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Letter – Walter Blackett to Henry Ternegan – 10 Nov 1730

To Mr Henry Ternegan Esq. in Great Russell Street in Covent Gardn, London Newcastle Novr 10th 1730 Sr, Agreeable to your last I have sent you the above Bill, the Receipt of which I desire you will notify by a line to Mr Richmond in Newcastle I am Sr Yours &c Wr Bla Srs Newcastle Novr 10th 1730 Fifteen days after date pay to Walter Blackett Esq or order One Hundred pounds Value recd of Mr Joseph Richmond, as advised By Abm Dixon To Messrs Burward & Still In

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Bacon – 11 Nov 1730

To Mr. Bacon, Newcastle 11 Nov 1730 Sr, I have received your Lre of the 28th ulto, & have noted your 235 ps of Lead d’d at Blaydon, as below, you are pleas’d to say you will give an Order for the money in a short time. I always look upon two months in the leda trade to best of paymt, unless in Consideration of a better Bargain than I can assure you this will prove, but I shall punctually answer your draught whenever you think proper to press it upon me, only if you please I would des

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isabella Blackett – 17 Nov 1730

To Mrs Isabella Blackett Newcastle 17 Novr 1730 Madm, I received not your Lre of the 8th inst, till the last Post, agreeable to wch I send you inclosd a bill for one hundred pounds, to answer your half years annuity due the 24th. The receipt of wch I desire you will please to own by the Return of the Post to Madm Your most Obed Servt JR Srs Newcastle 17 Novr 1730 Twenty day after date pay to Mr Joseph Richmond or his order One Hundred pounds value received as advisd

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 17 Nov 1730

To Mr Allgood Newcastle 17 Novr 1730 I have by this post sent Mrs Isab Blackett a Bill for her half years annuity due 24 instant. My last bro[ugh]t you two Bills for £112 6s8d, & you have here inclos’d three bills for the sum of two hundred & eighty four pounds 11s 8d wch I could not procure before this post without paying ½ pr cent. Your account now stands as on the other side. Your Bro[the]r was in Town this morning & says will pay me £200 on your accot in ten days

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 17 Nov 1730

To Mr Allgood Newcastle 24 Novr 1730 I have before me yours of the 14th. I hope you got well to London on Fryday last wch I will be glad to hear, & also to know whether I may please my self wth the Expect[ation] of seeing you in the Country before Xmass, I wrote you in my Lre of the 22nd ulto that the Weardale miners were grown refractory for want of a pay, & as Jacob & Joseph Peart both told me, the greatest part of them would actually throw up if not pd before Xmass, Jo

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 4 Dec 1730

4 Dec 1730. Wrote Mr Allgood about Hawick, Harwood & Stella Collery

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Robert Long – 7 Dec 1730

7 Dec: Inclos’d to Mr Rob. Long 3 Lres for mr Blackett & wrote about the goods sent by Crabtree, & on 10 Dec inclos’d him a Lre for Mr Blackett

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 8 Dec 1730

To Lanc Allgood Esqr Newcastle 8 Dec 1730 Sr, I have favour of the 1st inst. & shall pay your bill to Sr Jno Swinburn whenever he sends for the money. I observe what you mention as to Kenton, but am of Opinion that Mr Wilkinson has given Mr Blackett such a hate of the Colliery that when Sr Walter considers it he won’t be so eager about the purchase, tho it certainly is worth more to Mr Blackett than to any other. I am sorry to hear you have still so many Demands upon you in To

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Michael Robinson – 8 Dec 1730

To Mr Robinson Newcastle 8 Dec 1730 Sr, Mr Dalton was wth me this morning about what has passed between you and him & seems determined to prosecute you for charging him wth conveying & disposeing of Mr Blacketts lead, if you have any real foundation for this charge I desire you will immediately for your Masters Intrest come & give me a particular & open accot thereof, What you told me yesterday was that you only had such a Suspicion, but if you can make out any facts you do

