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Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Airey – 9 May 1730

To Mr Airey May 9 1730 Sir, For Answer to yours of yesterdays date I am ready to pay the fee farm rents for Rothley Rugley & Kenton that are in arrears wch is as below I am &c JR 1 yrs fee farm for Rothley due Michs 1729 0.16.8 Do for Rugley or Cambo do 0. 6.8 Do for Kenton do 0.4 £1. 7.4 Pray when am I to call for Longwitton arrears?

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Strother – 15 May 1730

To Mr Tho Strother Newcastle 15 May 1730 Sr, I shall deliver this Evening to the Leads Carrier three dozen of French wine & a Dozn Bottles Arrack pursuant to Sir Walter’s order the charge as below, six bottles of the Arrack are sealed wch I take to be much better than the others & is all I could get of the Sort Inclosed you have my bill on Sir Walter for Seventeen pounds 5s 5d the amount of the Holland wine and arrack ach you may return either by the Carrier or in any other manno

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Bacon – 15 May 1730

To Jno Bacon Esq Newcastle 15 May 1730 Sr, I have recd your favour of the 13th offering my Ma[ste]r your Wessonhope lead Oar, for wch I thank you. For answer I shall be very ready to buy it of you if you’l be pleased to accept of a price we can work it at & I think wee can give as much for it as any other person can offer, you are sensible I doubt not that Lead is now fallen from the price it bore last year & I wish I had no reason to fear it will still be lower. You will pleas

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Bacon – 15 May 1730

To Jno Bacon Esq Newcastle 15 May 1730 Sr, In answer to your Favour of the 13th, as soon as you are pleased to order down 334 ps Wessenhope Lead Ore & that Mr Dalton our Operator at Blaydon can make an assay of it you shall then know the Utmost wee can afford to give for it. I’m glad Wessonhop is likely to turn to Accot but as to Lead keeping up its price I doubt it, having too much reason to fear it will prove a falling Comodity. When the accot of the partnership mines are brot me i

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Charles Clark – 5 Jun 1730

To Mr Clark Newcastle the 5th June 1730 Sr, Inclosed I send you four bills of <Exitre> for the Sum of thirteen hundred & ten pounds 10 shillings and threepence as follows: May 15 1730 Fenwick & Wakes on Sr Jno Wms at 25 days £ 100 May 19 1730 Pr Bernardeau on Mr Cha. La Porte at 2 usuance £ 400 Do do do as above £ 600 Do do do as above £ 210.10.3

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Rudd – 5 Jun 1730

To Mr Rudd Newcastle 5 May 1730 Sr, I have recd your Acct for the Month of May from wch I note only 30 ps of lead sent from the mill, pray is not the way yet passable or what is the Reason the Carriage is not set on at this Leasure time when people have nothing else to do. I recommend it to you to hasten away all the Lead to Markett without loss of time before harvest comes on, & if there is any thing that prevents the Carryers setting on, immediately apply to Mr Hunter to remove the

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Bacon – 9 Jun 1730

To Jno Bacon Esq 9 June 1730 Sr, I have rec’d your Lre of the 27 ult & agreeable thereto have sent to Bollyhope Mill for a trial of the Lead, wch Mr Dalton tells me is pretty near the same in goodness wth the last parcel wee bought of you. When you consider how hard a Bargain the last was, the fall of Leda since the last year near 20s. a Fothr the present small demand & that it stills seems to be a falling Comodity I doubt not but you will think £17 10s 0d a Fother as much as o

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 10 Jun 1730

To Mr Hunter Newcastle 10 June 1730 I must desire you will severely reprimand your Dukesfield smelters for not only ill <screening> but also putting lumps of slags into the pig pan wch will certainly be attended with the ill consequence of deprecating our lead & giving it an ill Character at all marketts. The lead markt T. J. & C. is all bad but the last most notoriously so, whoever he is that’s the smelter he ought to be made an example to the Dist[rict], hanging is too g

