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Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Boldero – 24 Dec 1714

Newby xbr 24th Sr I thank you for the acct you gave me of my Lady Wandesford will as soon as your wife receives a lettr from her aunt <hosier > Inclose it to me and shall take care to deliver it my self when I see a convenient time after the Elect n but be sure you send it before mr maud be Dead, and you may depend on the Best Service that can be done by yr assure friend & Servt

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 25 Dec 1714

Newby the 25 xbr 1714 James I perceive by yrs of the 24 tht you Recd my lettr by a messengr from mr Coulson, I writ you a very full letter the last post wch wd not be at the post office till friday, might besure you every post night send to the post house of Newcastle for yr letters, shall not faile to write you by every post, & in the mean time besure set straight wth all the tenants, & you need not come to newby till I fix the time, wch may in 10 or 15 days or less, I

Letter – Edward Blackett to William St Quintin – 25 Dec 1714

Sr I perceive by my friend & neighbr Mr Metcalf, tht his son at London is in hopes of being preferred to some impoymt by yr recommendation, his father is a very honest substantiall man, & has given his son very good Education he is come of a very good & honest parentage, & in case it lays in yr way Eighter [Either] to give or get him an imploymt shall tak it an Extraordinary favour done to Sr Yr Mt Faithfull H Sert To Sr Wm St Quintine Barrt London

Letter – Edward Blackett – 25 Dec 1714

Sr Newby the perpetuall advousance [advowson] of the Living of Hurwort did belonging to Colonel buyerley and one mr Jenesson and allwayes p[re]sented it by turn’s the last turn was the Colonel, bt a long time before mr Chambr dyed mr Jenesson not only Sold the next turn but his part of the p[er]petuall advouance to mr Chambr’s Curate which troubled the old Sr very much & I believe was more Concern’d for his Son, if I could have served you in this or in any thing Else pray

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 30 Dec 1714

Newby Dec James This is the 4th Lettr that I have write without receiving any answer, I Charge you one to Send to the post house every Post day for my Lettrs for I Shall not omit to write I Expect in a post or two at furthest to receive a Commission out of Chancery to Examine both you and my self wt Cleare moneys you have received of the Tenants, and wt Cleare moneys you’s paid me, as Soon as I have received it you Shall have immediate notice to Come to newby & thn a little time

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 1 Jan 1715

1 Janu 1714/5 James I Recd Yrs this morning, & shall give you notice enough before you need come to Newby, & you may make what Stay you will by the way for we can adjourn the commission, as there mey be occasion, but the Soonr it is perfected, the better, these holydays was the reason of the delay, otherwise the commission would have been here before this, upon the receipt this got to mr fenwick & desire him to send me my acct as also the bills for ballance, as soon a

Letter – Edward Blackett to Nicholas Fenwick – 1 Jan 1715

Mr Fenwick I desire you will Send me my Acct & bills for the ballance as at Short sight as you can, for have hought a piece of land wch joynes upon Newby wch must be paid for very shortly orth otherwise wd not call all the monys out of yr hand at once I am Sr Yr Very humble Servt

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 4 Jan 1715

Newby Jan 4 1714 Dear Kitty Upon receipt of this letter write a line by Post & give my most humble Service to my Brother Bridges <that> he’l order his gardener to goe to London, & assist you in the hireing of an Experienct Kitchen Gerdener, from the neat houses or from some such place–, for raiseing of mellons & Cowcumbeers & all other Early plants be times, for such a gardener I want Extreamly, I hired my self formerly one from the neat houses, & ga

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 6 Jan 1715

Newby the 6 Jann: 1714/15 Honest Will I perceive by yr letter wch you Writ to my servt tht you design’d to have been at Newby beforre this, but was disappoint by Pattisons not paying his mony, but has promised to pay it about the 12th of Jannuary so besure do not begin yr Journey till you have the mony if he be not as good as his word I wd have you arrest both him & his bondsmen so tht we may set all thing streight when you come to Newby, we have a rept there is great robing so

Letter – Edward Blackett to Nicholas Fenwick – 6 Jan 1715

Newby the 6 Jan Mr Fenwick I writ you the 1st instant wch I hope came to hand & was in hopes to have heard from you before this, if you have mot already sent me my acct & the ballance, pray do it wth assoon as possibly you can, & you will oblige I would not be so urgent for the mony but I have made a purchase lately, wch requires speedy paymt,

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 6 Jan 1715

James this is a copy my last was in hopes of hearing from you, and Mr Fenwick before this, so upon the receipt of this letter, go to Mr fenwick & know of him if he has sent me my acct & bills for the ballance if not desire him to do it wth all possible speed, & tht the bills may be of short date as he can, by reason I have bought a piece of land wch must be pd for very shortly, I expect the commission will be down to morrow or Sunday, & then shall give you notice to come

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 7 Jan 1715

Newby the 7 January 1714/5 Dr Kitty the above is a copy of my last, I hope you have hired me a good gardiner before this, but if you cannot get one for eight pound, I would not stick to give something more, provided you are satisfied he understands his business well, & is a sober fellow, if you can meet wth such a one would give him ten pound, but you must endeavour to hire him for as much less as you can, besure faile not to let me know be the very first post, whether you have, o

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Beaumont – 7 Jan 1715

dt Mr Beaumond, The goods wch you Shipt for me In Tho Bell have not as yet heard any thing of thm I desire you will Send me, by the first Carrier Two pound Bohea Tea, two pound Green Tea & six pound Coffee, pray let thm be very good, & well packed up, & you will oblige Sr yr Humb Servt

