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Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 26 Jul 1714

Newby July 26th 1714 James I have now Sold to Mr Fenwick 600 pieces of Lead which will take all the Lead that has Laid so long at newburn and most of the p[ie]ces that are in the Celler, so besure you hasten down to newburn all the Lead that lys at half way but let none come from the mill but what is all ready weigh’d of. the Cheapest way will be to have the Sale brought upon the key and weigh the Lead of that come from newburn there, and what is in the Celler may be weig

Letter – Edward Blackett to Unknown Fenwick – 26 Jul 1714

Newby July 26 1714 Sr, I recd yrs the 23d and seeing I have had so much moneys from their yr Mr Fenwick, and his bill always so very well paid that I am with to take what you offer me viz £8-15s per fother tho if I had been willing to have disposed of my Lead might had the price about 12 month agoe for the Last Lead you bought of me was £8-17-6, I doe not know by certain what numbr of pces I have in the Cellar, I believe there is not 100, but I have at newburn about 530 which has l

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Blackett – 30 Jul 1714

30 July 1714 Dear Jacky I perceive by yors that there’s a Coachman in Yorke out of place, let me know by the first post, his name where he was Borne. & what several Gentlemen he has Lived with all & how many years he has been a Coachman, as also his age, & wheither he be a Lusty good Like fellow or not, for none but such a one will please me, & then shall give you my thoughts of him, give my Service to Mr Mashrother & tell him that Mr Taylor of fouforther Spoke t

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Sharp – 30 Jul 1714

Sr 30 July 1714 I desire you’l doe me the favour, to order yor Servt, to send me down every Saturday night the weekely packet, for I hear ‘tis much Commended, wth my most Humble Service to YorSelf & Lady I am Sr Yor Faithfull Humble Servt For John Sharpe Esqr A Member of Parliament

Letter – Edward Blackett to Albert Silvertop – 31 Jul 1714

31 July Mr Silvertope I have writ you three Letters & have not reced answere of any of them, I order’d that in Case the Tennants did not make you satisfaction for the wood they have cut, Immediately to send for a writ for them, & the other I Inclosed you a copy of Sr Ambrose Crowleys Lease which is Expired a long time agoe, I doubt not but you may raise that rent, Inclosed I send you a copy of Mr Robinsons Lease, the Horses wch he Farms, wheither he has Tennants in them or

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Hodges – 1 Aug 1714

August 1 1714 Sr Am very much Concern’d; that anything that belonged to Mr Hodges, Shou’d meet wth Soe ill usage at Newby, I perceive there was a Hound abt the House for some time, & Inquiring who it belong’d too, they told me it was an old Cust Hound of Gabriels, that was good for nought, Soe I order’d them several times to beat it away but still return’d, & some times broke the windows, I am sure if any of the Family had known it belong’d to you, it wou’d have had mu

Letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 1 Aug 1714

August 1 1714 Sr I have the favour of yors I believe yor relations has little or noe acquaintance in Rippon, Soe I desire you’l Introduce them to Newby, where all may be assured of a most Hearty welcome (as long as they please) from Sr Yor most Faithfull Humble Servt To The Reverend Mr Pemberton Pray give my Service to Mr Raper & acquaint him I shall be Glad to see him & his Family here

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Blackett – 1 Aug 1714

August 1 1714 Dear Jacky Am glad to perceive by yors that my Nephews Horse, came in so good a place, & that his Horse wch runs on Tuesday, there is great Hopes of his getting the plate, give my Service to my nephew, & tell him I heartily Wish him success Send to the Coachman & acqut him that I am reconciled to my old Servt, & that he need not trouble himself to come to Newby, desire Mr Banks to get the rainges done wth all Expedition, Imaginable, you d

Letter – Edward Blackett – 6 Aug 1714

[First 4 -5 lines missing] <…>ired man, I design [2-3 words missing] plantation so must have one that under<….> drawing of Plat forms, for there are fou[r] Squares in that garden that I must have in different forms, the other five are all set in good order, Pray make inquiry as soon as conveniently you can, & let me know what wages such man expects and you will much oblige Sr your Faithfull Humble

Letter – Edward Blackett to Diana Blackett – 6 Aug 1714

My Dear Jewel I perceive by your letter that you are finely divered [possibly diverted] by 2 Rush bearings, I own I ne<ver> see any, , but I have often heard your Dear Grand Mama Speak of them, I have in <……> you the diversions w[hi]ch has been lately at [missing word – York?] where there was the greatest concurs of <……> that Ever was Seen at any horse cours<e Yr> Cousin Sr Wm Blackett got one o[f] <……> with much Ease, & would have g<…>

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 10 Aug 1714

I Rec’d yours of the 21st and I perceive what you write concerning Ald[er]m[an] Ramsey Tyths, I had a letter from him last Week & says he has payd you the Tyth Rent, I have several things to discourse you about my concerns in the North so would have you come over as soon as [c]onveniently you can, & bring my Rents w[i]th you so that we can set the last half years rents Streight, I thought you would have Inclos[e]d me a bill on Lamas when you was at Newcastle, however it [is?] all one,

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Millington – 10 Aug 1714

Hon[est Captain?] I Rec’d [rest of line missing] [missing] the 20th [rest of line missing] £3:7:6 [rest of line missing] Of Mr Step [rest of line missing] cheshire & shall rep [rest of line missing] to Mrs Millington & acq[uain]t her [rest of line missing] the goods in the great box, into two Less<er> boxes [1 word missing] will come with much more ease & she will not find anything awanting that she put up as soon as our harvest is over will send the brewer with the boxe