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 15 Dec 1730

To Walter Blackett Esq. Newcastle 15 Decemb 1730 Hond Sr, I have shipped in the Lark, Wm Pearson master, now ready to sale, the Coach & Furniture Nine boxes thre guns, & a firkin. For the freight of wch he’s by agreemt to be paid three guin[ea]s on safe delivery into the Newcastle warehouse. The boxes &c are all directed by the Butler for his Bro[the]r Robt Long, except a large Box directed for your Self, in wch I have packed all Sr Wms Cloaths, except a plain cloth Suit

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 18 Dec 1730

To Mr. Allgood Newcastle 18th Decem 1730 Sr, I own your favour of the 13th inst. & am sorry to find the money wch has been remitted Mr Clark is not applyd as you intended & I could have wished he had done, I hope that Money will be repaid by my Ld Tankerville in time to answr the demands upon you and prevent any slur being cast upon the trust, wch it is a pity so just a handle should be given for according to your order I inclose you three bills for the sum of twelve hundred &

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 19 Dec 1730

To Lancelot Allgood Esq Newcastle 19th Decem 1730 Sr, In answer to yours of the 14th wee have now at Markett about 3000 ps lead the better half of wch is reduced three hundred is slag & the rest common W.B. wch taking it together is a parcel of the best Lead to be met with in England £15 the London Fothr is an encourageing price to send lead to that market & will very well answr the freight Charges & Risque Lead being now currently sold here at £14 our Fothr: that I ha

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Dec 1730

To Mr Blackett, Newcastle 24th Decemb 1730 Honrd Sr, Pursuant to your directions of the 19th inst this brings you a bill for two hundred pounds as above wch plese to own the receipt of. I wish you success as to Kenton and the raising Guys Money, the finishing of both wch on good terms I shall be very glad to hear. I observe what you are pleased to mention of cultivating a good understanding wth the Country & shall with all possible application make it my Sole Study to do every

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 29 Dec 1730

To Mr. Allgood Newcastle 29th Decem 1730 Sr, Inclosed is Mr Reay’s bill on Mr Wm Shalton for one hundred and eighty pounds wch please to own the Receipt of. On Saturday last I sent by Farrar the London Carrier a Box directed for you containing 1060 ¼ oz of Silver Bullion as the other side & have debited you for the same at 5s 10d pr Oz, that being the price Mr Cook agreed to pay I thought it best to send it to you, as the tidiest way for your turning it into specie, it will b

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 2 Jan 1731

To Mr Allgood Newcastle 2nd Janry. 1730 Sir Inclosed is Mr.Dixons bill on Messrs. Burwood & Sill for the Sum of One hundred pounds, to Crabtree the carriers note for one hundred & fifty Pounds, wch. will nearly compleat your order, The Receipt of wch. please to own I have your favour of the 27th ult. & if the case be so wth. Respect to Kenton, I fear they’ll make it too dear a purchase to Mr. Blackett, Since my last, have enquired more narrowly as to the part wch. Bryers ha

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 3 Jan 1731

To Lancelot Allgood Esq Newcastle 3rd Janry 1730 Sir I received not your Lre [letter] of the 28th ult. till last Post, & then open. agreeable thereto you have on the other side, the content & Rentall of Mr. Blacketts part of Kenton, wth. my thoughts as you require them, of what I judge to be the utmost value of that Estate wch. if they will give it, I should think more eligible to accept of, than to pay an unreasonable price for the Lilburn upon accot. of the Colliery, wch. is m

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Peter Chevalier – 8 Jan 1731

To Mr. Peter Chavalier Mercht. London Newcastle 8 Janry Sir Mr. Richard Hodgson of this Place has been treating wth. me for 1000pcs. Lead on Accot. of the Paris East India Company, for the value of wch. if we conclude a Bargain, I am to have this bill or bills upon you at 30 days from the shipping the Lead, as I may have occasion to dispose of his bills here this is to desire the favour of a line whether youll please to pay the same, wch.will prevent my sending them up to you for accept

