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Letter – Henry Rodbourne to Anne Webb – 3 Jan 1724

Madam London the 3d of Janry 1723 O.S. I haue the honour of yo'r La'pps Abstract w'th Sr: John's Letter of the 29th, and will not faile to observe all ord'rs & direcions, & assoone as possible will examine particulars : but as to the I'robat & enrollment of Wills, itt is not required in our case ; only reall Estates Devised by Will, there indeed the Lands Shall not pass without itt. & this is by the explanatory Act to that of the Registrin

Letter – Henry Rodbourne to Anne Webb – 20 Jan 1724

Madam London the 20th of Janry 1723 Pursuant to yo'r La'pps comands I haue here inclosed Extracts from mine, and the Stewards acco'ts of all the particulars of moneys p'd & returned to my late Dear Ladys order and use, but how and upon what acco't applyed, I am wholly ignorant : however I hope these particulars may be Some help towards the due examinacon and adjust'g the private Anuall acco't your La'pp menconed, for if the Severall extraor

Letter – Henry Rodbourne to Anne Webb – 3 Feb 1724

Madam London 3d of ffebruary 1723. I have the honour of yr La'pps of the 29 ultim' and also from Sr: John of the 9th inst N.S. & will take due care of the 100 bill when pr'sented, & in the interim attend yo'r La'pps further instructions as mcnconed in Sir John's last Letter. Wee are much Surprised att the miscarriage of the Box of writeings, Since they arrived Safe att Bridges as appeares by the inclosed from Mr Hunter to me ; and therefore if no

Account – George Allgood to William Blackett – 4 Mar 1724

Sr William Blackett Bart Dr To pay George Allgood Gent one thousand pounds according to Agreement made with him towards the dischargeing of several Incumbrances oe Legacies charged thereupon & <… ….> estates in Ryall Ingoe & Kearsley in Northumberland and given by the last will of Madam Christian Midford (widow of Robt Midford of Sighill Esq.) and Aunt of the said Sr Wm Blackett) to Diana Watson Dorothy Barbara Midford <& Christopher> and other her children and p

Minutes – Thomas Matthew – 3 May 1725

At a Committee met at Batsons Coffee House on Cornhill Monday the 3rd of May 1725 for inspecting the State of the Agreement depending between Thomas Guy Esquire at the time of his disease [sic] and Sir William Blackett Bart. according to an order of the Court of Committees held at Mr Guy’s Hospital the 28th of April last Present Mr Treasurer Mr Osborn Mr Lade Mr Lesingham Mr Kenrick Mr Hollis The Minute of the Court of Committees for appointing this Committee were read.

Account – Thomas Matthew – 3 May 1725

Copy of the Accounts whereunto the foregoing Report refers An Account of what moneys have been received and paid by Thomas Guy Esqr. and Acco[un]ts of Sir William Blackett Bart. since the date of and pursuant to An Agreement between the said Parties of the 13th July 1713, for the said Mr Guy’s Transferring on Account of Sir William Blackett so many of his 4 p[er] Cent Annuities as at the price of £96.10 would produce the sum of £65000 to be advanced to the said Sir William Blackett o

Letter – Henry Rodbourne to John Webb – 7 Jun 1725

Honoured Sir London 7 Jun' 1725. I have the honour of yo'rs of the 9th N.S. and will take punctuall care of yo'r bills. when pr'sented, as alfo of your tryall att the Assizes, haveing already given direccons in order to itt. I had lately a letter from Hatherope and my Lady with all the family there are in perfect health, and the Young Lady goes on very well, and am extremely glad to hear that you & your deare family are well, w'ch I beseech God to continue.

