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Letter – Edward Blackett to Albert Silvertop – 12 Dec 1715

12 decr Mr Silvertop This day I received answer of my letter which I writ to Capt Liddle upon the acct, the very words of his Letter is that on Wednesday I read the Letter to my Brethren who as well as my Self, would have been very ready to have serv’d you but in the case of Mr Alb[er]t Silvertop we cannot for Ld Scarbrough granted warrants upon Information he received when in this Country & the high Constable took him upon one of those Warrants & he brakeaway from him, I bel

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Douglas – 12 Dec 1715

12 Xbr Sr I would have answerd your Letter soner but I expected a Letter from my Ld Duke of Summerset who I gave my Intrest many years agoe you know I could do no less being I had his graces Intrest Intirely when I stood Knight of the Shire for the County of Northumberland, besides he ordred his Steward to entertain me at his own Castle at Alnwick when I have a line from his Grace you shall hear further from Your Assured Friend To John Duglass Esq at his house in Newcastle

Letter – Edward Blackett to George Booth – 13 Dec 1715

13Xbr My Lord I Recd the honr of your lordships letter of the 6th & am very glad that your lordship & famly are in good health & that you design to be for London shortly where I hope to have the honr to waiting on your lordship & family, as for my dr Mittys Jewels and gold watch by all means let her wear them for they were given her to no other End, wth all our most humbl Services to your lordship & the Ladys, wth my blessing to my Dr little Mitty I am Your Lords

Letter – Edward Blackett to Diana Blackett – 13 Dec 1715

13 Xbr My Drst Mitty I am very glad to hear that you have learn’d the Church Catechism in French & that you improve in that language, & I doubt not in the least in every thing Else that is becoming a Young Lady if you will but take pains & make it your business, your two Uncles & aunts gives you their kind love & Services wth my blessing to you I am Your mt affect & Grand Papa

Letter – Edward Blackett to George Booth – 13 Dec 1715

My Lord I writ your ldship by the last post but for fear it should not come in time to your lordships hand have sent this by Roachdale bagg wth a Copy of my last, I am to your lordship & family Yr most faithfull humbl Servt

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Lodge – 13 Dec 1715

Mr Lodge Sr inclosed is a Copy of my letter to my good friend Mr Crowther, I desire you will write him to send you an answer of it as soon as possibly he can for I design for London, the beginning of the last week in this month, for have taken both a house, & a coach to commence for the 1st of January & a coach for the last week in this month, so I heartily wish it would suit Mrs Savill conveniency to be in londn this winter, I despair of seeing you before I begin my journey, but be as

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 13 Dec 1715

Mr Ward I desire you will send me by Crawford £30 you need not send me a bill till you hear from me from londn, for believe my Servts will have occasion for the mony to buy barley – wth my Service to your Self & family. I am

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 15 Dec 1715

15 Xbr 1715 Honest Will Am Sorry to perceive by your that you have not been well since you left Newby, I hope it will onely prove a Cold, the acct you Send me for the Fines are onely part of them, inclosed I send you a Copy of them all as they have been Recd, I wondr Corn should be so cheap wth you, for all sorts of grane gives an extraordinary price here, I have a letter from my Servt Mewburn this day who writes me that Mr Reay & his partners are unwilling to receive any moneys f

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 15 Dec 1715

15 Xbr 1715 James Though your letter be dated of Saturday yet I Recd but this day Yesterday, am very much concernd for my Dr Sisters Illness, Pray God almighty send her better, besure when you go to town, know how she does and my concern for her wth my Service to her, I perceive Mr Reay is unwilling to give a receipt to Will Lows, so I have ordered him by this post to pay all his money to you, & your Receipt shall be his discharge, I do not know what is fit to allow the ten[an]ts f

