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Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Goulton – 12 Jun 1714

Sir 12 June 1714 I perceive by a Letter from my Steward Mr Ward, that Mr Bellinghams Servts will be at Mr Malwerers the middle of the next week, Soe I desire you will doe me the favour to goe thither, & acquaint Mr Malwerer that I will certainly have a war[rant]t of distress in case he does not adjust the business with you. So I soly refer it to yor self, & what trouble you have in this Affair Shall be gratified by, Your obliged Humble Servt

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 14 Jun 1714

Mr Ward 14 June 1714 I perceive by yors of the 10th that Mr Bellinghams Steward will be at his Estate at Worsall this weeke, Soe I have writ a Letter to Mr Goulton who is Clerk to the militia, to goe to Mr Malwerers & acqut him that in case he or Mr Bellinghams Steward, doe not pay to him what is due, will have an order of distress, to distrain very Shortly upon his tennts at Worsall, however have referred it Soly to him to make what Composition he pleases, & I doe desire you

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Ridsdale – 15 Jun 1714

Mr Ridsdale 15 June 1714 I Recd yrs of the [date blank] give you many thanks for Care about my business, & desire yr continuance of it, & whatever passes shall be glad to have a line from you whatever you think requset to be done or otherwise, for biding for Seaton Estate in Court, acqt my Son Christopher & Show him this letter & he will do whatever you ordr him,

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Croft – 15 Jun 1714

Mr Croft Dt I Recd yr letter of Yesterday & gives you many thanks for yr offer of yr Gelding, but Shall not have occasion for him, for has this day bought one, wch will Serve my turn, but am obligd to you for yr care, all this family gives their Service to you I am

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Boldero – 15 Jun 1714

Newby the 15 June 1714 Mr Boldero I Recd yr letter of the 12, & gives you many thanks for Inquiring what I writ you about shall send two Guineys to my Ld Mayor by the first Neighbour of Servt that goes to York, all this family gives their Service to yrself & Mrs Boldero At Mr Salkelds In Hatton Garden

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Waddington – 20 Jun 1714

Newby 20 June 1714 Sr I had owned the favour of yors of the 15 much sooner, but that I have been at my Nephews Sr Walter Calverleys for three or four days. I perceive yor business will call you to Rippon Shortly, and I hope you will be Soe kinde as to make Newby yor Home whilst you Stay in this part of the Countrey, where you may be Assured of a most Hearty welcome from Sr Yor obliged Humble Servt To Mr John Waddington At his House in Wakefield pt pd

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Hutton – 20 Jun 1714

Newby 20 June 1714 My Lord Mr Bolderoe desired me to pay to your Lordsp two Guineas for his use, wch I hope you’l receive I am Yor Lordship’s Obliged Humble Servt For The Right Honoble the Lord Mayor of Yorke

Letter – Edward Blackett to Zachary Scott – 20 Jun 1714

20 June 1714 Sr I am desired by Mr Bolderoe to pay to my Lord Mayor of Yorke two Guineas for his use, having no business at Yorke at present to send a Servt but upon this acco[un]t makes me give you the trouble to pay two Guineas to my Lord Mayor for Mr Bolderoes use, & the 1st time I send a Servt to Yorke Shall repay it you, with many thanks I am Yor Assured Friend & Servt To Mr Zachy Scott Crain Master at Yorke

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 21 Jun 1714

June 21 1714 James I reced yors of the 19th – the reason I did not write you the last post, I was at Sr Walter Calverleys 3-or-4- days the last Weeke, it must Certainly be a very great mistake that there should be <572> pieces of Lead to pay for, for I believe Wm Lowes or Harry Tulip or both did pay a considerable sume of money to the Lead Carriers, & I thought they had discharged all the Carriage except -252- pieces, wch laid at the Mill the last pay, Soe Inquire of

Letter – Edward Blackett to Albert Silvertop – 22 Jun 1714

22 June 1714 Yors of the 14th & 19th both came to Hand & I am well pleased you Accept my proposals, as to the date of yor Bills you may take 20 days before Lammas & Candlemas payable to me or my orders, & after as for this present Halfe Year, you may take longer time for the payment of it, & in a little time I hope you’l finde me not very pressing for moneys, Inclosed I send you a Rentall, there is some Small arrears, but Mr Bromell has promised to make them good, S

Letter – Edward Blackett to Unknown – 22 Jun 1714

June 22 1714 Sr I perceive by yors that my Cause cannot Come on but in Course, Soe I wish it had been one of the first enterd, than might have expected that it would have come on in a Short time, I hear it is Entered the twelfth cause, wch is very Backward, Soe I despair to have it heard this long time, & in case my Lord should decree it to be Sold to the best bidder then besure you take care that my Son Kitt bid to the value of the principle & Interest that Seaton Delaval Esta

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 23 Jun 1714

* Mr Bentham ows some money for deals, wch he bought many Months ago of Mr Peart the late Steward, Soe either yorself or Harry Tulip may receive the money of him, my son John is from Home Soe I cannot tell you Exactly the Sume, it is not great however I’ll not Suffer any trifle to be in arrear Soe long, you must likewise receive the moneys of the plum[b]er of Hexham at nine pound per fother for the Lead he had from <… … ..> the <price> he reffered to myself * * I hear the und

Letter – Edward Blackett to Unknown – 23 Jun 1714

23 June 1714 Sr I reced yors by Scotch Jenny, I perceive Mr Goulton, has made a Friendly end wth Mr Malwerer abt the Light Horse, he has given him Soe many Guineas in hand, & pay him £4 a Year for every Year they Muster, wch I take to to be a very good end I know I might have obliged them to have payd more moneys in hand, but considering the £4 a year when they Muster, to be pd wthout trouble, does well satisfie me, I shall have occasion for moneys before Topcliffe Fair,