Letter – Edward Blackett to Diana Blackett – 9 Jan 1715

Newby Jan 9th 1714/5 My Dr Little mitty I Recd thy Lettr this morning & would not neglect one post to send you the remainder of the Sond which I last sent you, Im glad to hear you hold your head much bettr thn you used to doe, let me know whether it will be with, or without the help of a Colar and when you have any Spare time besure to lett me hear from you often for thy Lettrs can never be troublesome to me give my humble service to my Ld and the two Lady’s & my bless

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 10 Jan 1715

Newby the 10 Jannary 1714/5 James I Recd yrs of the 6th by the last post I writ Mr Fenwick tht if he could nof send me bills, I would Send Sevcts Over for the mony, so upon the receipt of this letter do you acqt him wth the same, I cannot fix the day when you are to come over for cannot get a commission, till there is a Seal day, & there has not been one these Holydays, but now they are over do expect a commission every post day, assoon as I have it will will give you

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 10 Jan 1715

Dt Mr Ward I Recd yrs of yesterday, What ever there is occasion for at the mill, I leave it, & all other matters to yr management as have writ you many times, as for the Royalties of Bippton if you can get 200 Guinys or 200 pound for it, otherwise will not dispose of it,

Letter – Edward Blackett to Nicholas Fenwick – 13 Jan 1715

Newby the 13 Jannary 1714/5 Mr Fenwick I Recd My Acct wch I find right all but the A1<96s> wch you know I would not take tht price for, so you told my servt you would Refer the price to my self however tht is no great matter as for yr bills I must return you them by my Servt by reason none here will give mony for bills without 3s in the pound at least so by the first post let me know when you will be in cash, & shall send servts over to Receive the whole ballance, for

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mrs Cuthbertson – 13 Jan 1715

Newby 13 Januay Good Mrs Cuthbertson I writ you a letter the begining of January tht the first time my Servt came to York he should pay you yr interest, but I perceive mr Stephenson who has mony of mine in his hand, was from home so he did not receive it, & also acquainted you tht I would pay you the Principall within 3 months, I desire you will take care to dispose of it as you shall think convenient & if you have occasion for the whole Sum or any part of it shall pay y

Letter – Edward Blackett to Nicholas Fenwick – 15 Jan 1715

Sr Newby Jan 15th 1714/5 I sent my Servt to Yorke as I writ you in my last of the 13th and he was recommended to a gentleman there who had occation for a Considerable Sum of money at London and told him that if he would bring him bills within ten or twelf days time or less tho they were for a 1000 or more, he would take them So I desire that you will send me the ballance of my acct in bills, and prey order my Servt Mewburn to bring no money with him but may bring bills [struck out: â

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 15 Jan 1715

Newby Jan 15th 1714/5 Jame I hope you received mine of the 13th I sent my Servt to Yorke on friday las to see if he Could dispose of the Bills, that mr fenwick sent me, and he was recommended to an honest gentleman he tooke his bills and told him that incase he brought him bills in ten or 12 day tho they were to the value of a great Sum he would pay them money for them, I have write mr fenwick to the Same purpose however you have enclosed here a copy of my letter to him

Letter – Edward Blackett to Albert Silvertop – 15 Jan 1715

Newby the 15 Jannary 1714/5 Mr Silvertop I Recd yrs wth an Exch Bill for £101 2 6 & a bill drawn by mr Rudson & Recd 50 For wch I credt your acct £151 2 6 & give you thanks for the same, as for the Note you Sent me, I know nothing of it, nor of any agreemt tht was made by mr Brumell and mr Robinson, it is the first time I heard any thing of it, but to be Satisfy’d, pray ask mr Wilkinson if he known the agreemt to be so,

Letter – L. Skipwith to Elizabeth Wentworth – 15 Jan 1715

Jan[uar]y 15th 1714/5 I return Dear Mrs Wentworth a great many thanks for the best Venison, & Pye that ever was eate [eaten] my Mother joynes with me to Sir William & your self, how often I have wish’d to see you is more than can be expres’d, so gaye & fond as this is you ought to shine in. Mrs Condon wrote me word your Brother & you was expected at York. I was told the Assembly there very near comes up to the divertion the Prince & Princess afords themselves a

Letter – Edward Blackett to Dr Cousins – 16 Jan 1715

Newby 16 Jann: 1714/5 Dr Cousins this morning I had the favr of yr letter & you depend upon my best assistance in the disposeing of yr monys. I shall have no manner of occasion myself, having a Good Summ by me at present, but shall make it my business to inquire for a safe man tht can give you good Security, you can never Expect more then 5% being you know there is an act of parliamt against takeing more as soon as the Election for the county is Over my self and family disig

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Boldero – 16 Jan 1715

Mr Boldero I have Sent both yr inclosed to Ripon this morning, as for mr Mands place it has been promised ever since he begun I perceive mr Shaw has ½ & mr Chambers the other pray give my service to my Ld Elect, & tell him I wish him Increase of honour all this family give their service to yr Self & Mrs Boldero I am yr assured f & Servt

Letter – Edward Blackett to George Mowbray – 17 Jan 1715

the 17 Jann: 1715/5 Honest Mr Moubray I refered the owing of the receipt of yr kind letter all this time, Expecting to have seen mr featherstone in his journey to London, [struck out: ‘but seeing he disappointed me’] if he had come to Newby woulde have made him an offer of a Seaventh, but will have the lead always delivered at Newcastle, or no manner of bargain, so I desire you will acqt the refer it solely to yr it, as for wording the new lease I refer it solely to yr Self, pray
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467