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Lodge – 20 Dec 1715

Mr Lodge Newby 20 Xbr 1715 Sr I gave you the trouble of a letter as also one inclosed for Mr Lowther wch I doubt did not come to hand by reason I have heard nothing from you since – About 8 months ago I got a decree in Chancery against Sr John delaval for £15000 pound and in case that Summ was not pd me the latter End of this month or the beginning of the next, he was to be foreclosed, & the Estate of Seaton Delaval absolutely my own, so was lately advised by

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Dawnay – 20 Dec 1715

20 Xbr My Lord I give your Lordship many thanks for the weekly Packet your Lordship was pleased to ordr to be sent me, am now going out of the country, so your lordship need not give your Self further trouble that it be sent me longer, I am Your Lordships m.t Humbl Servt To the Right Honbl Ld Viscount Downe at Cowick

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Lowther – 22 Dec 1715

Mr Cowther 22 Xbr Sr I gave you the trouble of a letter as also one inclosed to Mr Lodge wch I doubt did not come to hand by reason I have heard nothing from you Since I believe my Sudden journey to london surprises you & Mr Lodge both, as well as my Self but it is unavoidable, About 8 m[onths] ago I got a decree in Chancery against Sr John Delaval for nigh £15000 & in case that Summ was not pd me the latter End of this month or the begining of the next he was to b

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 22 Dec 1715

22 Xbr 1715 James Am very pleased to perceive by yours that my Sister Mitford is much better pray god continue her health besure you always waite on her when you come to town & let me know how she does, faile not to write to me on Saturday night & shall receive it on Monday morning before I begin my journey, wch I design God willing without faile, write me constantly every week and direct your letters to be left at Mr C. B. at the White hart on bread street hill till you hear f

Letter – Edward Blackett – 22 Dec 1715

Sr I cannot express the great obligations I lay under for your Civilitys to my Son, I hope I shall satisfy Mrs Savill both as to your prest settlemt jointure, & reversion, I have layd out a very great sum of money In Newby house & gardens, & think it is as fine a Seat aa any in the county, I design if he please me wch I do not question in the least but he will to give him all the furniture, plate, linen as also what jewels I gave his mother etc that belongs to the house wch c

Letter – Edward Blackett to Albert Silvertop – 26 Dec 1715

Newby 26 Xbr 1715 Mr Wilkinson Sr – I know no way how to get a letter to Mr Silvertop but undr your cover so I hope you will Excuse the trouble given you by Sr your assur’d friend & Kinsman EB Mr Silvertop Sr I Recd your letter & doubt not but Mr Reay will give you a bill when he can draw, & if Mr Featherstone have any occasion for money in Newcastle shall know of him shortly, for this morning I set forwd for London, & shall not faile to speak to my Ld Sca

Letter – L. Skipwith to ElizabethWentworth – 1 Apr 1716

To Mrs Wentworth at Sir William Wentworth’s House at Bretton Near Waikefield Yorkshire I won’t think of excusing my fault of being so very Long in Dear Mrs Wentworth’s debt but own it with shame & trust to your good nature alone for a pardon. in yours you mention seeing me in the Spring if I am so happy it must be in London we having no thoughts of the <>. Miss <Dye> Condon writ her sister word they were in great affliction to part with you at York the Town had bee

Letter – John Wilkinson to Edward Ridsdale – 23 Sep 1717

Cousin Ridsdale Newcastle, 23rd September 1717, pm This is to request your friendship and assistance in an unfortunate affair, which I suppose you must be no stranger to from the many particulars Mr. Leedam gave Cousin Thomas Davison of what hap[pe]n[e]d of it at Boroughbridge and at Ripon, and from the acco[on]t your Lady (as I was told) gave Mrs Christian Blackett in a lett[e]r to her at that time, and therefore twould be needless to trouble you with a relation thereof, but from what