Letter – Edward Blackett to Alderman Sedgwick – 25 Jun 1714

Mr Alderman Sedgwick 25 – June – 1714 I reced yor Letter, & I doe assure you I never did or shall trouble myself, in my Sons Concerns, though I must own I take it very ill from any of my friends that would lend him money, without first acquainting me wth it & I wish they doe not finde to their own loss, I am Sr Yor Friend to Serve You

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Van de Wall – 25 Jun 1714

25 June 1714 Sr My Son John by my orders has writ several times to desire you’l send me his acct & my own, I am affraid you have not had yor Health well of late, whch must be the reason I have not heard from you, Soe pray send them by the very first post, as also the price currant of Lead; to give credit for three months, for I have a good quantity by me at present, I desire you’l get yor Lady to buy me a dozen of the best Indian Handkerchiefs that is to be had of the largest & b

Letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 29 Jun 1714

29 June 1714 Sr By the return of my Coach, from Carrying my dear Jewel to my Lord Warringtons, I reced a very kinde Letter from him, So I hope you did not write to him, abt what you & I discoursed upon they got very well there, but the weather being so very Hot, that they have almost Spoild my whole Set of Horse, the best Horse of the sett they was forced to leave their, & my Servt thinks it will be unpossible for him to recover wch will prevent my waiting of my Lord Castle comes Soe

Letter – Peter Aram to Thomas Whitling – 1 Jul 1714

Tho Whitling July 1 1714 Sr Edward orderd me to Acquaint you that unless you come on Monday next, & stay till you finish all his worke that he will never pay you one farthing, nor Imploy you more I am,

Letter – Edward Blackett to Albert Silvertop – 1 Jul 1714

Mr Silvertop 1 July 1714 I perceive by yors of the 29, that Mr Crowley does not agree to the perticulars I sent you, of his rent am very positive it is right, & my nephew Blackets Steward receives the very same rent from him, I also perceive that Mr John Robinson makes no use of the Lime Kill, it is his own fault, I believe he tooke it for a term of years but am not positive, in a little time Shall send you a Coppy of Mrs Sarah Robinsons Lease wch her late Husband tooke som

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 1 Jul 1714

1st July 1714 James I perceive by yors that Henry Tulip, did not meet you as you expected to make an end wth the Lead Carriers, wch I take very ill from him, however by this time I hope he has given you a meeting, & that you have made an End wth them wch I would very willingly have done, I hope you have Set on the Lead Carriers again, & agreed wth a man a Newburn to take an Account of the pieces, & pyleing of them, besure you receive the moneys of Mr Bentham & &

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 1 Jul 1714

1st July 1714 Honest Will Am very glad you have made an absolute end wth Mr Grenwell, if Mr Cuth Wilson come to Newby, Shall exactly follow yor advice, & I thank you for it, I tell you now as I formerly always told you, to act in my Concerns for me, as if they were yor own, acquaint me whether any of the floods last Year did any damage to them, God knows you have had too fine weather for repairing yor Damms this Year I wish they was Soe done, that they wou’d put me noe Ch

Letter – Edward Blackett to George Booth – 2 Jul 1714

My Lord 2 July 1714 I recd the Honour of yors of the 25th wth very much satisfaction, giving me an acct of my dear Jewels coming Safe into yor LordShips family, where I am very sure She could be noe where Soe well, & Soe much to my own Satisfaction pray God Continue her health, & I hope She will be a Comfort, to all her relations; Shall always take care to send yor Lordship a bill at Michms & Lady day for whats due to my dear Mitty, wth ten thousand thanks t

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Millington – 2 Jul 1714

[struck out: ‘Dear’] Honest Captain 2 July 1714 I reced a Letter from your Secretary by this post, wch I am much obliged to her for & desire a constant correspondence with her because I know you are not very fond of writeing, I perceive my Horse is dead, & the rest of my Coach Horses here are little better, if they doe live wch I very much doubt, am sure they’l not be fit for Service this many months, Soe my Journey to the bath God knows is at an End, I am very Glad t

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Aislabie – 2 Jul 1714

Dear Sr 2 July 1714 I desire you’l doe me the favour, to buy me a pair of the Strongest & best Coach Geldings in the Town, you know my colour is black, & I designe them for the Wheel, & wou’d have them not above 5-or-6 Years old, & Shall not Stint you to any price, Soe they be extraordinary I did send my dear little mitty to my Lord Warringtons abt 10-days agoe, in the very heat of the weather, & my Coach man being a very silly fellow, drove them soe fast

Letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 5 Jul 1714

Sr July 5 1714 Inclosed I return you my Lords Letter, Shall acquaint him by to morrows post, that you Inclosed it to me, & that I am very willing as soon as my Son rerurns from beyond Sea, to make the <H> £50 = £100 per ann[um], till her fortune becomes due & as we are all mortall In case I should die before his return She shall have £50 a year, out of Newby, till another Deed shall be Executed by my Son, of £100, a Year & the old Deed to be cancel’d or g

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Gray – 5 Jul 1714

5 July 1714 Mr Gray I reced yors & I thank you for yor olives, you did very well, to draw off the one Halfe Hogsh[ea]d of White Wine, there is not a great Hast of sending it till the weather be cooler, & more water in the river, I wish you could buy me , as many H[e]art or duke cherryes as a little Basket will Hold, the last cherryes you sent me was but ordinary & very dear of 4d a pound, if you cannot fill the Basket wth H[e]arts or Dukes, send none, I am Yor Assured Friend
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467