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 12 Jun 1730

To Messrs Cook and Abell Newcastle 12 June 1730 Srs, The small quantity of Sylver wee have extracted since the last parcel I sent you has as usuall been consumed by our Sylversmiths here on acct of the Plate given in this Country & sold to them on more advantageous terms than sending it to London at 5s 9d, wch I hope you have no reason to Complain of, I am very well assured the Gentlemen I am concerned for had rather deal wth you than any other for the Remainder of our Qantity & I

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Bacon – 3 Jul 1730

To Jno Bacon Esq Newcastle 3 July 1730 Sr, I am D[ebto]r to yours of the 23d ult & am sorry thereby to find wee differ so much in our Opinion of the present value of your Wessonhope oar lead, I heartily wish you may get £18 10s 0d for it but am well assured that he who now gives it will find his Mistake; I should be very Glad to conclude a Bargain with you ready to give you as much as any other can afford but cannot accept of it on the Terms you expect I am with best Respects Sr yo

Letter – Joseph Richmond – 9 Jul 1730

July 9 1730, sent up 1 doz ½ claret 1 dozn port, 2 dozn ale, 3 bottles brandy to Allenheads against Mr Blackets going up & wrote Mr Armstrong to hasten the Reckoning & qual[if]y ano[the]r to give warning that those who come not to reckon will be postpon’d till another pay, but that he must reckon for such that there may be made a Clear account & no Omissions brought in afterwards where the reckoning and qua[rterly] accts are finish’d to make out his general account & another

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 14 Jul 1730

To Mr Denton Newcastle 14 July 1730 Sr, I have before me yours of the 9th signifying the mistake of ten pounds in the Body of Mr Bernardeau’s bill on mr laPorte, wch I am surprized I never discovered especially when I took copy of the Bill I inclos’d send you another of the same date for £210 10s 3d wch I desire you will carry to Mr. La: Porte for acceptance & at the same time take wth you the first bill, let him see his acceptation cut off or cancelled, & pray fail not in ret

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 14 Jul 1730

To Mr Hunter Newcastle 14 July 1730 Sr, I am oblig’d to repeat my Intreaties that you will send me in the Miln accounts at least to Xmas last without loss of time, You know there has been none d’d since Lady day gone twelve months to wch time the pay was made. If any enquiry is made into Affairs this will justly be looked upon as too loose proceedings for I am not able to finish the last years account for want of those three Qarters in arrear at Xmas wch I again desire you will Immedia

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Peter Walker – 14 Jul 1730

To Mr Walker at the three Crain Wharf Newcastle 14 July 1730 Sr, I received the twenty Casks of Boneashes in good order & have paid your bill to your <Bre[thre]n?> I desire you will send me the like quantity in casks of the same sort with the last, & am your &c JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 18 Jul 1730

To Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle 18 July 1730 Sr, I am Dr to the Favour of Mr Cooks, in answer to my letter of the 12th ulto Agreeable to wch I have this Day sent by Crabtree the London, two pieces of fine Silver w. eight hundred thirty seven ounces wch please to Debit your selves for as below and own the Receipt to… Yours &c JR 837 oz at 5s 10d £244.2.6

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Robert Macmorran – 21 Jul 1730

To Mr. Robert Macmorran Newcastle 21 July 1730 Sr, I am Dr to your Favour of the 18th ulto advising the shipping of the Boneashes wch I have received & shall pay the Charge at sight to your Order, but let it be a separate draft from your Disbursements for the Perfections &c on Mr. Blacketts accot. If you have any Correspondents at Chester I intreat your Favour pr first, to desire him to apply to some Clark in the Custom house there for an accot of what Lead has been shipt in that P

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 3 Aug 1730

To Mr Hunter Newcastle 3 Augt 1730 Sr, I received yours, with your Book pr Jonathan, the Book I shall return you by him on Wednesday & earnestly desire of you to make up the Lead carriage for the last year in 10 days time and then either to return me the Book or the accounts drawn out & totalled for Mr Blackett requires an Accot of the Lead Mines for 1729 wch I am ashamed I am not qualified to draw them out for want of the Mill Accot. I cannot conceived where the difficulty lays i

