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Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 15 Feb 1731

To Mr. Hunter 15 Febry 1730 I have seen severall Lres from France, Holland & other Marketts to our merchants here, complaining that our Lead is not near so good as formerly, & partercularly what they had last year was so bad, that they say will never order another quantity of it, except they find it much better for the future, I fear there is too much foundation for the Compt. from the Roguery wee have discovered in the refinery Lead, some of the Workmen have no doubt played the sa

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Michael Robinson – 19 Feb 1731

Mr. Robinson Newcastle 19 Febry 1730 On Receipt hereof send warning to all the tenants to pay their arrears & last half years Rents, & on Saturday fortnight at furthest bring me in what Money you shall then have raised amongst them. my Ma[sters] Occasions requires your utmost endeavours as herein. J.R. Mr. Robinson Send Wm. Brown to warn all the Tenants of Hallington <Fb:> wch. Ingoe & Rial to pay their Rents at Hallington Hall on Thursday & Friday the 11th &a

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 20 Feb 1731

To Lancelot Allgood Esqr. Newcastle 20th Febry 1730, Sir I have your Lre [letter] of the 9th wherein you are pleas’d to say you have clos’d an agreement with Col. Liddle. I shall be glad to know upon what Terms, & whether Mr. Blackett is the Purchaser of Kenton, for wee have it variously reported, The favour of a Line concerning your Article with Mr. Blackett will also be very acceptable. The Lead trade is at present very dull, & the price abt. £14. I hope it wil

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 20 Feb 1731

To Walter Blackett Esq. Newcastle 20 Febry. 1730 Hon. Sir Your favour of the 13th informs me you are come to some conclusion abt. Kenton, but the Reports wee have here are so various, & your Lre not mentioning that you are the purchasor, I know not yet whether I may wish you joy of that Estate. The Arrack is come safe to hand, wch. I shall forward as you direct. Winship went yesterday to Carlisle about the hounds there to be disposed of with directions to buy as many of them as he shal

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 23 Feb 1731

To Mr. Allgood Newcastle 23d. Febry. 1730, Sir Inclosed are three Bills on Mr. Peter Cavalier for the Sum of two Hundred & forty six pounds 8s. & 2d wch. I shall Debit you for on the Trust Accot. & wch. I desire you’ll please to own the Receipt of. I have this day sold Mr. Ald[erma]m Ridley 1000 ps Lead at £14.7.6 to be all shipt before the 20 Aprl., wch. he is by Contract to pay for in bills at 30 days

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 27 Feb 1731

To Lancelot Allgood Esqr. Newcastle 27 Febry 1730, I am much dissappointed to find, by your Lre of the 23, that matters are not yet brot. to any conclusion, but remain still in good hopes they will, before you leave the Town, I am however glad to hear wee may expect to see you in the Country, whether I wish you and your Lady a good Journey. I have reced here £16. 17s. 0d for Mr. Denton wch. I cannot get him a Bill for, if it will be no ways inconvenient I beg you will please to pay

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 27 Feb 1731

To Christopher Denton Newcastle 27 Febry 1730, Sir I am oblidg’d to you for the favour of your last agreable to wch. I reced. that day of Mr. Scott the £16. 17s. 0d & gave him my Receipt for it, but not being able to meet wth. a bill for the sum, have by this Post desired Mr. Allgood to pay you so much on my Account if it be agreable to him to pay it, please to signifie the Receipt, if it is not. I will use my best Endeavours to return it you another way, The <Hayes> are co

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 27 Feb 1731

To Walter Blackett Esq. Newcastle 27 Febry. 1730, Hon. Sir Winships Journey to Carlisle has turned to no Accot. for Mrs. Appleby’s Dogs, wch. he went to see, are no ways suitable, being two Inches above the Size of the <Fowlers Peice>, he took <Singwell> & Darling wth. him and was out a days hunting, when about four couple out viewed Darling, but <Singwell> out drove them all he tells me the best are stole, & that there remains twelve Couple, wch. Mrs. App