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 9 Jan 1731

To Mr. John Armstrong Newcastle 9th Janry 1730 Sir I have paid Mr. Johnson for the last Quar.s [Quarter’s] candles at £5.10 a doz. wch. price he likewise insists on for the future, but says if you can meet wth. any person to supply the Miner at a lower price, he will be content to take that price. I am glad to find you have got the people set to work at Allenheads on their new Bargains, I wish they may prove good, You best know who is a proper person to succeed in the Clerks place, there

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 12 Jan 1731

To Walter Blackett Esqr. in Poland Street near Goldn. Square London Newcastle Janry 12th. 1730 I received the Favour of your Lre dated 29th ult. I have sent Mr. Allgood the particulars of Your part of Kenton, as well as that of the Lilburns as far as I can inform myself, I heartly wish you Success in that affair and also in raising the grand Sum, wch. I hope is <or> this nearly compleated, I have by this Post sent Mr. Allgood an accot. of the Lead mines, Refinery & Colli

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 12 Jan 1731

To Lancelot Allgood Esqr. Newcastle 12th Jannur.y 1730 Sir I am favoured with yours of the fifth & seventh inst, I shall be glad to hear the Result of your last meeting at Mr. Barkers. Inclosed are the accots. you write for, viz a Rentall of the whole Estate, an accot. of the mines & Refinery for 1728 & 1729, & the nearest computation I can at present make thereof for 1730. Also a computation of the personal Estate as it stood at Xmas 1728, & how it at present stan

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 12 Jan 1731

To Mr. Denton Newcastle 12th Janry. 1730 Sir Agreable to yours of the 7th I send you inclosed Mr. Howards Bond to Mr. Blackett for £265.0.00 for wch. no intrest has been paid, I presume you have no occasion for the <warrant> of Attorney, wch. as you do not write for, I have not sent I shall be glad to hear the Results of the Conference held at Mr. Bowes.s on Friday last, & tho Mr. Blacketts part of Kenton is so pretty an Estate that tis a pity to part with it yet can’t

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 19 Jan 1731

Janry. 19 Lre. Wrote Mr. Allgood in answer to his of the 9th & 12th. Sent him Byers’ accot. of Kenton, & acquainted him with Mr Lowes’ Death. Wrote Mr. Blackett that Mr Lowes was dead, & that the Living was valued at about <40s> a Year

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 2 Feb 1731

To Mr. Allgood Newcastle 2nd Febry 1730/1 Sir I have yours of the 28th ult. With your Queries relateing to Kenton Collry… The little time you allow me for Enquiry, & the death of all the elders who knew her, except John Barnes now in Colonel Liddles service, will I hope be admitted in apology for any defficiency, that shall appear in my ans. I am humbly of Opinion that it will be more for Mr. Blacketts Intrest, if he cannot sell, to lease his moiety of the Collry. on the best

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 5 Feb 1731

To Mr. Allgood Newcastle 5th Febry 1730 Sir Inclosed are two bills of Exchange for the sum of four hundred & fifty pounds, wch. answers the sums in the <margent> & is wch. I Desire youl please to own the receipt of. Yesterday I paid the omissions in Mr. Mowbrys pay bill at Hexham wch. Amounted to 250. 19. 3¼ Mrs. <Vazey> bad me acquaint you that Ridleys money laying ready in Hexham to be paid on your sending down the bond, & that she will write the next Friday

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 9 Feb 1731

To Walter Blackett Esq. Newcastle 9 Febry 1730 Hon. Sir I have read your Lre. [letter] of the 2, am glad the £200 Bill was duly honour’d, I shall be much more so to find matters settled between you & the Trust, to your satisfaction, I shall in pursuance of your Order give all the assistance I can, on Mr. Allgoods when, in expediting his Accots. For Examination, my own are ready to undergoe their tryall. however the Affairs of Kenton be now terminated, I hope it will prove for the
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467