Minutes – Thomas Matthew – 26 Jun 1725

At a Committee met at the House of Thomas Matthew Clerk to this Corporation Saturday the 26th of June 1725 for inspecting the sate of the Agreements depending between Thomas Guy Esqr. at the time of his decease and Sir William Blackett Barrt. according to the order of the Court of Committees of the 28th of April and another Order of the Court of the 18th June instant Present Mr Lade in the Chair Mr Lessingham Mr Osborn Mr Lade Reported that the Report of this Comm[itt]ee of the 3

Minutes – Thomas Matthew – 2 Aug 1725

At a Committee met at the House of Thomas Matthew Clerk of this Corporation on Wednesday the 4th day of August 1725 for inspecting the state of the Agreements depending between Thomas Guy Esqr. at the time of his decease according to the former orders of the Court of Committees Present Mr Lade Mr Raper Mr Paice Mr Lessingham Mr Hollis Mr Osborn The Report of this Committee which met on this affair at Batson’s Coffee house the 3rd of May last and the minutes of this Commit

Minutes – Thomas Matthew – 4 Aug 1725

4th August 1725 In further pursuance of the directions of the Court of Committees held the 5th of May the 18th June & the 26th of June last your Committee for Inspecting the State of the Agreements depending between Thomas Guy Esqr. at the time of his decease and Sir William Blackett Bart. have further proceeded towards settling those affairs and have been attended by Mr Allgood Sir William Blacketts Agent who having examined the Act mentioned set forth in your Committe

Letters – Thomas Matthews – 9 Aug 1725

Memorandum This 9th day of Aug[us]t 1725 Cha: Joye John Lade & John Renwick Esqr. have transferred to me Two thousand pounds in the Debenture annuity Stock at £103:5s p[er] cent in order to pay 1753:15:11 to the Bank of England for the Acco[un]t of Sir Wm. Blacket in further part of the £65000 mortgage money agreed to be lent to the laite Sir Wm by Tho: Guy Esqr. dece[ase]d Witness my hand Tho Matthews

Letters – Thomas Matthews to Christopher Greenwood – 31 Aug 1725

Sherburn lane 31 Aug 1725 By order of Mr Treasurer I send you the Enclosed accounts that you may Enter these matters in the proper manner By Sr Wm Blackets Acco[un]t you will see I have £310: 4s:1d in my hands which I am to account for to the Treasurer. The Dividend & Annuity in the other acco[un]t I have paid and for these the treasurer will account with me so you are to carry all to book as if paid by the Treasurer. I am Sr Your humble Serv

Letters – George Allgood to Captain Midford – 20 Nov 1725

Capt Midford, Sr William Blacketts affairs are soe pressing upon me that I am not master of a moments time at present <.oid pull it out on power … Dyn ..> with you next Munday as I fully intended but hopeing to finde an opportunity to make good my promise to you <.. …> time that week of wch you shall have a right notice from Yr most faithfull Servat GA 20th Nov 1725

Letters – George Allgood – 23 Nov 1725

Received this 23rd of November 1725 of the President and Governours of the Hospital founded at the sole costs and charges of Thomas Guy Esquire by the Hands of Mr. Thomas Matthew and by value of a power to me given by Sir William Blackett the Sum of Six hundred pounds being part of the sum of twelve thousand pounds secured by a Mortgage to the said Corporation I say rec’d for the use of the said Sir William Blackett £600 by me George Allgood

Letters – George Allgood to Thomas Matthews – 1 Dec 1725

1 Decemr 1725 Received of the Corporation of the President and Governours of the Hospital founded at the sole costs and charges of Thomas Guy Esquire by the Hands of Charles Joye Esq the sum of Four thousand pounds being part of the sum of twelve thousand pounds secured by a Mortgage to the said Corporation I say rec’d by virtue of a power from the said Sir William Blackett and for his use £4000 by me George Allgood wtiness Tho Matthew

Letters to Thomas Salkeld – 8 Jan 1726

[on cover:] To Mr Tho: Salkeld in Newcastle These [presents] Nenthead January the 8th 1725/6 Sir, I think I need not now dispute of gaining my Honourable Master Sr W: Blackett’s favour, whether all my Opposers will or no, for I have loosed the Water att Readgroves also have plenty of ore, it is better likely than either Coleclough, we shall get more ore before the Carriers can get it away. Then we shall know what to do with, I shall addd no more because I hope to see you soon, but tha

Letters – Thomas Salkeld to George Allgood – 15 Jan 1726

Mr Allgood Jan the 15 1725 I have the favour of yours 6th instant SrWm is in very good health does not designed to draw for more money til he hears you are in cash I cannot give any act about Mr Wm Forster Mr Lanct Algood is well my humble service concludes yrs obedient Tho Salkeld