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 5 Mar 1731

Walter Blackett Esqr. Newcastle March 5th 1730 [Honour]d Sir Your Lre of the 25th post, favours me with the particulars of the Treaty you are upon with the Confiderates, I did hope that the proviso of quitting at ten years could not be got wou[l]d, a larger Rent, in this Conjuncture might have been obtained. The damage to your own Estate, will be very considerable, but the Stipulations on that account, If I understand them rightly, do think a f

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 9 Mar 1731

To Walter Blacket Esqr. Newcastle March the 9th 1730 Hon[ou]rd Sir I have your Lre of the 2nd & agreeable thereto you receive inclosed three bills for the sum of two Hundred & fifty pounds (as above) which please to own the receipt of, these are all Sean procure at present, but I expect a bill from Mr Ogle next week. My last gave you acco[un]t of the Lead trade, wee have only at Markett abt. 900 pigs, but the weather being dry, hope to

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 13 Mar 1731

To Mr Allgood Newcastle 13th Mar 1730 Sir I have received severall Lres from Mr Mowbray the Clogger & Mrs Lowdens Cred[ito]rs about that payment of their money at Ladyday day pursuant to Mr Wilkinsons award, the particulars of which I formerly sent you, & such of her creditors as live in this place, have been with me to know whether their Money will be then paid, I beg your directions herein, whether the same or any part thereof must be paid, for I expect them all to demand

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 16 Mar 1731

To Walter Blackett Esqr. Newcastle 16 Mar 1730 Honourd Sir I acquainted you in my Lre of the 5th that I had sent for Mark Bowman to give Mr Ord an acct of the Persons he complain’d of for destroying the game, But he did not come, having no proof against any, I was last week at Wallington, where being told that severall hares were kil[l]ed at Fallowlees & Leighton in the last snow, I took Fenw: Bowman, who is Constable and by threatening the &

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 23 Mar 1731

To Mr Issaac Hunter Newcastle 23 Mar: 1730 Sir Yesterday I sold Mr Bernardeau a large bargain of Lead which must be d[elivere]d in 14 days, or the contract is void, As wee have not at Bla[y]don more than 300 p[iece]s Lead unsold I must beg of you to hasten the Lead from Dukesfield miln with all possible dispatch, & also from the other milns, that wee may not lose the Spring market for as soon as that is supplied, Lead will most certainly drop very considerably. I recommend this

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 26 Mar 1731

To Mr Chris. Denton No. 8 Grays Inn Newcastle 26 Mar 1731 Sir, I hereinclose you a bill for the sum of £100 purs[uan]t to Mr Allgoods order of the 13 ul[timo] on account of Exemplefying the <Will> which I desire you will acknowledge the receipt of, & let me know whether Mr Allgood has paid you the £16. 17. 0, that I received of Mr <Leet> etc JR Mar 26 1731 Jon. Walker on Mat Featherston Esq. at 20 days for £100 payable to JR or orde

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 27 Mar 1731

To Lancelot Allgood Esqr. Newcastle 27 March 1731 Sir I am D[ebto]r to the favour of your Lre of the 13th agreeable to which I sent Mr Denton a bill for One hundred pounds. On the otherside you have an account of the Lead mines & Refinery for the year 1730 in which year Weardale groves have turned to better acco[un]t than I ever knew them, but you will observe they are by much the most chargeable groves all the oar got there standing to about 35s a Bi

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 27 Mar 1731

To Walter Blackett Esqr. Newcastle 27 Mar: 1731 Hon[ou]rd Sir, Within you have an account of your Lead mines & Refinery for the year 1730, which, tho Lead has drop[p]ed considerably from the price it bore in 1729 have produced above £7900 provided the stock in hand will sell at £14 a Foth[e]r at present the price is at 14. 5 & if they have not too good success in Wales this year, it will advance, that being the markett that Rivalls us in the French trade.