Letter – Edward Blackett – 10 Aug 1714

[around 3-4 lines missing from top of letter, though one word torn is probably ‘election’] to send me the weekly packet It always comes out of a Saturday but non came to my hand pray ord[e]r yr servts to inclose it me down every Saturday night & you will oblige. from yr faithfull Humble Ser[van]t Queens Square / Westminster

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 17 Aug 1714

Newby the 17th Augt 1714 James I perceive by yours that you are very well assured that the number of pieces of lead will come right, which I wish may prove so, you did very well in going to Mr Wilkinson & give my Service & thanks to him, for the liberty he gives me for weighing the small quantity of lead which I have in [struck out: ‘his’] my nephews cellar, when the corn at Seaton is nigh ready go and give my Service to Sr John, or acq[uain]t him I desire to have the Du

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 20 Aug 1714

Newby the 20th Augt 1714 James this is a copy of my last which is as full as I can write you, onely I would not have you pay Sr John the Ten pound though he lets you the tyth & if [struck out: ‘not he cannot expect’] but put him off with some excuse that you had returned me what mony you had by you there will be nothing due to him, as for the other half of the tyth which he pretends is due, I will try it with him when he pleases. you may acq[uain]t both Sr John & Mr Ed D

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Aislabie – 20 Aug 1714

Newby the 20th Augt 1714 Dear Mr Aislabie I thank you for the trouble you gave yourself in writing to Mr Smith of Bromp<ton> Park I cannot think that any of his apprentices can be a fit gardiner for me, I would have an Experienced gardr as any about Town provided he be a working gardr & unmarryd & shall like him no worse incase he be 35 or 40 years old, so pray give me your thoughts whether you can meet with such a gardr or not as soon as conveniently you can yo

Letter – Edward Blackett – 20 Aug 1714

[first 3-4 lines missing] the Country, have Recd no W[2-3 words missing] as yet so your f[rien]d the book Seller is mighty p[ rest of word missing] Full, I perceive by Mr Dean that you are about agreeing for a mon<u>m[en]t for my Ld I design to have one for my family & would bestow 150 pound or there about, I wish you could send me a draught of severall that he can afford for that sum & you will very much oblige Dear Sir yr faithful Humble Ser[van]t

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Millington – 20 Aug 1714

Newby the 20th Augt 1714 Capt Millington I writ to my Dr Mitty on the 6 and you the 10 which I hope came both safe to hand, your boxes shall be at Leeds without faile on Wednesday the 1st Sept, so you may give the Carrier orders to call for them, pray give my humble Service to my Ld & acq[uain]t him as soon as my Lawyer comes from the Spaws [ie. spas] will get a Deed drawn & enclose it for his Ldships perusal, I believe this sudden change of affairs will oblige my Ld to go to L

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 23 Aug 1714

Newby the 23 Augt 1714 James I perceive by yours of the 21st that both mine came to hand, I wondr you should deliver Sir John such a message that I sent you to take the tyth of him I ordered you to know of him whether I might have the Tyth as formerly, for I shall not give him one cross of a farthing more for it so let him take it in kind, that is to say the Dukes half, which you may acq[uain]t him in short, am very glad he values it worth forty pound a year, so I shall value hartly ty

Letter – Edward Blackett to George Booth – 24 Aug 1714

Newby the 24 Augt 1714 My Lord I desire your Ldship will please to peruse the inclosed, & pray Correct if anything be amiss & inclose it to me & it shall be Executed by me, my most humble Service To your Ldship & family, with my blessing to my Dearest little Missy I am Your Ldship Most faithfull & most Obedient Humble Servt [possibly a postscript missing due to torn top of next page]

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 26 Aug 1714

26 Augt 1714 James On the other side you have a Coppy of my last, your next I hope will give an acco[un]t that the Six Hundred pieces of Lead are weighed off, to Mr Fenwick, but if they are not, besure hasten the bringing them off, for shall not be Easy till they are delivered I am Your Assured ffriend

Letter – Edward Blackett to Stephen Coulson – 26 Aug 1714

Mr Coulson 26 Augt 1714 Sir If you have not already sent me a Bill, have now an opportunity of disposeing of one, for £50 at -25-or-30-days date which please to send me, & you will oblige Sir your Humble Servt

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 26 Aug 1714

Hone<st Will> I pe<rceive> [rest of line missing] Black Clough <tyth> [4-5 words missing] is mighty well done, as for Ald[er]m[an] Ramsey [1-2 words missing] they are unlet, & as I have writ to you often times that I leave all things to you, so dispose of it to them that will give most for it, not questioning but you will do for me as for yourself, besure allow no Assessments to the Tennants that does not pay their Rents at Lamass, the Tyth Rents, In a little Time all dis

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Van de Wall – 29 Aug 1714

[most of first 2-4 lines missing] for me, pray if they have not as yet done it, order then to doe it as soon as possibly theycan, I desire you’l doe me the favour, to give them to any Master that belongs either to Hull or Newcastle, desire his Care of them, & let me know his name. I believe the Custom House Officers at either place will be very Civill upon my Acc[oun]t [struck out: ‘soe I doe not in the least fear their seizing of them’] however I would desire the Master to get them

Letter – Edward Blackett to Robert Fairfax – 31 Aug 1714

31 Augt 1714 Dear Sir I recd yours of the 28, & you may always depend upon what Interest I have, if you have not already, writt to Colonel, Northcliffe, Mr Viccar of Leeds & Mr Lodge, besure fail not to doe it by the very first post, for they were your very good ffriends, in the last Election, & desire the Continueance of their ffriendship & Interest, which I doe not in the least Question but they will all this family gives you their most Humble services & pray beli
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467