Letter – Charles Busby to John Webb – 14 Jun 1726

Sr. June the 14th, 1726. The Honor of yours to my Wife, I had owned long since, but differed the same in hopes to have given y'r Honor some agreeable News concerning Mr. Arth: R-fe, who, as I am told by Mr. Garlington, is now in tollerable good health, and goeing for London in about 3 Weeks ; which I am glad to hear, beliveing there may be many Snakes in the Grass where he bideth att present. Mr. Garlington has been many year's in my Lords ffamily, and liued with Mr. R fe

Letter – Henry Rodbourne to John Webb – 27 Mar 1727

Honoured Sir London 3, Apr' 1727 O.S. I haue the honour of yo'rs of the 22th March & this afternoon another of the 8th curr't N.S. & also of the 5th & will not faile to performe all yo'r comands & payments therein menconed. but first I must crave leave to pr'sent my humble thankes for your generous bounty, and hope & Sincerely wish, I may haue Some opportunity in yo'r affaires to deserve itt, I do assure you non shall be more ready in

Letter – Henry Rodbourne to John Webb – 29 Apr 1727

Honoured Sir, London 5' Maij 1727. I herewith prscnt, Mr: Mead's opinion concerning the late Lady Darwentwaters rentcharge, to whom I put a 2d quer', in ord'r to your indemnity, and you will observe he advises the dircccon of the Court of Chancery before you pay the money, and accordingly I intend to give Mr Rooke notice thereof, being now in Towne, pressing earnestly to haue itt, w'ch was the reason, together w'th your sentiments of the 19th past, of my t

Will – John Featherstone – 18 Dec 1727

In the name of God Amen. I john Featherston of Duxfield Hall in the County of Northumberland Gent being sick and weak in Body of sound and p.fect mind and memory praised be God for the same do make & ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say I commit my Soul into the hands of almighty God my Creator hopeing assuredly through the merits death passion of my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to be Saved and Rec.d into Eternall rest, my wretched B

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 27 Sep 1728

Mr Armstrong Allanheads Sent him 27 yards ½ broadcloth at 10s 6d p yard for himself, Rob Armstrong, Rich Allgood, Fra Salkeld, John Vickars, & 11 yards to be sent Mr Peart & Son, being 5 yards to each to be made up by themselves, & to attend the Funerall. Sent pr <Mr> Dodds 27 Sept 1728

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Edward Blackett – 30 Sep 1728

Newcastle 30 Sept 1728 Sir Edwd Blackett Barrt at Hexham Hon’d Sir On the melancholy Occation of Sr Wm Blackett’s Death I am Directed by the Trustees to Acquaint you that they have Order’d five yards & 1/2 superfine Cloth for your morning [sic] wch will be Deliver’d to your Order by Mr Wm Ainsley Clothier in this Towne if you please to accept thereof, or if it will be more Convenient to take it off any where Else it will be paid for; The Funerall is Intended to be sole

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Blackett – 30 Sep 1728

Newcastle 30 Sept 1728 To Mr Jno Blackett Sir, On the melancholy Occation of Sr Wm Blackett’s Death who Departed this life the 25th Instant at 8 in the Evening I am directed by my Lady Barbara & the Trustees to Acquaint you that they have Order’d five yards & 1/2 superfine Cloth for your morning [sic] if you please to Accept thereof wch will be Deliver’d or the Charge thereof paid to your Order the funeral is Intended to be solemnize’d on Munday the 7th Oct when y

Letter – Joseph Richmond – 1 Oct 1728

Newcastle 1 Oct 1728 Sir My Lady Barbara and the Exec[utor]s of Sir Wm Blackett Intending to Solemnise his funeral On Monday the 7th Inst Direct me On this melancholy occasion to Signify that your Company is Desired that day at 2 A Clock to Accompany his Corps from his house in Newcastle to St.BNicholas Church the place of his Interm[en]t as A Bearer I am yrs etc J R The above was writt to the following persons Rob Lawson Esq Chirton Geo Liddle Esq : Jno Hilton Esq : per Ja
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467