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Bacon – 2 Apr 1731

To Mr. Bacon Newcastle April 2nd 1731 Sr. Inclosed is your account for the two last years, which I hope you will find right, when you please to give me Liberty I shall draw on you for the Ballance. Mr Isaacson, late Collect[o]r here, was with me yesterday about taking a Tack of Pikestone grive, in which he & some other gentlemen have a mind to make a bold Venture, he has offered ¼ oar in kind or 13s a Bing to be accountable to the Rector of Wolsin

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 3 Apr 1731

To Mr Denton Newcastle 3 April 1731 Sr., Your Lre of the 27th ult.o bro[ugh]t me Mr. Allgoods Bill payable to Jno. Culcheth Esqr. or order for Eighty seven pounds ten shillings I have this day p[ai]d your Bill on me for Eighty pounds, shall pay the seven pounds ten shillings as you direct, I am JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 3 Apr 1731

To Mr Allgood Newcastle 3rd April 1731 Sir, I was very sorry to hear by Mr Dentons Lre, that Mrs Allgood was indispos’d, am glad to find by your Lre of the 28 past, that she is much better, & heartly wish her health. I shall take care to pay the Bills you say you have drawn on me,& to order the piece of Plate for Hexham against Mayday. My Lre of the 20th Febr[uar]y acquainted you with Doddes & Atkinson the Kenton tenants being much behind, They owe now

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 3 Apr 1731

To Walter Blackett Esqr. Newcastle April 3rd 1731 Hon[ou]rd Sir John Robinson shew’d me the Lre he sent you, but was then, & still is unwilling to give any acco[un]t of his scheme, till the £50 a year which I take to be the best part of it, is confirmed to him, I have told him that if he can lay down any proposals which appear feasible, he need not question your giving him Encouragement, but he says they shall remain a secret till he sees yo

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 9 Apr 1731

To Mr. Allgood Newcastle 9th Ap.l 1731 Sir, Last Night I reced your Lre of the 1st inst, on my Return from the mines pursuant to which I have examined Lady Barbara’s Mrs Bruces, & Mrs Isabella Blacketts accounts, & find that what you mention to be charg[ed] by Mr Clark under those heads does not inte[r]fere with either your payment or mine; except Mrs Isabella Blacketts half Years Annuity due May 1729 which you charge to be paid by you, & for which I believe you ha

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 10 Apr 1731

To Mr Allgood Newcastle April 10 1731 Sir, Last Post bro[ugh]t me your Lre of the 6th As to the £1032. 10s. 0d which Mr Clark is made D[ebto]r for the 13th Sept[emb]er 1728, I know no more of it than that you charge him in your acco[un]t, only with that sum, so if you sent Mr Denton at that time £1332. 10. 0d. Mr Clark must be <debited> for £300 more, for which your acco[un]t must have credit, On the 21st December 1728, I paid you at <Felb

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 15 Apr 1731

To Walter Blackett Esqr. Newcastle 15th Ap.l 1731 Hon[ou]rd Sir, On my return from the Leadmines where all things go on successfully, I reced your Lre of the 2nd instant & shall take care to pay your bill to the order of Mr Cagdale. I sent by Winship 30 guin[ea]s for the Guelding which Mr Carr b[ough]t you & he is getting him into order against you coming into the Country. I have plow’d & sewn the Nuns, & begin with the design o

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 16 Apr 1731

To Mr Allgood Newcastle 16th April 1731 Sir, I have rece[ive]d your Letter of the 10th , Agreable to which this incloses you two Bills for seven hundred pounds, as follows, which please to send for Acceptance, & advise me on the Receipts hereof. I have had severall meetings with M.o Jos: Watson the Fitter about your house in the <Maxknowls>, & have at last bro[ugh]t him to £20 a year on a lease for 7 or 9 years, provi

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 23 Apr 1731

To Walter Blackett Esqr. Newcastle April 23d 1731 Hon[ou]rd Sir, Cap[tai]n Ellisons Servant has delivered me the Mare in very good order, Here is Gentlewoman desirous take the old Hall at Kenton, I believe she will give Six pounds a year for it, & agree to the Reservation of the Rooms for the use of your servants, as this will be of service to the house, & I think not to <comodious> to your stables, I desire your directions whether I may let it, &a
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467