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 14 Aug 1730

To Mr Hunter NewCa 14 Augt 1730 Sr, On comparing your Book with the Groves accot I find the following difference in the Oar Carriage wch I desire you will Enquire into & get rectified, for there must be a mistake either in the delivery at the groves or the receipt at the milns, to prevent wch the mill Clarks should at the End of every Quarter send the grove Stewards an exact accot of the oar received, mentioning therein every everyCarriers name & Quantity and especially at Xmas pa

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Rebecca Stainforth – 6 Sep 1730

To Mrs <Stanford> at York Newcastle Sept 6th 1730 Madm, By Lancelt Allgoods drections I send you the below bill for twenty eight pounds ten shillings I desire you’l please to own the Reecipt thereof to him by the Return of the Post & am Mad’m yours &c JR Sr Twenty days after date please pay to Mr Jos Richmond or order Twenty Eight pounds ten shillings Value Rec’d & place it to Messrs Reay & Coulson Acct without further SAdvice from Sr yours &c JR To M

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Robert Macmorran – 9 Oct 1730

To Mr. Robt Macmorran Newcastle 9 Octobr 1730 Sr, Inclosed is a Bill for the sum of forty nine Pounds fifteen Shillings & threepence wch answers the two Receipts you sent me in your Lre of the 27th Augt last, I own I have but indifferently repaid the Confidence you thereby put in me, but hope the Reason given you in my last will prevail with you for my pardon. I desire you’l please to send me Copy of the accot wch you sent Mr Blackett of the Perfection, the 2.4 June last & that y

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 23 Oct 1730

To Mr Allgood at Bath Newcastle 23d Octobr 1730 Sr, I have your Lre of the 12th and am very glad to hear you are well after your journey. I have not yet got any more Money of Mr Howard but am still promis’d the remainder of your £80 promissery notes in 8 or 4 days Days wch I have reason to beliebe he will make good but as I mentioned in my last there’s no present hopes of getting the £465 & interest, I waited upon Mr Ward the Day the money was pd who told me he had advan

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 27 Oct 1730

To Mr Lancelot Allgood at Bath Newcastle 27th Octob 1730 Sr, I have received yours of the 17th & 19th inst but not having yet any answer from Mr Cook (nor from Mr Clark to whom I wrote to know if he had any money of him) can’t yet tell how his balance stands. You have on the other side his Accot to this day if Mr Clark has not call’d upon him. I have been wth Mr Howard since my last, who now says that being disappointed by Geo <Alder> of some money he expected

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 6 Nov 1730

To Mr Lancelot Allgood Esqr at Bath Newcastle 6th Nov 1730 Sr, My last brought you Mr Cooks acct as it stands with me, since wch have recd a Lre from Mr denton telling me that Mr Clark received £200 in Nov last, if that is all he has received on the new Accot there must be still in Mr Cooks hands £485 2s 0 ¾ d. Mr Cooks writes me he is ready to pay at sight the balance on his hands but does not own how much it is. I have therefore by this Post wrote Mr Denton to wait on him &am

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 6 Nov 1730

To Mr. Denton Newcastle 6th Nov 1730 Sr, Inclos’d you have a Bill for the Sum of one hundred and seventeen pounds twelve shillings to answer your Bills to Mr Ward the 20th ult, it will be punctually pd when due & is at as short a date as I could prevail, good Bills being now here difficult to meet with, without a prem[iu]m. I hope youl get Mr Dawsons & Fosters money in Town, if I could have recd that money here should have been very ready to have serv’d you in rerturning

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 10 Nov 1730

To Mr Allgood Sr, I have received your Lres of the 30 ulto & 2nd inst & send you inclos’d two Bills for the Sum of one Hundred & twelve Po[un]ds 6s 8d as below, being all I can at present meet with, they will become due nearly at the same time with Mrs Blacketts annuity, if you please to pay her out of this money & send me her Receipt & taken in my name, I shall then debit your private acco.t only for the £12 6s 8d and to Mr. Cooks Money, if you please to let me
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467