & does not know certainly how long I shall stay till I take my Journey to the bath, so I would have you not to faile to come & set all things streight, assoon

Letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 29 Apr 1714

Mr. Pemberton 29 Dt Sr. Am much oblig’d to you for yr. kind letter I design God willing to be at Newby on Tuesday next, & the rest of my Family that Week, I do not know when my Ld. Warrington designs Northwd. but assoon as I hear he is at Dunham, shall Send my D[ea]r. Missy immediately their, have had Severall kind letters from him Since I came to York, both about his & my own concerns I shall pay Mr Adams Clark for the Copy of the Deed, I doubt not but my Wife pd. him for t

Letter – Edward Blackett to Harry Tulip – 29 Apr 1714

& write to H. Tulop by the very first post tht he faile not to come to Newby & set all things streigh betwixt him & my Slf, know of Co[usin]: Wilkinson the price of the last Lead he Sold, as also whether there be any dem[an]d. for the commodity or not, faile not to speak to Mr. Bernardeau as I writ you in my last

Letter – Edward Blackett to Richard Hey – 29 Apr 1714

York 29 April 1714 Mr. Hey I give you many thanks for inquiring about the Iron, & must give you the trouble to go to the Forge & bespeak two barrs of Iron one Inch & three quarters Square, & Five yards & a quarter long, they must be Sent by York by water, directed to Mr. Ja Scott Crane master In York, pray Send thm. wth. all expedition for we want thm. mightly, must desire you to pay for thm., & when I See you at Newby Shall be thankfully repaid by Pray own

Letter – Edward Blackett to Marie Selby – 1 May 1714

1 May 1714 Madm. I am Concern’d tht. yr. Fathers annuity Should be so ill paid, assure you I allow one half of it upon the day tht. it is due, so it is my Nephews Stew[ar]d. tht. is in the fault, Shall inclose him yr. letter & order the Speedy paymt. of it, had give you an answer of yr. letter long before this, but have been from home, wth. my Service to yr. father I am yr. Servt. To Mrs Marie Selby In Lisle Street near Lester Fields Londn.

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Wilkinson – 8 May 1714

Mr. Wilkinson Newby 8 May 1714 Sr, The Inclosed I Recd. when at York but forgot to Send it to you, I perceive by Mr. Brumells Acct. tht. he has paid my proportion long agoe, or at least he has charg’d it pd. so pray ordr. the Speedy paymt. of it, for he cannot well be without his Annuity as I am informed, wth. my Service to yr.Self & Cousin Wilkinson I am Yr. assured Friend & Kinsman

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 8 May 1714

Mr. Ward Dt I Recd. yrs. both wth the inclosed by Mr. Cuthbertson, my bull was too old for him as he told me however he did not loose his journey for I bought a ps or 2 of Cloth of him, & hereafter may be a good Customer to him, he promises to come to Newby Some time this Summer & view the ground I like him mighty well for a tennt. Shall be glad to let him £200 a Year. pray take an oppertunity & go to Mr. Mauliverer wth. my Service & acqt. him tht. I do E

Letter – Edward Blackett to Albert Silvertop – 13 May 1714

Newby the 13 May 1714 Mr. Albert Silvertop at Stella Sr I have been much abroad of late or otherwise would have answered yrs. of the first of May long before this. I can write you little more but what formerly, am willing to give you £20 a year provided you pay me my Rents within 20 or 30 days after due provided I have Occasion for mony, If not you may have a longer time in discharging of them, I do believe you must Sometime take up £50 or a £100 for 3/m but the interest is but
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467