Letters – John Ord to George Allgood – 13 Jun 1718

June 13 1718 Sr, I am very much obliged for yours of the 9th & you have there a copy of wt I wrote this post to Sr W T [Thompson?] in answr to his p last post wch pray acqt Sr W. B.t with. The Ingrossment will be with my son p next post & I hope will be executed & returned in 10 days wch will answer all expectacons here. There is a plentifull estate & will more than answer wt I have said to Sr W <T>. I have seen a copy of the conveyances of Kenton & Welton &am

Letters – William Blackett to George Mowbray – 11 Apr 1719

Newcastle 11 April 1719 Mr Mowbray Mr Brumell I desire you will Treat & agree with Mr Jno Ord for the borrowing of Eight thousand pounds on my [word obscured] upon Mortgage of my Estates above mentioned; and I will execute Securitys for the same, as above written; Praytake particular care in this, you know its of great concern & service to me, and therefore I press your speedy care in it; for I am Yo.r loving Friend The estates of Winlinton, Woodcroft, three D

Rental – Thomas Brummell to John Ord – 14 Apr 1719

May day 1718 Years rent due to Sr Wm Blackett Baro.t from his tennants in Winlinton lordship [ie. Winlaton and Blaydon] £ s d Margt Anderson 2 10 6 Ch Anderson 5 John Anderson Senr 1/2 John Anderson Junr 2 Widdo Aldred 5 Wm Briggs 2 6 Henry <Boell> 3 Tho Broad 2 Luke Biggens 2 Widdo Brass 5 Geo Bailey 9 Geo B

Letters – George Mowbray to John Ord – 18 May 1719

In answer to your query I do not know whether the Lease of Lintzgarth is so <ne..> but thinks not, because 2 of the lives are good Jo: Philipsons wife is a fresh healthfull woman of her age & her son John is living at Walington, a mason by trade, a good life as far as I know. Coal Clugh no lans but houses in good repair built upon the mines for the use of them Inclosed you have the best Ans[wer] I have received from Hexham, the Clark hath omitted Willm Hetheringtons Surrender of the

Letters – William Blackett to Ralph Fetherstonhalgh – 20 May 1719

I desire you will pay unto Mr George Mowbray the nine thousand pounds lent and advanced uon mortgage and Security of my estates of Winlington Kenton Woodcroft and other my estates in the County of Durham and Northumberland or one of them and for which sume of nine thousand pounds I have given receipt on severall of the said mortgage deeds and his Receipt shall be your sufficient discharge this being the twentieth day of May 1719 Wm Blackett Witnesses to the signing of this by Sr Wm Blackett

Letters – William Blackett to John Ord – 28 May 1719

Mr Ord, I cannot help thinking that the Security is sufficiently answerable for the sum thereupon to be raised; but howver for additional satisfaction there are no judgements, Statute, Recognizance or mortgage entered into by me, but one of about fifteen hundred pounds; of which I hope to be out of the Collected estates there may be room enough for the payment. If I should have an opportunity of selling Winlington your information whether in your opinion I am att liberty so to doe will much ob

Letters – George Mowbray to John Ord – 1 Jun 1719

Hexham June [obscured] Sr, I received your very kind & welcome letter for wch I am much in your debt, to send to Hexham I thought was uncertain to Answer tomorrow post so upon receipt of yours came here, Mr. Tate & Mr. Readhead are both at a loss how the Lord must pass a Coppyhold, it not agreeing with the Custome etc. however they have sent two Coppys the first as the Custome is, the other as they think it ought to pass, but they refer it to Mr. Steward to Correct and thinks thes

Letters – George Mowbray to John Ord – 1 Jun 1719

Allenheads Jun[ rest of date obscured] Sr, When I was with you I agreed to come on Saturday or Sunday but when I consider that we cannot expect an answer of your last letter from Sr William on Friday, and that it will be Sunday or Tuesdays post at soonest therefore I shall not come until I hear from you, my wife was gone to Steel hall when I came home so has not seen her but knows she will be very unease and therfor if you think their to be an absolute necessaty of my going pray be ple
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467